Friday, August 29, 2014

It's All Economic

Yes, everything is economic!
Watch this clip and let me know if you agree.


  1. C-K Chang AP Eco Pd 8September 4, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    At first, I am not certain if this video contain anything that is economic in this video. After all, I was too focused on the fact that whale barf is used in perferms. But then, I remembered the fact that this lady said something along the lines of "valuable." and "rare." I believe this is where the economics come in. It is rare to find cured whale barf, which is very valuable. That kind of resembles supply and demend, in my opinion.

  2. This video did a really great job of satirizing the perfume market. Cosmetics and such are really becoming a growing market as girls start to wear makeup at younger ages. Most of these girls are unaware of where any of these cosmetics come from. Knowing something as pleasant smelling as perfume, according to this video, comes from whale vomit. Knowing that, I would never even consider wearing that perfume. Also, the vomit that is used is not even naturally acquired which makes it that much worse.

    K.K. period 8

  3. I thought it was really interesting how she started off by describing the whale barf element of the perfume. The fact that this element is rare seemed to almost increase the value of the perfume. Also, the fact that she added a small disclaimer to the perfume made her assertion that overall, the perfume is a good buy, more realistic and thereby more plausible. The introduction captivated the viewers and made them more prone to listen her talk about the product - I don't know if she intended to promote this perfume or if this was a legitimate review of the product, but she implemented pretty effective marketing strategies to sell this product.
    - Shweta, Period: 8

  4. I think that this is really weird that this is very expensive and desirable just because it is rare. I wonder if people who buy this product actually know what it is and where it comes from; and if they don't, would that change their mind about wearing the product. It would be truly indicative of our culture if people knew they were wearing whale barf and were ok with it just because of the price of it.

    E.S. period 8

  5. I think she was trying to hard to sell a product that most people wouldn't buy otherwise. She was trying to make whale barf sound rare and luxurious by calling it by it fancy name and constantly repeating how hard it is to come by. She was also a bit satirical in my mind, for she was mocking how companies sell products to consumers with the salesperson voice and the appealing description for whale barf. Also, I didn't expect that the video would be about whale barf out of all things. ussually, when we think of perfume, we think of flowers of exotic places.
    - Maisha Savani, Kramer Pd.8

  6. I think what I first thought when I saw perfume was a more flower based scent that is more generic and commercial. I think the point she was trying to make was that the Eau de Merveilles perfume brand is unique. She makes this clear when she says whale barf rather than the lesser known name of ambergris which sounds like a common essence in perfumes. The fact that ambergris is so rare, regardless of if whale barf in perfume sounds appealing or not is the reason it must market so well, at such an exorbitant price. Frankly the scent she described is not I would ever like to have, but I the rareness of this product may be the reason the perfume sells so well.
    D.M pd 8

  7. I believe that the lady in this video is very one-sided looking at the upside of using Ambergris. She only talks about the sweet smelling perfume that the Ambergris produces. She doesn't really talk in dept about the effect it has on the sperm whales (if there is any effect at all). I believe that using this Ambergris may make people want to hunt these sperm whales in order to kill them and take out their insides and get money for the Ambergris.
    -M Misir. Period 8

  8. I'm not sure how this is related to economics because a connection didn't really pop out at me. It could be related in the sense of supply and demand because the puke is hard to come by now. So, the demand could possibly go up since the supply is low. It's becoming rare in a sense.
    I have a ton of differet colognes and it's really gross to see that I might be spraying sperm whale puke on myself. But, it was interesting to see how this puke can offer many different types of smells!

    pd 8 kc

  9. I agree that everything is economic because this video shows that even the fragrance of vomit barf smelled off of some barf that had been released by a whale can be turned into something economic by selling it as a perfume. Something even so random can be turned into an economic product, and can be turned into profit and can help begin a business in the economy. It emphasizes how something that may even be seen as vulgar can be turned economic. KL P8

  10. I'm wondering how they discovered this scent for the first time. Who would think that whale vomit would end up as a popular, aromatic fragrance? This goes to show that anything can be used to make money. A rare resource that is hard to obtain is creatively used as a perfume; the origins of this perfume probably interests the buyer even more.

    - Kevin J

  11. From my perspective, I think that this perfume review was quite intriguing, mainly because of the source of the fragrance: whale barf. Additionally, I agree that this is relevant to the economy since the reviewer exemplified how the most unexpected objects in the world can have monetary value. Although whale vomit is becoming increasingly scarce in oceans and the idea of collecting it is repulsive, I feel that the people who came to create this perfume using whale barf are very innovative. This product is definitely an incredible way of producing money by incorporating an ostensibly worthless item.
    -Kevin Chao

  12. I can't believe that whale's vomit and barf could be so rare and valuable. I wonder how many people who use this perfume even knew the original source. The power to create something so random to something so valuable is probably unknown to the consumer and only known to the producer.I guess it shows that anything can make money if advertised correctly and shown why it is valuable. Jim. T Period 8

  13. I would agree that everything is economic because this woman's review is likely influential to her audience and likely to convince people to buy this whale barf. I personally believe that it shows everything can have monetary value, even if it may seem insignificant and sometimes disgusting. What this review also reveals is that people are easily swayed and that Jim Tse will be more likely to buy this high quality perfume after he watches this video.

    Danny Cheng.

  14. I was quite shocked to see how something as seemingly useless and disgusting as whale barf is in fact a very precious and pricey commodity that is used in perfumes and other scents. Although I would never be comfortable trying a cologne knowing that it was made with whale barf, I definitely understand why people find it so appealing based on the scent described by the woman in the video.
    -Akshay Period 8

  15. The person who was giving the presentation seem well educated on the topic. But i really don't care about any perfumes even if it is rare or expensive. most of all why would people try to make that in to perfume?

  16. Okay...? In all honesty, I don't care about whale vomit and how that is used in perfume. But hey, if some weird aficionados enjoy that kind of stuff, then who's to stop the genius from making money off those guys?

    A. Hirani , Prd. 9

  17. despite of where it comes from, im very impressed by this kind of ingredient. its odor varies. after knowing it is some kind of vomiting, i am more like surprised. it is like a coincidence. a thing that no one can imagine makes so much money. it is interesting.
    - Yan p9

  18. I don't quite the fixation behind Ambergris. Despite the fact that scientists and chemists can replicate the properties and smell of Ambergris quite well, it's value still remains astronomically high. Evidently, it has become a luxury symbol and status without much practical value. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people who obviously have quite a bit of money, considering their ability to afford such expensive perfume, would want to smell akin to the barf of a sperm whale.

  19. The presenter seem well educated on the topic but why would people try to make whale barf in to a perfume is really confusing to me. But if people are buying it then go ahead and make money off it.

    -Thomas F. Pd 9

  20. The ambergris is economic because it is so rare. There is a high demand for it and can be copied, which makes the actual one more precious and profitable. Just the fact that Hermes, a well known and respected name brand, uses this product goes to show how expensive and valued ambergris is.
    ~AB pd. 9

  21. It seems that the woman is very informed on the topic of Eau de Merveilles. I have never heard of this type of perfume before and wonder if this is really a hot selling item. Although the source of this perfume is a bit disgusting (whale barf), it's pretty interesting that the perfume can have a variety of scents. I'd be willing to try it!
    AB, period 9

  22. I never knew that perfume could be made from Whale barf. Its an interesting way to make perfume and i wonder if it really smells like what its suppose to be. Its expensive and rare to find just like diamonds. I feel like the lady in the video was either mocking the perfume or really fond of it. I found that to be funny. I also feel like why people do this to themselves. Its pointless and the stuff looks terrible. I would probably puke if i saw it. These days if something has a value, and the supply is low and the demand is high then the economics around it is huge. Millions or billions of dollars can be made from these kind of economics. Who would have thought that ambergris can make someone be so wealthy. Its just like striking oil or rare earth minerals like gold, diamonds, rubies etc. If there is a market for it, then there is an opportunity for major money to be made.

    NG, Period 9.

  23. I don't quite the fixation behind Ambergris. Despite the fact that scientists and chemists can replicate the properties and smell of Ambergris quite well, it's value still remains astronomically high. Evidently, it has become a luxury symbol and status without much practical value. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people who obviously have quite a bit of money, considering their ability to afford such expensive perfume, would want to smell akin to the barf of a sperm whale. Clearly. someone realized that people valued this stuff and decided to exploit the stupidity of the rich. By promoting it as a valuable commodity and way to flaunt one's wealth, these perfumers are able to rake in money.

  24. I thought that this whole video was kind of overdone. You can't really explain a smell to someone through a video. I don't really care specifically how it smells. I was more interested from the description of how the ambergris is made. I liked the fact that she mentioned Yemen in her video. Even though she talks about it for a second, it still is nice to hear about is for a second.
    AA Per 9

  25. The review of the perfume was interesting. Having perfume that smells like whale barf is really gross and weird. People actually bought perfume with whale barf in it. If they knew the perfume was made out of whale barf I don't think people would necessarily buy it. Eau de Merveilles sounds so fancy, yet they are using whale barf. Hermes is such a well known brand; you wouldn't think that they would be selling perfume made out of something so disgusting. Hermes products are expensive because the resources they use are expensive. But, what if Hermes is using the fake whale barf, since it is so rare? The quality of the product is probably not as great. Overall, this video was really interesting. You really don't know what your products are made out of.
    Janvi Joshi Pd.9

  26. I feel like this video did not give enough detail about how the perfume was made. Also, I feel like a video review for a perfume has no effect because I don't know exactly how it smells, just like a radio commercial about a new sandwich doesn't tell me how it tastes. If it smells good, then I would not have a problem wearing it. A lot of the products that we use have obscure ingredients from many different places in them, so I don't find it that much of a surprise. Now I'm just curious to know how it smells and the ingredients in it would not affect my decision to buy it or not. -ArjunL Pd. 9

  27. Eau de Merveilles accredits the old saying "make do with what you've got." The company's use of ambergris certainly shows ingenuity. For someone to find the economic potential of such an uncommon and unappealing object is great. I personally couldn't imagine myself or someone I know wearing whale regurgitation as a fragrance. However, if the smell is popular somewhere else in the world, maybe Australia, Sudan, Yemen (regardless if they have an ocean or not) then I think it's a good thing. In general no one really knows what's in their stuff. Cigarettes contain arsenic, which is used in rat poisoning, yet people still voluntarily inhale it. If that's the case I think the use of ambergris is a good idea, especially if it smells good. I have a quick marketing tip for Hermes. I think it would be best to keep the origins of ambergris on the down low.

    -Tb AP economics period nine

  28. This perfume review is really interesting. I think it really shows how little we know about the products we're buying. I would venture to guess that most people have never heard of ambergris and know what it is. Yet, it's used in some perfumes or is copied into perfumes. It sounds disgusting, but it's really profitable. But most of us don't even know about it. Some of us use perfume and never think twice. I can't even imagine what else is used to make perfume...

    I agree that this shows that everything is or can be economic. I don't know who discovered that ambergris/whale barf would be good to use to make perfume. I would never expect it. It goes to show how everything has the potential to be economic...even whale barf. It's so strange, yet it seems to work. It's amazing how many different smells it can have. I guess that's part of what makes it so profitable. It can even be made to appeal to both men and women, which is even better for whoever buys the ambergris and uses it to make their perfume.

    I don't think I'll ever think of my perfume the same way again. I might check out what was used to make it.

    Jessica S, Pd 9

  29. Robert L Period 9
    I thought that it was strange how people consider this whale vomit so valuable. I really wonder who discovered this ingredient to perfume in the first place. Who knew whale vomit can produce a scent loved by many people? It was also shocking to me that one small chunk of vomit can be worth thousands of dollars. Being such a rare item, it makes sense why it costs so much. People like things that are unique and I believe that this scent was one that was very unique compared to the standard flower or candy perfume scents. This video shows that everything is economic. Even whale vomit can create a profitable business.

  30. I thought that the video was really well done. The woman's use of humor in the beginning of the video acted as a good hook and helped keep the video interesting, even to someone like me who has no interest in perfume. Her description of the perfume's origins was also an intriguing piece of trivia. The fact that different pieces of ambergris smell differently sounds pretty cool.


  31. 3 ounces of Eau de Merveilles is $140. People are paying $150 for something that is made out of a sperm whales throw up. Although this is revolting, if it smells good it doesn't matter what it's made out of.

  32. I've heard about ambergris before from an SAT passage, but I never knew it was this valuable. Becoming a millionaire because you find some ambergris? That's ridiculous. And when you think about it, you're really just selling a thrown up squid. I think it's weird how you could buy something with ambergris that smells terrible, and at the same time buy a different perfume that smells amazing with the same ingredient. Is it some sort of chemical reaction? That would be really interesting to read into, the chemistry of ambergris. I think I might do that when I go home if I don't have too much homework. Honestly, I really want to own a cologne with ambergris. Just to say that I own one. That would be cool to go to your friends and be like, "Hey I own a perfume made from whale vomit." -Belal Taher

  33. It's truly odd what we, as human beings, deem valuable. Gold, silver, diamonds, and blobs of whale vomit. I wonder why it is that ambergris in particular is so valuable, considering the fact that there may well be dozens of more appealing, more common ingredients out there, like fragrant flowers or honeycomb or things of that nature. It's interesting to me that the only thing it takes for something to be valuable in the eyes of human beings is rarity and perhaps a small selection of semi-unique qualities. So I suppose, if whale excretion is held to this level of value, what you said is true. Everything IS economic.
    -Qasim Iqbal, Period 9

  34. Ambergris is unique in the way that is was produced and described to me. It threw me off when she said where it's origins came from (from whale barf), since all perfumes tend to be less natural and mass produced. Each perfume smells different and it is probably super expensive, but I think it's method of production and history is what makes it so special. Even though the Ambergris is unappealing by just looking at it, anything that can fit in a pretty bottle can sell for whoever can buy it. And I honestly think that's how the basic market works: supply and demand and appeal. S.S. AP Eco 9

  35. I think the video was really strange in a few ways. I've never heard of ambergris, but it seems ridiculous that a little hunk of whale vomit can cost tens of thousands of dollars and that people would want to buy a perfume derived from it. Though she injected a bit of humor, the reviewer doesn't seem to think a perfume that can smell from anything to cigarettes to fecal matter is too unusual--it goes to show that the desires people have, however unusual, are the backbone of the economy.

    Karan Singhal
    Period 9

  36. R.L. Period 8

    The very first thing that came to my mind after watching this video was to check whether or not the perfume I use is made up of whale barf or normal ingredients. Although I will never understand the minds of the people who thought of using whale barf as an ingredient for perfume, they are making millions of dollars so I guess I should try to think more like them. It still doesn't fully process in my head how whale barf holds a multitude of various smells and smells fresh and orangey.

  37. Honestly it was quiet disturbing to have see that whale barf makes perfumes so good but the I think that the even crazier thing is that people like us pay tons of money for whale barf perfume I guess that's why it's all about economics. Now I hope that I could find a whole lot of whale barf by the ocean because it's so rare and people can make a lot of money of of it. But I still find it strange that whale barf can smell so good
    AM prd 6

  38. I had no idea that whale vomit was and occasionally still is put to use toward fragrance production. I guess anything, no matter how repulsive it may seem, is acceptable to put to use as long as it creates revenue! This woman seemed quirky and interesting although she may have been trying a little too hard to create positive connotations out of whale vomit. I still think it's gross.

  39. I know that many people will think its crazy that whale vomit can be so expensive just because of how rare it is. But this is really how the world works. What would surprise me more is if the actual perfume smelled horrible. Even then the rarity of the product would still drive prices up. One of my hobbies is to collect sneakers. What drives a sneaker's resale price is usually the rarity of the product rather than the look of the product. This case is no different. In this world people will buy anything. What really made me grossed out about whale vomit was that it could smell like feces. Anything that could potentially smell like feces does not seem to be a good ingredient in an expensive perfume.

    -Won Park

  40. I felt like this video was very interesting because I didn't know that whale vomit would make a high quality perfume. At first I did not understand how the video was related to economics but then I thought why people would ever want to wear whale vomit perfume. Then the scarcity of the whale vomit made me think about supply and demand. Because the supply of the whale vomit is so low it is causing their to be some demand. Also we must take into account that Hermes is a very high end fashion company and just putting the name Hermes on an item regardless of what it is will attract attention.

    -Chirag Soni

    dkramer pd.8

  41. I think this is absolutely ridiculous! From the moment she started talking I was in pure awe and confusion. I never knew such thing existed. My first thought was “this is a real thing?" But as she continued to talk and explain this concept of how the “Eau de Merveilles” by Hermes obtains its “special” aspect I understood where she was coming from, but it was still very odd. I wonder why people buy this particular perfume when there are so many other perfumes and fragrances out on the market that are sold for a much more reasonable price.
    -Melinda, Period 6

  42. SF: I agree that everything is economic. According to this video even whale vomit is harvested and highly coveted for its unique and pleasant fragrances. this shows that even something so nasty and disgusting can be sold and taken advantage. If whale vomit can be considered in some way economic than everything might truly be economic.

  43. I think the idea of using whale barf in perfume sounds disgusting at first, but I'm not all that surprised considering the various things that people across cultures eat, use, or consider special or sacred. I'm curious though as to how it was first discovered for perfume. Did someone swim through it in the ocean or was it caught in a fishing net? How does someone "discover" whale barf and who would ever think about using it for perfume? And who decides what's considered precious? Is it simply because it's rare because then why not consider all sea creatures' vomit for perfume? Well, I guess the plus side would be that people will be able to get a whiff of the beach and summer breeze when it's snowing outside.
    - VL Period 8

  44. I think the idea of using whale barf in perfume sounds disgusting at first, but I'm not all that surprised considering the various things that people across cultures eat, use, or consider special or sacred. I'm curious though as to how it was first discovered for perfume. Did someone swim through it in the ocean or was it caught in a fishing net? How does someone "discover" whale barf and who would ever think about using it for perfume? And who decides what's considered precious? Is it simply because it's rare? Why don't they test out every sea creatures' vomit as well then to see if it is perfume-worthy? I guess the plus side would be that people can get a whiff of the beach and that salty summer breeze even when it's snowing outside.
    - VL Period 8

  45. This is disturbing and gross. How can someone find enjoyment from a whales discomfort? I don't understand, nor like the idea of whale vomit on my neck. To me it shows how far people will go to make a buck. I know there are other products out there that have nothing to do with animals. I just don't like the fact that they are taking advantage of a whale that gets hurt all so that people can smell like an ocean.I don't think they are doing this in order to clean the ocean from whale vomit. What really confuses me is that if it smells sometimes almost like shampoo you might as well be wearing shampoo. If someone came up to me and said they were wearing whale vomit that would make me think twice about hanging out with that person.
    SRB period 6

  46. I was really surprised to hear that whale barf can actually have an appealing smell. The fact that many people have created imitations of the whale barf chunks must mean that the smell is unique and attractive. I'm also shocked to see how the human race finds rarity in the oddest items. The fact that someone could find a chunk of whale barf washed up on a beach and instantly become rich is an unbelievable notion. Certainly, it is this rarity of an odd item that drives up the value. Nonetheless, I really wonder what Eau de Merveilles smells like and what makes it so appealing and worthy of imitation.

  47. It's really interesting how even though the origin of this product is relatively disgusting, it has a lot of demand since it ends up becoming a perfume. What also makes the video interesting is how when there is little supply of this perfume, there is lots of demand.

  48. This shows everything is economic because even something like sperm whale barf can be profited and sold as a luxury item. Hermes is one of the biggest luxury retail brands out there and the Hermes Eau de Merveilles retails for around $140 (for a 3.3 oz eau de toilette). In my opinion, Katie sells the perfume very well despite its seemingly gross ingredient.
    -Period 6 M.Y

  49. I wouldn't really know what to think after watching this video, given the fact that I'm not a real fan of fragrances. Given the context beforehand that "everything is economic" it becomes very obvious when she discusses the rarity of this whale barf. If the fragrance were easy to manufacture or find, then its value wouldn't be as high. I think it's ridiculous that people would consider putting whale vomit on their skin, but it's not like people don't do ridiculous things all the time, so who am i to judge?
    -Julian Period 6

  50. Jugal PD. 8

    Before I watched this video, if you were to tell me that sperm whale barf is a marketable resource and that it plays a part in the global economy, I would have laughed. Watching this Perfume Review with my own eyes, I now see that truly anything can be economic, or have a value placed on it, even whale barf. And honestly, I dislike the concept. Sometimes, economic pursuits are extremely beneficial to the world in a non-monetary sense. A person investing in cancer research that one day ends up saving the lives of thousands of people is incredible. However, the continuation of economic pursuits of resources such as whale barf, after analyzing that there is no benefit that can truly help the world become a better place, can take time away from the pursuance of other resources that can help the world become a better place. Although I understand this statement is extremely broad and impractical in an economic/profit making standpoint, the concept is something I support.

  51. The speaker’s sophisticated appearance caused me to predict the video was going to be a serious sales pitch. But when the video went on it seemed ridiculous when she started talking about whale barf. I did not believe that whale barf called ambergris was used for perfume, it sounded bizarre. I also was not convinced when she said ambergris had a good smell; how can whale barf smell good? Then she went on discussing the Hermes Eau de Merveilles perfume scent smelling like “ambergris and orange”. At this point I did not know if she was being sarcastic or serious about the smell of the perfume. Then, at the end of the video the speaker said, “thumbs up Mr. Sperm Whale… I smell.” After this, overall, I was confused and still did not understand if this video was serious or not, and I also lost interest.

    Lauren S. Period 6

  52. I find it interesting that something as gross as whale vomit can be remotely considered valuable. Just because it is not frequently found on the beach, does not mean it considered "valuable". I do not understand why whale waste is treated just the same as would finding a piece of gold. Personally speaking, I would not consider that to be worth anything special. Value should really come from significance/impact of the item, not just an appealing qualities of that item to the consumer. PV

  53. I personally think everything about this is weird, but also fascinating in a way. However, what I find most strange is not the fact that whale barf inspires the fragrance of perfume, but how this discovery was originally made. Who was the first person to stumble upon whale throw up and decide that the ambergris contained in it would actually be a good addition to a perfume? What I find weird is that even today people are considered lucky to come by and find whale barf on the beach. What's even weirder is that there are people that will actually pay you millions of dollars for this whale barf! It really makes me wonder what strange ingredients are in other products that I use that I don't know about!

    Isabel R pd 6

  54. This video made me realize that everything really is economic. It amazes me that this ambergris that is found in sperm whale vomit can even be used and taken advantage of for an economic opportunity. People have learned to do whatever they can for money and it is so strange how they would take it as far as whale vomit. It is in our human nature by now that we will try to make as much money as possible on absolutely anything. It is so weird how easily some and most businesses can get their consumers to buy absolutely anything and everything, including sperm whale throw-up. - M.B. period 6

  55. So after re-watching the video, there were some questions that I really wanted to know the answers to. One of such was if the value ambergris varies with its odor. The tobacco or fecal-smelling ambergris, in my opinion, wouldn't be worth much. But the more exotic smells like salty or warm would be more expensive. But this makes me wonder what "salty" or "warm" smells like. The lady (katie?) uses all these descriptive words to describe the flagrance of the perfume but I don't know what "warm" smells like, so comparing ambergris to a common existing smell would've been helpful. Personally, I think I would like the perfume made with ambergris because I like the smell of oceans and beaches more than the sweet-smelling perfumes.

    BenJung period 9

  56. Lauren Paik Pd 8 (I don't know if my original comment went through or not. My computer lagged when I submitted it in)
    I'm kind of confused at this review of the perfume because she first starts off describing how it is the throw up of sperm whales and makes it sound completely gross, but then goes on to talk about many people try to replicate it and people buy these products. Even though I feel like this is shocking that people would buy products with such gross ingredients, it actually happens often where the consumers would buy products without knowing what its made of. Some baby toys are made of real lead and half the shampoos we use have harmful substances such as sulfate, yet we continue to buy these things. It's pretty interesting to see how we place values on things such as sperm whale throw up. Like who randomly comes across sperm whale throw up and think, "Oh wow, I can't find a lot of this. I can make millions by selling this!" It's funny because I understand it's hard to find, but if we take off our own perception of how it is rare, we realize that these things are worth nothing. Like gold, gold is just a mineral, yet society has made it so that it seems so rare and precious.

  57. This was indeed an intresting video. I initially thought it was going to be a satirical piece, commenting on how one of the ingredients is whale vomit. I was suprised though to realize she was acutally promoting the product. Personally I would probably never wear this for two reasons. One, I tend not to wear perfume, and two, I think the fact that a main ingredient is whale vomit would just bother me too much, no matter how well it smells. I know there are probably ingredients in the thing that I use that might be just as putrid or maybe even more so, but since I don't know it's in there, I don't care. I guess what they say is right about how ignorance is bliss.
    -TM Period 8

  58. This video demonstrated how unaware we are of societies claims. I think it is more of an issue that we, as consumers, fail to educate ourselves on the things we buy rather than the issue that the market is very persuading and convincing. If I knew before that the perfume I wear was actually whale vomit, would I stop buying it? I highly doubt it especially if I like the fragrance a lot. Sometimes, even though we know something is bad for the health or just bad in other factors, we still do it or buy it because we have bought into societies claim that it is not bad enough. This is what I think the society is most clever in and it is the most deadly ability.

    - Lydia G

  59. I would wonder how valuable the material would be if its means of production were widely known. Luxury products with seemingly little useful value often have highly inflated prices due to rarity or difficulty of production. It'd be nice to stumble across one of these myself - instant money.
    -JW Period 9

  60. Although this is a review on a perfume containing whale vomit, it is described in a way that makes the product sound appealing and hold wonder. The curiosity factor that this perfume holds draws consumers because of the fact that such a strange ingredient is used in the product. Instead of being grossed out or turned off the the fact of spraying whale vomit on yourself, this review uses such propaganda that whale vomit can actually sound interesting and elegant. It really makes people think, "What does whale vomit really smell like?". I agree that everything is economic because anything, no matter what, holds some degree of propaganda and pressure to buy and consume.

  61. I find it strange that whale barf is considered a rich and that it is that expensive. For it to smell good seems fake like this video I wasn't sure if she was serious or not. I can't imagine people buying perfume if it had whale barf in it even if it smelled good/

  62. Initially watching this video, i thought it was disgusting how they can sell that to people. I felt that it was crazy that a thing so repulsive such as barf of a whale can be considered so special. After i though about a little longer, I have to agree, everything is Economic. these people are taking a thing such as whale barf, which is very rare, mixing it in with some other ingredients, putting it in a fancy bottle, and selling it for high prices. they are literally making money off whale barf. I believe the main reason is because of how rare it is. People want what they cant have so having a perfume made with an ingredient so rare as whale barf, they feel special wearing it. it just shows us how messed up this world is. with a little propaganda and pressure, anyone will want anything.

  63. I find it interesting how even though whale vomit doesn't sound appealing at all, it is extremely expensive due to its "pleasant aroma". I find it somewhat similar to how there is a coffee that is brewed from elephant dung, but people still drink it because of its unique flavor.However, as disgusting as they may both seem, they are all economic because people will end up buying and consuming them.

  64. I found it very interesting how someone as repulsive as whale vomit could be valued so much in our society. How someone realized this ingredient made perfumes smell better in the first place is bizarre in itself, but the fact that it is worth so much on top of that is beyond me. I guess it has to do with the fact that it is extremely rare. It's similar to diamonds in that way. We have very limited access to them, and for that reason alone it is worth a lot of money. This says a lot about our society and economy. Things that are rare and different are appealing to us, and because we are attracted to these things, the producers of them are free to charge ridiculous prices because we will purchase them regardless.

  65. I think it’s funny that people will buy a product based on its brand name without taking into consideration what it actually is. People are willing to spend more on a product solely because of its popularity. In this video we find out that an expensive well-known perfume brand is ironically made from whale throw up. I think this video points out something that happens often that people will buy something for its brand name not for what it actually is. It shows that everything really is economic if companies can make money from selling whale throw up.
    Lauren f pd 6
