Friday, September 26, 2014

Inalienable Rights

In class we discuss the right to protest and is it still alive in the US. Here is an example, what do you think?


  1. Connor Boduch

    I think that censoring history is wrong because it will be teaching a new generation a bunch of lies on american history. For example, some one could censor any of the amendments.

  2. I believe the students have a right to protest, they have a right to free speech and to stand up for what they believe in. History is the cornerstone of this country and shouldn't just be stripped away from us.

  3. it is bad if we censor this stuff because it is apart of our history and if we censor it then we will loose that part of history of a long time.

  4. Emily Dietz

    I think that they must really respect and have good relationships with their teachers. Some might think they're over exaggerating but its a very powerful statement to make in the first place

  5. Garrett Suriani

    i think censoring history or anything is a choice that should be a persons choice and not a government's. because if parents and other adults think their children should see certain things then its their choice. but to make that choice for others is like if i said everyone in the class can eat peanuts without asking if anyone is allergic.

  6. Anna Bagel says:
    The teachers handled it appropriately, not punishing the students, and even giving them excuses if their parents called in. The students were clever in their own rights, showing history while protesting for it. They saw something wrong and took it upon themselves, like the revolution. As one of their signs said, "There is nothing more patriotic than protest."

  7. It is sickening how people think that they can just control the information that is given to students. Sure, some information can encourage bad things, but people should be able to be exposed to that kind of things and understand why they are bad in the first place.

    TL;DR We need to know the bad in order to understand the good.

  8. It is important for students to learn from multiple angles as it allows us to better understand the causes and therefore form our own opinion. By choosing not to teach about certain parts of history simply because these stories would reflect poorly on the United States, the board is refusing the students the right to learn about the mistakes that have been made in the past.

    K.K. period 8

  9. It has been said that "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." I think that this quote very much applies to the situation at hand because if history is censored, how will students learn, despite how bad some parts of history can be?
