Monday, January 6, 2014

Another View On the Legalization of Marijuana

For those of you who did not do this as a PiG topic, this is one of the big issues of our day. Read this opinion piece about legalizing "weed".


  1. In my opinion, people have to choose what's right and wrong for them and think about how weed could endanger others. It should definitely be illegal for teenagers to have weed because they will suffer IQ loss. Especially now in our world where we want our students to be smarter than students in different countries, drugs could possibly be the reason for the low scores.

    Pd 3, JT

  2. I don't feel that legalizing "weed" in Colorado and Washington was a good idea, considering that weed is a narcotic that lessens IQ and can lead to horrible decisions. The excuse for "enhancing individual freedom" is a weak one, but the laws in the two states allow that individuals can do this now. Is it a good thing? Probably not, considering our academia rank in the world. I don't have a strong opinion of legalizing weed simply because it is a degradation of American people's intelligence and respect.

  3. After reaeding this article, i agreed with the fact that people smoke weed for pleasure and excitment, not because they actually want to. I believe states that are trying to legalize marijuana are making a mistake becasue theres going to be an abundance of amount of people who want to buy it which will lead to companies not producing enough marijuana which will hurt the buisness. Also, legalizing marijuana would change the way our country views the importance of health.

  4. this article was very interesting. the man talking about his life and how he used marijuana when he was younger was a good introduction into the article. talking about his views on weed and what he thinks is going on with the legalization of marijuana throughout some states in the U.S. was detailed and fascinating. i personally am against the legalization of marijuana for recreation use. i think that there is no point to having drugs be legal.
    -Frank D.

  5. this opinion piece took a more individual and fundamental appoach to the morality of smoking marijuana. i think as shown in the writer's experience, teens tend to smoke marijuana to pursue their pleasures and as getting older they discover that smoking is actually not a real happiness because its repetitive and very not productive. and i see the fact that legalization of marijuana apparently increases the number of users. It's obviously negative influence to teens who should be prevented from smoking weed in early age.
    -Hoonmo K. Pd. 3

  6. Marijuana is going to be a huge business in the future, if it becomes legal you could make clothing, paper, rope, and even fuel out of the male marijuana plant. Also it has Been proven that regular marijuana users drive better than first time user, first time users drive like drunk drivers

    J.s period 4

  7. I don't see the big deal in legalizing weed. If anything, legalize it, tax it, and regulate it. Last time I checked, two people getting high off of weed don't get into fights, while two drunks can get rowdy and haphazard by causing fights. There are no negatives in legalizing weed whatsoever.

  8. I think David Brooks was like many other teenagers they thought smoking pot made them cool and that people would like them if they did it. And so again like many other teenagers they were victimized to peer pressure. And as David Brooks and his friends got older they also realized that smoking was weird and they all just stopped smoking. Also on the case that Colorado legalized weed I think it is partially good because the government can make a lot of money of that from taxes on it like cigarettes. But it is also bad because that drug can really hurt you and that would make it much easier for minor like David Brooks to get it, which could cause a lot of bad things fro the young new generation of teenagers.
    Zaid Javaid

  9. CR - PD 8 SRA

    To a point of listening to his point, how people age out or grow mature from it i found true. but some people don't grow up as well and continue to throw their lives away spending all their money on weed. by these states making it legal, yes i has became cheaper and the state now makes money off it, but instead of people wasting their money, they are just gonna be wasting their lives being able to smoke when ever they want to, no secret. i personally think it should still be illegal

  10. Legalization of weed is main problem today because it can influence many more young teen than today. Imagining if weed was legalized, this would ruin peoples health problems and the society that everyone lives in. Many more dangerous accident might occur or may be there might be a great risk for people's death. Overall, the weed should never be legalized.

    - A.H.
    Period 3

  11. Everything has two sides. So does freedom. Marijuana is harmful but make people high. In the same way, people may do good thing not for world's peace but for their own purposes. We are trying to hide the "bad" side and do things "good" with "bad" purpose.

  12. I agree with David Brooks on his opinion towards marijuana and how teens can get addicted to it and you end up just having no motives in life. Weed also is linked to doing more different drugs because you want something "stronger". It's not something to be proud of. It's very unattractive towards jobs and if you come in high you're immediately fired. It's not worth it in my opinion.
    VF pr 4

  13. In my opinion, weed should be legalized...however, it should just be treated in a similar way to alcohol. I understand how it is not beneficial in specific ways, such as losing IQ. But, weed can be used for good things such as treating cancer patients. In the end though, I don't think it would be very different from alcohol, sharing the same laws.
    EM per 8

  14. When weed becomes a topic of conversation I never know what to say. So while i was reading this, one of the first thoughts that came to mind was "can't this guy get in trouble for admitting he smoked?" and second for all the reasons he stopped is why weed is still illegal and why most people don't do it. But another reason I tend to be quiet about weed is because weed is used to help patients in hospitals but its illegal for anyone else. But the narrator of this story is saying all these negative effects of smoking weed, yet weed is used to help patients. Its an interesting topic and this article was quick and short, but it hit all the key points on why weed is still illegal. In my opinion I feel its contradicting each argument.
    Caroline Nickels period 4.

  15. This article is probably relatable to a lot of teens now. Marijuana should just illegal. The main people who use marijuana are teenagers and even people in there 20's. But smoking is bad in general. This should not be a trend in society. That's just my opinion, but I know tons of people can argue this.
    Daniella Canel pd.4

  16. I believe that weed should be legalized. It is an individual decision on weather to smoke it or not. Legalizing weed will also help boost the economy because the government can sell it and make a major profit. Although some people say that it can cause IQ loss, it is also used to cure many things for example headaches, and is used to fight some forms of cancer. Smoking marijuana is an individual decision and i believe it should be legalized
    -Mike G per. 4

  17. The article is a good take on a normal person sharing his life experiences with weed. Which is very similar to most peoples experiences. Weed becomes something kids rely on and that can in the end ruin some ones life.
    Marijuana shouldn't be legalized but it doesn't mean that would stop people from doing it anyway.
    FB period 3

  18. In my opinion, using marijuana should be legal. I think of it like its cigarettes and alcohol. There are negative sides to using it but everyone still uses them. In this article it says that the price will drop by 90 percent, and because the price is dropping and legal fears will go away, the amount of people that use marijuana will increase. The use of marijuana will create a lot of money so I believe it should be legalized because using it doesn't hurt anyone so there should be no punishment for it.
    Pauric Coyle period 3

  19. This article was insane. I can't believe he admitted to smoking weed. As I was reading it was so interesting how he was wording his sentences. How he said that he did it during lunch and then had to go give a presentation the next period. It's scary. I still don't think that it should be legalized as my other classmates think it should. But as Caroline said we need it for patients because helps. But as for smoking I don't think anyone should be doing it for fun.
    Asma I. Period 3
