Monday, February 4, 2013

Everything is Economic!!

Yes, everything is economic!
Watch this clip and let me know if you agree.


  1. I really thought that this was an eye opening video. Now that I know that I will never wear cologne. It shows how much control manufacturers have over consumers because they can make anything extremely valuable-- like whale barf. Also, I thought it was interesting how not only is it so scarce, but it is so desired that perfume companies try to copy the smell that it has. Peter M AP Micro period6

  2. AP Micro - PD 6 - MTC

    To be honest, I'm not sure what type of reaction is being expected of me. I don't have any problem with ambergris in concept. I don't think that the substance is gross or funny. I'm aware that there are certain hard to attain fragrances that are sold for lots of money per bottle. But, I have no really interest in fragrances and perfume. I suppose it is fun to think that anyone can stumble upon a substance in nature and suddenly become rich off it, but I doubt ambergris is as valuable as it used to be.

    What I do find funny about the smell industry is that branding is more important than the actual substance. Two products can be chemically the same but sold at two different prices based on how cool and pretension the brand name sounds and how interesting and elegant the bottles look. To be clear, I don’t have a problem with businesses doing this, in fact I’m glad they do. However, it is another reason for me not to care about perfumes.

  3. Diane Li
    AP Micro Period 6

    As a person who has grown up with Youtube and as a person who has been using this website for a long time, I feel as if Youtube is continually becoming a website that is used for advertising. This person is using the website to specifically promote a Hermes perfume and she reviews it. For people like her, she earns a revenue by creating videos and having people watch her videos. I find it very interesting how Youtube itself has evolved. Although this website was originally used for entertainment, its role is changing. In addition, I find it really funny how people can really make a product out of anything, as long as it is attached to a name that is famous, such as Hermes. If other companies try to promote a product that was made out of whale barf, it probably would not be as famous as the one Hermes made. It is interesting how people are eager to use a product and the image it ensues.

  4. Karishma Tank
    period 6, AP Micro

    I agree with the statement that everything is economic, and I think that this video definitely proves it. This is shown through her talk about the ambergris and how it is made into an economic opportunity because of someone's ability to "become a millionaire" through finding ambergris, which itself is rare. The fact that people are able to make money off of sperm whale barf is interesting because at first thought, I wouldn't ever think of incorporating it or using it for anything, especially perfume. I also think that the fact that ambergris has a variety of smells is another economic opportunity because it increases the number of different perfumes that can be created with the different scents. This video makes me think if it's actually possible that someone could use human barf as an economic opportunity for something like perfume, but I'm really not sure how well that would go.

  5. Aditya Lakhani
    I thought that this video did show that everything does have to do with economics. She emphasizes of the rarity (scarcity) of the product from the sperm whale, so if there is a product that comes out that smells similar to that, people will want it and demand it because there is thought to be such a low supply of the original product.

  6. I think that this video does show that everything is economic because of all the different resources that can be used for things. People dont even realize that resources can come from things like whale barf, which is disgusting, but i guess can be very useful for certain things. It also shows how when there is a need for something, no matter what it is, the price of it can go up a lot. I would never believe that Whale barf would be an expensive and rare resource, but i was proved wrong. Also, even though this woman knows that this perfume is made out of whale barf, she doesnt care. She still says that she likes the product and recommends it.

    -Isaac, period 6, Microeconomics

  7. Richard period 6
    Well that was an interesting video. I never expected whale barf to be so valuable, but I guess it all depends on how large the demand vs supply is.
    The Ambergris actually reminded me of truffles used in cooking, as good truffles can be ridiculously expensive because of their low supply yet high demand.

  8. I definitely agree that everything can be seen through economics. In terms of this video, the fact that the whale “ambergris” is so sought after for its usage in perfumes perplexes me. But then again, economics deals with how rational humans handle scarcity, so this is almost expected. I’m not quite sure how this ingredient came to be used in fragrances, although its rarity most likely would immensely raise the price of any perfume. In this sense, everything is economic; we can use economics to analyze perfume, a seemingly disparate topic.

    Ben Pleat (Pd 6 Micro)

  9. First off, I am buying this perfume. I was really surprised to see how perfume can be based off of whale barf. It was quite eccentric how the whale barf is refined through the sun and ocean water and washes up on shore. I wonder how this was first discovered and how it became valuable. Lastly, it seems like a very unique perfume that I may want to try as it is unisex.
    Period 6- S.P.

  10. Period 6 Micro - Jeffrey Kim
    First off, the lady, Katie Puckrik, is kind of a weird lady. But she does talk about the interesting economics of something as bizarre as whale barf, Ambergris. I quickly looked up the price of Ambergris and read that a pound was valued at about $60,000. I thought this was pretty valuable for something that is easily and commonly replaced. However, the scarcity and tradition of using Ambergris continues its value. But with technological advancements that have replaced Ambergris, the production possibility frontier has expanded to match the increase in demand for perfume. All these causes and effects of Ambergris proves that economics is everywhere.

  11. This is really interesting because I believe it shows that even the smallest and seemingly useless elements can be turned into products that companies can sell for a lot of money. This video made me realize that in the end it does not really matter what companies use to make the product because the product will still sell regardless since we are a consumer-based society. (V.P. ~ Micro Period 6)

  12. I was quite surprised to find that Eau de Merveilles was inspired by whale vomit. The main ingredient of the perfume is ambergris which is what a whale upchucks. It's quite interesting to see that even something which we would hardly value like whale vomit could be so desirable. It's also ironic that this vomit is a prized ingredient for perfume. This clip just shows us that many things in the world may hold value that we are just unaware of at the moment.

    Period 6

  13. While I'm glad the use of this ingredient in perfumes has dwindled down over the years, I think what I got out of this video was that you can sell pretty much anything if you have the right pitch. This lady goes into detail about all these different ways "whale barf" is special and this is an example of how its mostly the consumers who make the product worth a certain amount and the producers are not doing much other than just hoping for sales. I can't tell if this is a hoax but if this was truly a multi-million dollar hit in the past, I can't say I'd be surprised due to somethings that us as consumers have made into hits in the past like powerbands, livestrong bands, and other fads.

    -Jeff C. Period 6

  14. 6,D.V.: If one could use something as obscure as a whale's vomit as a resource for production, it makes me believe that yes everything is economic. Businesses have the power to use anything and everything as a resource in this society and assign a value to it to transfer money from the consumers' pockets to their pockets. It makes me wonder how truly limited are we in finding resources if we can find inspiration from vomit to make a profit.

  15. Period 6 Neal Parikh
    The fact that people voluntarily use fragrance which has whale "vomit" is very disturbing. Nevertheless, something that is more surprising is that whale "vomit" is very rare and valuable. You would think that this would simply be waste. However, it goes to show that as demand goes up, so does price. Furthermore, it also shows that almost anything can be marketable if it is targeted to the proper audience. Lastly, another thing I would like to note is that people do not care (that it is whale vomit) as long as it is effective (smells good). Thus, I think this says quite a bit about the mentality of people today: always looking for what something can do for them.

  16. Ibrahim Taher
    pd. 6 AP Microeconomics

    I do see the economics present in this video. Katie Puckrik examines a special kind of perfume known as Eau de Mervelles by Hermes. She consistently tells the viewer that the fragrance's greatest ingredient, is rare and highly priced. This simply is basic supply and demand. There is not enough supply to meet the demand for the fragrance, which means there is a high price for the item. However, there is more to this, which probably is more of a microeconomic and pyschological approach, which is the power of persuasion. This woman essentially sells us whale barf, and if I do say so, she does it well. Her power of wording and other persuasion tools makes the reader totally forget that this product is just whale barf and think that it is this ezquisite fragrance. It's interesting really. The whole world seems to be economic in many ways.

  17. Period 6 : T. Cohen

    This video showed the full product cycle of a specialty good such as perfume. Often times perfumes are obscenely expensive and this video points out the reason why. It is also very interesting to learn that a whale's excrement can be so fragrant and even cherished in the world. On a seperate article that I read, it quotes "a sperm whale poop is almost worth its weight in gold."

  18. This video seemed very interesting. At first I thought that it could be a satire piece, but after I did a good search I found out that the info in this video is actually true. The fact that whale by-products could be used in high end perfumes demonstrates how businesses can sell pretty much anything to consumers in our modern consumer society. So, in this sense, anything, as long as it can be packaged and sold is economic.

    - Ammar, Ap Micro Pd. 6

  19. Very interesting, I had heard of ambergris before but not how it actually formed. I guess it doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel good, and is scarce people will want it. - KJL Pd. 6

  20. After viewing this video I guess that everything is economic. If you can use the poop of sperm whales for economic profit then you can use anything. I didnt believe that htis video clip was the truth so I googled the topic and realized that sperm whale poop is actually worth a lot. Its ridiculous but it means that everything is economic. I just hope that one day I can find some sperm whale poop and make a ton of money off of it so I can enjoy life and work less.

  21. Yes I think everything is economic. Anything can be made into a profit, from whale barf to animal skin (coats etc) to cow poop (fertalizer). The world is all about profit and money and everybody alwayes wants something. Even rocks would proably interest certain people.

  22. This video shows alot to me about how the economy revolves around how expensive studd is and the more expensive thing you buy the higher class you are. the video is trying to show that even though a bottle of colonge that is worth alot of money shows what type of class you are in. also it shows that our economy is really bad that we have to revovle and put our people in catorgories that explain their economic classs.
    PD 2 Gov&Eco SRA ZM

  23. I agree with this because even whale barf has to do with the ecomony as shown in the video and also that evreything made in this world has to do with ecnomics because its income and outcome.

  24. i agree that everything is economic because no matter what things are made of, if its useful people will buy it.
    prd 2 E
