Sunday, April 20, 2014

Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means

Speaking of budgets, here is a glimpse into pitfalls that lay ahead. Don't say nobody warned you!


  1. This article is a giant exclamation point to people moving into the financial realm of the real world. Not only do you absolutely need a job to survive, it is also critically important that you have some sort of investment and/or savings as a backup in case of something horrible. Learn what you might lose before you buy something, like that shiny new TV. Do you need it? No. Do you want it? Yes, but save for it. Don't buy it immediately, but bulk up your savings.

    -Aidan Cunningham, Period 3

  2. This article was quite interesting. The last statement stated, “Before buying something, you often think, “I know I shouldn’t, but…”. This is like any other person. They give in to the glamour of entertainment and want to buy anything and everything that is offered. Also when the credit card balance remains the same, the article states that it is a good thing because it means that you’re living beyond your means, and if your balance grows each month you’re way out of bounds which is not necessarily a good thing. This article has informed me many things for my future and I will take it into consideration.

    Asma I. Pd. 3

  3. This article really shows that when you are living by yourself you have a lot more to think about. Right now we are living with our parents and don't have to think about the money because it is so much easier to spend then to save for us teens. But when we are the ones earning the money we will realize that we need to save or we will not survive in today's world.

    -Aleem Sutar Pd 3

  4. I think that this article was actually full of really helpful information, especially now that we are graduating and some of us will be living on our own soon. i am going to keep this information in the back of my head while looking for apartments and jobs because i do not want to live beyond my means. this article was also important because it brought up point and ideas that i would never think of, and i dont think most other highschoolers would think about either. for example i never thought to try to save up 6 months rent for emergencies, that's actually a great idea because anything can happen and i wouldn't want to lose my job and then go completely broke.

    -Andrew Lynch

  5. You should be careful to not spend too much money. Especially because you will need the money in the future for things that are way more important. So instead of spending money on something that you want now you should save it for the future. It may be more important in the future than at that very moment. Your health may be bad in the future so you will need good health insurance and just in case you get hurt you need to pay for hospital bills. That's when your money is way more important than those smaller things you don't need.
    -Nishika Vanam Period 3

  6. I think that people should be careful when spending too much money. Especially when you are on a budget, you should be careful on what you spend on with your money. You should spend your money on what you need than what you want.
    christyhahn pd03

  7. i think its really unfortunate when you can't afford the things that you want. i think a very choice to have is to not pay anything by credit card. i think everything you buy, should be with debit. another thing is that if you aren't meeting ends meet, you shouldn't spend your money but instead invest in your money
    Amir Dhirani
    Period 4

  8. This article is true, people do live above their means often times. They pay for so many things that they are often in debt as well, it's mainly because of the job that they have which causes so much issues to their lives. If everyone had the right means. they could live a prosperous life, be able to do whatever they could with their lives.
    Jonathan Chennakattu
    Period 4

  9. This article is very true there are many people that live way above there means having fancy cars, and a nice house but have so much debt. I was raised with the idea always live below your means. my family has always did this and when the rescission hit we did not feel it until a year later.
    Andrew ghandforoush

  10. i think this is a very good guide line for your financial life. i think that people paying credit card bills with credit cards is kind ridiculous. its digging them into more debt and also. i ask my mom this all the time "do you really need it?" but i dont say it to myself, i go on impulse. i should be more concious on how i spend money especially in my future.

    rebecca fraser period 4

  11. The article acts as a friendly reminder for people that are always engulfed in credit card debt and taking out several bank loans to pay for expensive things. It also displays how demanding people are at the moment. Not enough people are living above their means; they're living below them.

  12. I agree with this article that most people can live beyond their means, or they are just able to sustain enough to become stable. It is unfortunate for those who cannot do so and then become in debt because they do not know how to be sustainable. If people have decent jobs they will maybe be able t live beyond their means and also have what they desire,
    Ashwin Mattam
    period 4

  13. Although this article wasn't very intriguing, it did give me a broader view on the issue of saving money. I thought the main point of this article was to try and save your money, and it gave us pointers on how we spend money without even realizing we are spending our money. It was a very informative article. It also gave us pointers that we should save our money earlier for our retirement. So we don't have to work our butts off at the age of 63 to try and save up enough money for retirement.
    PERIOD 4

  14. I believe that it is getting harder for the middle class to pay for some things. Middle class people are not saving as much money as they used to, and things are getting more expensive. I agree with saving enough money to survive for six months however this is getting very hard for most middle class families. Everyone is trying so hard to avoid paying little fees just because of the increase prices of everything. This has created a very hard time for alot of middle class families.

    M.G. period 4

  15. I found this article very humorous because when the article got down to breaking down different expenses, like the credit card, the vacations and spending the money on things you dont need. All the reasons this article included about the credit cards, are all the reasons i do not have one. I recently just got a debit card, i dont understand why people dont get one. I feel a credit card will only mess up your savings and the money you have. The last point they brought up about vacations because it will be good for you, i laughed because that is my excuse for everything "i deserve it" "i need it." Just the article as a whole just makes me overwhelmed because there is so much to pay for and you have to make alot of money in order to survive and thats stressful.
    caroline nickels period 4

  16. The article states that people need to be more conscientious about the money they spend and save. it is important to have savings in the bank and not excessively spend money on items we cannot afford. It is important to save money and people don't know the importance of saving money until it is too late. Nadia P.

  17. In my opinion it is alot easier then people would think to "live beyond their means" because you aren't always thinking about what would be best for you financially just what you want in the moment.

    -p8 em

  18. CC Period 8
    While reading this article I found myself taking into account all of the points addressed and actually planning out my own future while taking them into account. This article is very informative and important in that it it tells people how to live within their means which is a very important aspect to life when it comes to being able to raise a family.

  19. The middle class has it harder then before due to the fact that the economy isn't as good as it should be. People are thinking more about now then what they will do later. They want to enjoy the moment without worrying about anything afterwards, but in reality it'll hurt them in the long run.
    -Muhammad Yousuf
    Period 4

  20. This article brings up a very important issue that pertains to almost everybody. I think that the majority of people spend more money than what they should be. Most people don't think ahead and don't look at the benefits of saving up money for their future, or even for the present. Not being able to pay bills on time, having the same credit balance for a long period of time, and purchasing items you know are out of your budget show that people are careless and are putting themselves in situations where they desperately need cash. In my life, I see many of my friends and relatives spend their money without thinking about its cost. They don't realize that they don't even need half of the things they purchase. They are just wasting their money and not using it in the right places. However, I have always been very frugal with my money and never spend more than I know I can afford. I believe that living beyond your means will only land you into trouble and definitely does not do any good for you in life. The key to success is knowing how much you have the ability to spend for your present needs, but at the same time saving some money aside for retirement, emergencies, college tuition, etc.

    Fayaaz Arif

  21. I think this article is very accurate. Most people live off things they cannot afford and they barely have any money saved.

  22. When you have a job you need to know how to manage your money. You must have a efficient budget or you will end up in debt.
    J.S Period 3

  23. I agree with this article. If you cannot live without your job for at least six months, you are not saving enough money. You can get laid off or fired at any moment and who knows when you will find another job. Also if your credit card balance is increasing or remaining the same over the course of a year that is not a good sign. You should be paying of your debt not creating more or leaving it.

  24. Throughout the class and this article ive learned that saving early and spending your money wisely helps your future. Money isn't a simple thing and you have to be careful so that one day you aren't just left on the streets. One thing i will definitely try to prevent is credit card debt because then you will just have many more problems. Saving and spending wisely are key to stay financially stable.

  25. I found this article pretty interesting, The bullet points that they have down about facts that your living behind your means makes sense.Some of the facts are eye opening as too when i get older and need to afford stuff. your mortgage payment is more than one weeks salary is kinda scary. I guess i need a good job when i get older because everything's expensive.
    k.k period 4

  26. I agree with what this article is saying,sadly with everything rising in prices, it also doesn't help that people are seeing higher grocery bills, pay more at the pump...this obviously doesn't account for a lot of spending. I agree that there are warning signs of over-spending. I save a bit of each paycheck.
    Victoria Fontana

  27. In nowadays, people are mostly living in ease and not aware of some hidden crises. This article tells that people do not pay attention to their financial problems. People are saving little money and putting themselves in difficulties. Also they are buying many things unnecessary.

  28. The economy expenses rise and people are getting paied too little or spending too much of what they think they can afford but cant. MIddle class peoples finacial difficulties have risen.When you cant afford daily meals or clothing or a shelter you are in a huge finacial stuggle. It is important to save money for major pays like your mortgage or medical bill insurance all the really important things. Once you start working you should be saving atleast 10% of the money you make. It is hard to support a family with low income that why when you start working it is very important to save money.

  29. This will can really come in handy for a lot of people that actually dont know how to save money on their own. while reading this, i actually thought about printing this out too give to someone that always complains about not having money, but choices to buy unneeded items all the time. People dont realize what they spent till it comes too when they really need the money they should have been saving for more important payments (bill for the house, taxes, food, etc.). This article could actually help A LOT of people if they would take the time to sit down read AND interpret what is said.

    C.Randazzo. PD-8 SRA

  30. I learned from this article that one should live within their means and if it is tempting to borrow money, remember to pay it back soon, and have that on your agenda. How to know if your living beyond your means, which is not good would be "Not surviving financially without your job's income for atleast 6 months, not saving less than 10% of your pay, your mortgage payment is more than one week's salary", and one i thought really relatable to me was, buying something when i know i shouldn't. I have a tendency to buy something when i know i won''t have enough money for a necessity, so this article gave me a great outlook of how to live within my needs and not get into a debt.

    Sanil D

  31. Just relating this article to the project, I know that wouldn't be able to survive off my job making $35,000-$40,000 a year. Living is costly and I never realized it was so costly until doing this project and reading this article.

    -S.M. pd.3

  32. Matthew Esposito
    this is just signing your self to the financial business

  33. People are often spending too much, buying goods that they dont need. Its almost like we know not to spend our money but we still do it anyway and feel the wallet getting thinner.
    TB pd 3

  34. This article is very true, esspecially when it talks about buying something and you think to yourself "I shouldn't, but..." A lot of the time, we don't realize how much money we spend, which causes a lot of people to go into debt. People really need to pay more attention to their money that is being saved for whatever their needs are.
    Period 3 R.H.

  35. It is very important to know to know when to say no to buying items. When you go in a store and see this really nice shirt that you are dying to have you have to think twice. If you can’t afford it, come back another day. The three things that you need is food, water, and shelter. You can’t survive with out all of these things, and they come first over everything else.

    ~Shawna Weiss pd 3

  36. people don't understand how to save their money and how important it is to keep track of it. as a kid we should be taught how to save and how to handle it. even though for kids and even teenagers now we get a lot of our things from our parents. it isn't always a good thing because they will have a huge wake up call when they are older with out their parents. if they learn when they are younger it could be a huge impact on their whole life. Francesca per3

  37. i think that it is really important to start saving your money once you start working so when you need money for major payments like health care or insurance you have the money. Once you start working you should begin to save up 10% of all you pay. People who are in the middle class are getting paid less but the bills are racking up and have to pay more money.
    KS period 3

  38. I feel that before you plan on how you are going to live your life, you should have an idea of how much money u have saved in the bank before you plan to live somewhere and get a job. If you don't plan ahead of time and you start living in an area where its expensive and you don't have enough money in the long hall to pay bills and mortgages on the house, they you have failed. You should have a job that has a decent salary so that you can afford a home in an affordable area. Middle class people were having a hard time surviving from 2007 to 2010 because families were unemployed and families didn't have enough money to pay off their bills to maintain their houses. I feel that this is still a problem in 2014.

    Anthony Cacchioli

  39. i think this article can teach us about tips and ways to get on the right paths to live a stable and safe economic life. Since we haven't experienced those kinds of economic activities and responsibilities, we actually don't know what is dangerous or not. Information that this article is giving is mostly simple things, but they are essential. Saving more than 10%, taking care of credit card balance... those stuff are simple and not hard to maintain, but if we don't do them, we easily become unstable economically. That's the theme of this article. You better follow these simple rules unless you want to live a dangerous economic life that you have to worry about your living everyday.
    Hoonmo Kang Pd. 3

  40. Man, why are all these articles depressing? They always seem to be a wake up call for us. Since we all live in the lives of upper middle class, spoiled high school students, I guess this is sort of a slap in the face. After we all leave for college... or not... we have to worry about the economics and this information is very vital so that we can strive in today's harsh society.

    1. This shows us that poor is living horribly and the rich is living beyond their dreams. Most people are having problems financially and could not save a lot of money because of major bill payment. There are many reasons why most Americans could not save money like the foolish things they buy, even though they should not be buying them or sometime they are too lazy to save.

      Period 3

  41. I don't see how people can get themselves into such trouble. You see you are having a financial issues. Don't buy that vacation. It will only cause more stress. You can get by without being in such debt if you really want. People aren't usually stuck in bad situations. They put themselves in those positions.
    Julie Hart period 3

  42. This article helps a lot in a way where once I'm on my own I need to start saving for myself and be more responsible for the money i use. It's scary to think that people don;t save enough and get into so much problems later. Better to know this now.
    -Daniella Canel pd.4

  43. This article show you how you should be safe with your money. It give multiple examples of how people purchase expensive items and they still haven't paid off their credit card bill. It also shows that people not paying off their credit card bill is a prime example of how people dont live beyond their needs because theyre in debt.

    Preston Wong Pd.4

  44. This article really stresses why one must save. Life is very unexpected and you never know when you wont have money. If we don't don't save, if we're out of work due to an injury or if we're fired, we'll be on the street.
    JT period 3

  45. All these talks about money, and how much I can actually save from your pay really scares me when im living my own life. I would wonder if im able to keep this leasure i have right now..

    Ryuma Sakakibara Period 4

  46. This shows us that poor is living horribly and the rich is living beyond their dreams. Most people are having problems financially and could not save a lot of money because of major bill payment. There are many reasons why most Americans could not save money like the foolish things they buy, even though they should not be buying them or sometime they are too lazy to save.

    Period 3

  47. This article is more helpful since we'er graduating high school soon. We need to becareful with our money and spend it well within the budget we are provided. In college we might spend too much money on stupid thing or something worthless so we always need to beware of that. I think it's better using cash instead of using credit card because for credit card it's hard to realize how much I'm spending.
    P.K period3

  48. This article really made me think about how important saving money can be. It must be extremeley stressful to work your whole life all the way up to retirement and then realize that you havent been saving enough and you will have to keep working for another 5-10 years. Im going to make sure that once i start working im going to limit all of my wants and focus a lot more on my needs and savings.
    Pauirc Coyle period 3
