Saturday, January 28, 2012

Living With No Regrets

We will spend a lot of time looking at the economics of life this semester. I always stress the importance of mental and financial flexibility in meeting your personal goals in life. Here is an article that gets data from the "experts". See if anything strikes a chord for you.


  1. I enjoyed reading that article, it wasn't depressing or boring, it was actually really positive. I agreed with everything, I think it's really important not to take life for granted and to not live with any regrets. It's aways a good thing to stay active, be positive, and engage in activities or social events. The most important thing I would agree with is to choose a career that you're going to enjoy and love doing. People who choose a career for the money or for whatever purposes wind up being miserable and hate having to go to work everyday, which isn't worth it. In the last few paragraphs of the article someone said that you get to choose your happiness. No one can determine your attitude or how you're feeling, if you make the decisions you want to do then you'll be happy living the life you will eventually have.
    Pd. 7 jess

  2. I really love this article not only because it described the ideal way to live, but it also gave a reality check to those living without a passion for life. Just reading the first line made me realize that I live in the exact way that should be avoided: being too consumed with work and worry, instead of enjoying the little things. I always knew that the lifestyle I developed, mostly this year and the last, is unhealthy and quite frankly annoying. All I have been doing for two years is coming home from school and barely giving myself a second to breathe before starting work. And I hate living like there is nothing else in life but work. But that is the matter with most people. It is important to appreciate the details and take time to enjoy what has been given to you. I could really go on and on with this rant, but basically, there has to be a time when everyone comes to an understanding that living means being happy. And this realization should not wait until the last minute: live every day like your last should be everyone's motto.

  3. This article definitely helps emphasize the fact that we should do what makes us happy and enjoy every minute of it. I always think to myself carpe diem or seize the day. Live everyday like its the last. And if you want to live life like this and do everything on your bucket list, you have to have a stable flow of money, of course depending on your bucket list.
    Ian Lieberman prd 7

  4. I find this article to be very refreshing. Many people talk about the idea of living life to the fullest but i think this may be the first time ive seen it actually in writing. But overall i found the article to be very insightful and encouraging beacuse of the fact that it says that you shouldnt pick a career beacuse of the high pay or its various perks, but pick a career that you are going to love to wake up and go to each morning.-Dan. Prd 7

  5. Everyone is starting to take things for granted and don't realize how much everyone is priviledged. People also need to "follow their dreams" and make the most out of their life time. They shouldn't be stuck in one job that gets them the money to get by. That should only be their temporary job, but it shouldn't stop them from reaching their ideal job. Also, people are starting to give up early on relationships, marriage, their jobs, etc. They shouldn't give up too early on important things such as these. They should give it a chance and try to work hard for a goal that is wanting to be reached. A lot of elders were quoted in this article and this shows that they've been through it and they realize that life is short and they shouldn't overlook things like that used to and take everything in.

    -Alyssa, pd. 7

  6. This article tells us that life would be better if we treasure every moment we get. Use every day like it is our last and live happily in whatever we do in life. to die having no regrets. I believe this is the way we should all live our live. If we do what makes us happy/proud then we can leave this world saying we have lived a good life.

    Mike Tennis

  7. The most important thing is to find a profession that you love. If you do that, you won't have to work a day in your life. This really stuck out to me because I'm still kind of unsure what I want to do in the future. I've had many thoughts about where I want to take my life and this article pretty much helped me make a decision.

    Alvin Tse period 7

  8. It is possible to live withotut regrets. Now, as students, we think that studying and ataining that job will make us happy with no regrets. But, we have to think about what we truely want in life. If we just look and look at our true passion and work for it, many of lives regrets will escape us. For example, if we are married, we have to stick it out becuase for years to come, we live with the regret of leaving a marriage. The same applies to careers we need to get jobs that please us and motivate us to wake up in the morning. Otherwise, we will end up a dead beat job that we dont even want to do. If we hate the job, but we have no other choice , we have to keep it becuase then we will have more regrets if we leave. For aging, if we fight it we will never understand the true beautyof aging with more experience. White hair shows experience and respect, instead, of not being able to something you could do 10 years ago.
    Bottom line, how happy you are depends on how we respond to situations that occurs around us. If we respond based on materialistic values such as money, we may end up unhapy and with many regrets. But, if we think and analyze what we really want, there will no regrets.
    Joel Thomas period 7

  9. After reading this article, I did not receive much information economically, but the life lessons definitely stuck out to me. The fact that the article talks about living each day as if it were your last day sticks out to me. I definitely enjoyed reading about the career aspect of the article, and how you should try and find a career that makes you the happiest, instead of the most prestigious one. Right now aging is not one of the biggest concerns of my life, but I know someday it will be. I like the advice the article gives too. Embrace aging instead of fighting it and do not waste your time with worrying about something you cannot stop.
    -Tim C Period 7

  10. This article was different from the ones we normally read. Data that is being released shows that people are living a stressful and unhappy life. Divorce rates are high, anti depressant medication and anxiety pills are bought more often. The important things in life seem to be, to work and make a lot of money. Values are not as important any more. I think a lot of pressure is on making money because that is what we think will make us happy. People force themselves into doing jobs that they hate just because of the paycheck.
    -Krutee pd.7

  11. There is alot to take in from this article about life. If doing the things that all these elderly people gave advice on was as easy as they made it seem, more people would follow the advice. The biggest advice given was the one about happiness because it impacts all the other factors. You always have a choice to be happy and react a certain way when choosing a career, growing old with someone, raising your kids, or letting go of regrets. I realized that this article actually said not to choose a wealthy career for the money but for the enjoyment you have while working, which is totally different from what people believe nowadays. Before people would say "i want to be a doctor to save lives" and now all you hear is "i need to be a doctor to become rich". The best thing you can do is always doing what you love most.
    Erica Diaz
    Period 7 Economics

  12. I like this article because it says to live without regrets, but don't be irrational about it. Living a full life doesn't necessarrily mean to take every risk and opportunity in your way. That'd be destructive. It says to think things through and decide which would be better. The only thing I don't like is the end where it sort of lays "guidelines" and "rules" for getting married, getting a job, ect. It makes the article feel less natural.

    Matt A Period 7

  13. After reading that article, I think everyones life motto should be live everyday like its your last. This article was a very positive article. I agreed with everything. You should not take life for granted. You should always be positive and active with whatever you get handed to you. I agree with what the article says about choosing careers. You should do what you love otherwise you wont ever be happy. You should enjoy life to the fullest and always look for more positives than negatives because in the end, everything will work out.


  14. This article was one I agreed with backwards and forwards. Most articles are very opinionated and bias but I believe this article truly stated the facts, and if you think otherwise statistics are there to back it up.Living with no regrets is something that is wanted by everyone and I believe that you can do that by taking risks and being confident not letting oppurtunities pass you by. Your life shouldnt be taken for granted, the only way to become successful is to work hard and stay positive. You have a choice for everything, and in the end all you need to do is make the right choice.

    -Priya C pd.9

  15. This article would have to be my most favorite of all because of many reasons. One being that I enjoyed how the author addressed solutions to many problems that people face in their lives. Teaching people how to live a life with no regrets is definitely something that many individuals are interested it. Weather it be traveling the world, sharing and learning new things or even embracing challenges there is bound to be a way that people can be satisfied and happy with "no regrets." As people have said "honesty is the best policy" is proven to be true again by many elders. I find it interesting how many things that the elder people in my life have told me have been repeated again in this article maybe they are really true keys to success and happiness. Overall I really found this article interesting and informative.- Nikita F

  16. I like these type of articles where it doesn't relate so much to history. It relates to more life lessons so that way I could relate to it somewhat. The part in the article where it says that many people turn down their happiness and decides to do a career for more money is very true. Like when I talk to my grandmother about my future and what I want to be she would always say that you should become a doctor because they make very good money even though she knows I'm not so good in science. So, I like how the author's goal is to live without no regrets. I feel many people should have that goal.
    -Brandi Sze (period 9)

  17. This is the cutest article ever :). It reminds us to take in what life has to offer and not to take anything for granted. You never know what life has in store for you, and to die with regret would be a wonderful thing to do in my eyes. I completely agree that people take the aspect of money and success into mind before thinking about what actually makes them happy. Everyone acts on impulse and greed and it is not the right way to live. I think being happy and looking at things positively makes everything better. The biggest goal in life is not to live without regrets but to live happy. As long as your happy nothing else matters.
    - Nia Rayani Pd. 09

  18. This article is essentially an advertisement for a book but the ideas of the book presented are very valuable either way. Someone saw that the youth of following generations are constantly pushed more and more, and begin to lose the true values of life that lead to happiness.
    I do agree with many ideas in this article such as go for the career that you will enjoy, but I'm sure the author realizes it's not always that simple. Many decisions in life can't go perfectly with another one you might have made that day even. All the choices we make everyday can lead to some eventual joy in our lives, but sometimes it's hard to tell which exactly.
    ,Daniel Lang Pd. 9

  19. Reading this article really reminds me of a book I once read in Philosophy class called “Tuesday’s With Morrie”. This article and the book both try to convey a sense of living life to the happiest extend (not necessarily the fullest). I really, really enjoyed reading this article, it reminds me that my life is not based solely on money and status and college. My parents would argue differently. Although they status is not one of their top priorities, college and money is something that they want me to achieve the best of. My parents pressure me toward some goals that I really could care less about. I would rather live life being happy than live life being a slave to money, as so many people are today. I try to convince my parents that the rest of my life does not rest solely on college (although a big portion does). College is not the end of my life, nor is it the beginning. It can’t bring me to happiness (it certainly isn’t brining me any happiness as of now), and happiness is really what we all live for.
    Merilyn Chang
    Pd 9

  20. I really liked this article since it teaches the lesson of take risks in life. That there's a whole world of things to discover out there, and it is up to you to find what makes you happy. There is no predetermined plan to live life. You have to go out there and find what makes YOU happy. Sometimes you need to make the sacrifice of not doing work and spending it with the ones you love. Sometimes life is going to give you a challenge to overcome But you must make the best of every situation and live each day to the fullest, as you only live once.

    -Daniel Sang
    Period 9

  21. Reading this article, I couldn’t agree more to the advice that was given. We are all so busy with ourselves that we cannot even find time to just not care about anything and just do what we want to do. Especially now as we are signing up for the classes we will be taking in junior year, all I can hear is how everyone wants to double up on science or take only APs. In my case, I think that I can fall under the categories and advice that the article gives. Even thought I worry about grades and school, I don’t really let it consume me. I do what is required and do as much as I can until I feel overwhelmed. I always keep an hour or two to myself so I can exercise so I still know that I don’t feel overwhelmed. There are times were I forget to just take interest in things other than school, like when there is a project due or tests. But the only time I really feel pressured is when I don’t get to exercise. I just feel that then school is cutting into a time frame that I have set up in order to relieve stress. As the section on parenting states, I don’t think my parents place too much pressure on me for grades, but for certain subjects they do. Overall I think that I can understand where this article is coming from, but in such a competitive society, teenagers, should be working hard to get themselves ready for the real world. ~hannah pd 9

  22. This article was enjoyable to read because I could actually relate from my own life. The author has a good, thought out point to how you should lead your life the way you desire. LIfe is too short if you think over a period of time, and you should take every chance you get it life, including risks. I took the author's note on going with a career you really love. All a person needs in their life is someone who could be your supporter and being happy. I think that this article might have impacted me on my views on life. I enjoyed this article, it made me reassure myself.
    -elizabeth park period 9 world 10

  23. Finding a career that will both satisfy my wants and bring enjoyment to my life will be hard. Todays culture seems to stress making money over happiness. I've thought long and hard about where I can see myself in the future, but this article has caused me to second guess my self. It is a shame that articles like these do not make the front pages more often in newspapers. According to the article, it seems that much of the country is headed down the wrong path.

    -David V.

  24. I really like this article because of its surprisingly upbeat tone. What this article talks about that I find interesting is that money is not the only important thing in life that makes a couple happy. I personally agree with the theory that equal interests and otherwise different interests are "temporary pleasures". I believe the way the author showed that you should not pick a job by the amount of money it makes is very important because today many people that I know believe that in order to become successful they must become either a doctor or a lawyer. This is not only completely untrue but also people are basing their life decision strictly on the amount of money it provides. In all I believe this article is extreemly interesting and a good read.
    Bryan Samimi Period 8

  25. I found this article interesting because it takes advice from elders about life. Even though this approach seems extremely obvious, I don't think that many people actually absorb the advice. Most of these life lessons are taught now and then, but I feel like they are usually forgotten in the heat of events. I liked how Brody broke down the article into different sections that apply to everyone and are substantial in life. Overall the theme in the article is to enjoy life and not worry about the small issues. The people that are happy in life are the ones who appreciate what they have, instead of wasting time worrying about things they don't have. It is important to take life one step at a time and stay optimistic.

  26. I like this article because it shows how people are doing what they do for the wrong reasons. For instance, we choose jobs based on how much we make as opposed to what we would enjoy doing. Just because you make money from doing something, doesn’t make the quality of your life better. Also, parents who push their kids to pursue something don’t realize that in the end, their kid may not be happy because he or she was never really interested in pursuing what they did. Happiness is a choice. You should choose to do things that make you happy and not just do them for the money or the status. You need to be interested in what you do in order to be not only happy, but also successful.

    Roshni A Period 8

  27. It's rather interesting how this article addresses living without regrets. It truly brings the truth out of our generation, how we pursue a more lucrative path rather than one of happiness. As we live out our lives, we don't ever really know what we want - or rather, most of us don't because most of us simply desire money. I agree in the sense that we should obtain something that will give us a long lasting contentment, however, it's ridiculous to think that it can always be achieved. Some aim to high, some die attempting to achieve their joy. The writer was right to say that happiness should be achieved in a way that will forever give you happiness, but I find it idealistic to think it's simple.
    Pearl Lee pd. 9

  28. I think this is a great article because it's saying to live without regret, which could be seen as impossible by most people. When you hear someone talking about life i usually hear them saying "it sucks" or "it's never fair", but this article shows you how to be more optimistic and the bucket list idea is pretty good. What was something i never thought of was that living to 80 is actually a short life. That's hard to believe considering high school seems like forever.
    -Muhammmad period 9

  29. Though this article seems a bit too idealist at times, the advice it gives is reasonable and wise. The essential message seems to be that your choices directly affect the "profit" you make on your life. Sometimes in the rush of work and stress, it's hard to step back and evaluate the path you're taking, but this article proves the value of doing so. The scary part of course is that it's easy to make bad decisions and end up with an unsatisfying marriage, a job you hate and a family in ruins. Luckily, as this article shows, you do ultimately have control and whatever happens, you can choose to be happy.

    Rebecca E. Period 8

  30. In life we tend to stress over things we don't have control over and try to please people we have no control over. I love this article because this is the philosophy I live my life based on. I take the classes that I am interested in and put things in order of how important they are to me. I love it when I see articles like this because it does show people just how important it is to live life to the fullest every single day.

    Gabby Z Pd. 8

  31. I thoroughly enjoyed this article, but sort of question its relevance to a point, but then again, I guess it's message transmits to all parts of life. As I read the article I couldn't help think of The Last Lecture, as its preaches a very similar message - live life to the fullest, life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I particularly liked the advice on careers (also probably the most relevant to the class) because I can't imagine how terrible it would be to work full time at a job you hate. "Find work that you will love and you will never have to work a day in your life" I guess it's pretty cliché, but the fact that it's cliché just supports how important it is.
    Tom S. Pd 8 Micro

  32. This article made me think about Mr. Bolen's life. After a few years in the business world, he left his job because he hated it, and now I'm sure he loves teaching everyday. It must have been tough to leave such a lucrative job, but as the article says, it's better to be doing something you enjoy than it is to be doing something you hate but make a lot of money. Since we were young, I think it's safe to say that all of we kids loved money and the more money you had, the happier you were. As we all now look towards careers, it's easy to say, "Oh, I'll hate this job but I'll be making a ton of money so it's okay." This article has really made me think of the validity of such a statement. After reading this article and thinking about Mr. Bolen's story, I think it's a better idea to think about pursuing a career you will enjoy and not a lucrative one that you hate.

    Jack McGuire
    Period 8

  33. Being a teenager, we kind of live by the motto "No regrets," especially as a senior. The thing that I liked about this article was that it said although you should live without regrets, you shouldn't be taking every risk possible. It doesn't say to do the stupid things that you think you might want to do. Instead, it emphasizes living without regrets that are rational and not a spur-of-the-moment thing. It doesn't say that you have to take every risk possible in order to live without regrets. I thought that the little tips at the end of the article were obvious but insightful at the same time because people nowadays just don't think that way. Especially the advice on careers, aging, and happiness.
    Period 8

  34. This article talks about the importance of living life to the fullest, especially for young people who have the means to go out and explore the world. The author gives examples from older people who have lived their lives to their potentials and are happy in their old age as a result. While it's important to undertake goals and live one's dreams, it's not possible to do this without financial stability. In order to be free of worry and be able to explore the world, a young person must be in a good position financially. Otherwise, he or she will just continue to slave away at a job that he or she doesn't like just to make ends meet, which is exactly what this article argues people should not do.

    Ben C. Period 8

  35. I feel like the scariest part about this article is the fact that the journalist felt the need to write it in the first place. Everything in this article should be obvious to every person; however, that is so far from the case. It really goes to show what we value as a society and how we are so willing to give up a lifetime of happiness and serenity for a fatter pay check. It’s really frightening how programmed we are to believe that the only way to be successful in life is to have money. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of us have been raised to believe the more money you have or the bigger your house is or the fancier your car is, the more successful you will be considered. We learn from very early on that if we have all these things, we will be envied and we will have something that everyone else wants, and we bank on that to dictate the choices we make in our lives. I think that what we should envy as a society are the people in the article who see life in a more positive way because they followed their dreams and did not waste their lives trying to fulfill what someone else dreamed up for them. -Maryam, Period 8

  36. One of the most important pieces of information that we learn is how to be happy and satisfied with life. The article states (and I agree) that it is crucial to learn this lesson as early on as possible. Thinking of the question that the author poses at the beginning of the article, whether you would be able to write your own epitaph, I realize that if you don’t figure out what accomplishments and events you value and what makes you happy, you will never be satisfied with your own life. As the author of the article says, it is the best policy to live without regrets while not disregarding the future. The author claims that in society, career decisions are increasingly being made for monetary gains while marriage decisions are being made impulsively, resulting in the high divorce rate. Overall, it seems as though the people that are the most satisfied are the ones that have accomplished whatever they set out to accomplish, do not have many regrets, and are grateful for what they have. While making money may be important to an extent, it has been shown not to lead to happiness. Therefore, when making choices, we must make sure that we are not only thinking about money but also about our current and long-term happiness/satisfaction.

    Arvind Viswanathan Period 8

  37. I think the lessons of the article are definitely something to always to keep in mind. But truthfully most of the suggestions--do what you love, marry someone who shares your goals/values, spend more time with your children--are obvious and constantly repeated in one form or another. The real, more interesting question is why people seem to consistently fail to follow them. It could be that we are simply short-sighted and foolish, or that society teaches us the "wrong" things. But maybe it's also because we can't all follow these ways to happiness--after all, it's not like everyone could get their dream job, since then who would do all of the countless boring/unfulfilling ones? And perhaps it's also that we all have brains that tick differently, with different values and priorities. What makes each individual satisfied is best known to him/herself, and could be vary even with the same person in a different time period--so perhaps prescribing universal guidelines to life is naive.

    V. Zuo
    Period 8

  38. I commend the author for being able to live without regrets, but I believe that in today's world, it is extremely difficult for teenagers (whom the author mentions) to do the same.
    We are constantly pressured (indirectly) by parents, peers, and teachers to go the the top colleges and graduate with the capability to land a high-salaried profession. I'm not saying that we shouldn't set our goals high, but as the authors says, we often lose track of our passions when aiming for the top colleges and jobs.
    I don't think any individual can be blamed for not being able to live without regrets - it's become the norm of our society to push ourselves and each other to our highest potential, regardless of the personal and emotional cost involved.

    Brian Wang pd 8 Micro

  39. This article could have been like a wake up call to those who are living their life with regrets and isn't enjoying who they have become or what they are becoming. Just like this article stated, happiness is a key factor to many things. And that happiness can be obtained depending on yourself. We are the ones that choose what job to pursue, the person we marry, etc. But if we don't enjoy the things that we chose, then why did we choose it? Getting older also could be stressful to some people because we can't do certain things at an older age. But more opportunities are given each different year. Instead of dreading everything, we need to learn how to embrace it and how to live our lives without any regrets because those regrets were all depended on our own actions we chose.

    -SUAH KIM (World History 10, Period 9-

  40. I don't necessarily agree with the article. Although ideally we should look for the job that makes us the happiest, especially in a poor economy not everyone can be choosers. For example, many people who have a passion for music are finding it hard to keep their jobs. At my mom's school, an overqualified music conductor holds a degree from the tisch school of the arts and almost got laid off last year.

    Calvin T. Period 8

  41. This article inspired me to reflect on my present life and actually sit down to think about my future. I'm actually grateful to have read this article because it gave me another perspective to think from. As a highschooler right now, the choices we make seem like "life and death." We are so preoccupied about getting an A+ in everything and making sure we get into the #1 college, that we forget what we are really passionate about. For example, an outstanding art student would throw her talent out the window just so they could make a living. But once you make that decision, you find that you are "Living with regret." For some strange reason, our generation is afraid of wasting time. We tend to rush into things without thinking about if we will be happy. Like the article said, dont sweat the small stuff.
    JessL pd.9

  42. Living life with no regrets is a plan that is not well thought out by many. When we take areas in our life such as love, career, etc. people try and take the short cut rather than planning and taking the long road there. When we want to live a life with no regrets we can be irrational and just do things out of impulse. When we take marriage for example, we must be careful and know for a fact that he/she is the person we want, because it is a huge life choice that we should be thoughtful about. Living life to the fullest doesnt mean we shouldnt plan out our actions. Modern times focus on quick and rapid ways to get through life, but many times the journey is the reward and not the outcome. We must be willing to stumble a few times to finally be able to walk correctly. Life is a gift and we should cherish it and care for every minuite we get.

    Melvin J
    Pd. 8

  43. It is impossible to live life without regrets. There will always be that one thing that will bother you for the rest of your life. It is wishful thinking to live life without regrets. What the article says is true. Most young people push themselves to make more money. Money makes people happy. However this happiness is never long term happiness. Finding happiness is a whole different ballgame then making money. This article is factual about young people but the woman sets her goals of no regrets too high.

    R.H Pd. 9

  44. Living life with no regrets. We are told to do this all the time but I do not believe any of us actually do much about it. We we what we think is proper or will make others happy. Countless times people I've known have gone into professions that they have absolutely no interest in. They don't think about what they enjoy to do, and as mentioned in the article, that is what they should be worrying about. They just do what will make their proud. These people could regret making the decision to go into the wrong profession for the rest of their life and if they had just done what they wanted to from the beginning they would've been perfectly happy. To live our lives without regrets, we must do what we want so we don't regret our decisions later on in life. -MJJD

  45. One of the most important things is to be happy and instead of dwelling on the future, live in the present! This article inspires me to do things like traveling by myself, accepting society as it is and have fun and don't waste my childhood. Nevertheless, i think that a pepetual state of excitment and fun is great, but when it comes down to selecting a job, and lets suppose you can't find the job you're looking for, still try to find an occupation that best fits you. Also it is impossible to live without regrets. Although there may be rigid obstacles in your way, try to alleviate them and go through life. THis article has great facts and opinions on how to live a great life

  46. I think this is a good article because it tells people that you should enjoy life. I agree that it is unfortunate for the people who have many dreams and goals uncomplished, and are dying. Most people are working to make a large income, but they are not happy because they are always working and letting time pass. They dont get to enjoy the things and the people around them because they are stressed. I think this is a good article because it gives people advices and tips on how to have a positive view on life.
    -samantha c. Period 5

  47. I do believe simple basic things in life can make people happy such as love, having kids, etc. can make one extremely happy. However, having money can also make one extremely happy and can enhance the simple things such as having a good amount of money in order to support your children's college tution or affording a nice vacation with your spouse. While I do believe it is nice to have basic things in life and do a job you enjoy doing, I do believe that money can maybe not be everything, but definitely be something.
    Lauren Webster

  48. According to this article, it is basically explaining that you can do whatever you put your mind to and love whatever you do. You can't always do things you don't want to do but if it's a job you have to pay your bills and take care of yourself and your family, then do what you have to do. Because in the end your going to live happily with no regrets. This article really hit me hard because a lot of it's perspectives on life are the same as mine. And I always try to sync it in peoples heads because they always think about the bad sides instead of the good. Everyone needs to lighten up :)

  49. This article was a really good article and i think it was the only one i really enjoyed this year. It teaches you a life lesson that some people live by and that everyone should start to live by. It teaches to cherish every second of your life and be happy all the time. You should have a job that you are happy with and not something that would make you miserable. You should live life with no regrets because you cant ever turn back time.
    PN Pd 1

  50. Even though I'm late turning in my response, it was really good that I read this article tonight. I just spent an hour talking to my mom about college and the future, and this article really put everything she said into perspective for me. I was telling her how I wanted to try to finish undergrad in three years so I could apply to vet school a year early, and hopefully start my life a year early. After reading this article though, I see what a mistake it would be to go through college that way. I'd put so much stress on myself and I wouldn't be happy. The elderly "experts" were right in every respect; it seems like everyone has been taking the simplest things in life for granted. Carpe diem is more important than ever especially with all the developing technology which takes away from us experiencing anything the same way people did 10 or even 2 years ago.

    Sam H. period 8

  51. There's always some sort of a paradox that exists regarding regrets. If you follow through with something you're hesitant to experience, it may either be well worth your time and investment or just a lingering regret. If you don't do it, though, the fact of not knowing is a regret in itself. I really like how this article presented itself, in explaining how we should live life to its fullest and seize the day: the Dead Poet's Society is a great movie, and Carpe Diem is an unforgettable motto. We maybe be too young to appreciate all this minor hints and tips that the elders give us, but I have a feeling that they will all come into use in good time, as we pass each stage in life. For myself, I'd like to say that I've taken, am taking and will take every possible opportunity that comes my way, so I can experience every bit of life and the world possible. You only live once, but if you do it right, I guess once is all you truly need.

    - Yoni. Micro, Pd. 8
