Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Road to Success Begins Here....

I came across this and thought it offered great insight. It is a concept that often does not get "taught" but lectured in one form or another. No one wants to be lectured to, so we often do not listen. Take a look, what do you think?


  1. I think that this article is very inspiring to those people who are going through a rough time and need inspiration and a sign to know that things aren't over and that their path of life can be changed.

  2. This is Matthew Esposito i think the strong mined people cope with problems in a way of learning how to stop it from happening again

  3. I don't really feel that this article defines a true person. It's too biased to be taken legitimately, at least for me. Do all smart people follow these rules and guidelines, and do they really NOT do these things? I mean, how can you be sure? I'm sure that some people don't do some of the things listed on the article, but some might do. I can't follow this article because it only represents a small amount of people, not everyone.

    -Aidan Cunningham

  4. i think the article in general talks about the optimistic attitude of successful people. those things they do are related to realitstic optimism; they know that they dont need to give up after failure, and they know what to give up sometimes. they don't waste time being pessimistic because it doesn't help you advance. the article is somewhat obvious because everyone knows that they need to be optimistic to make progress in their lives. also, even though i do agree the article is correct, it's exceptional when someone starts with really bad conditions because being on the different starting lines is being disadvantaged.
    Pd 3 Hoonmo K.

  5. I find this article very interesting as well as true. Mentally strong people don't waste their time regretting or wishing for things, they spend time moving forward and woreking hard for success. I agree that mentally strong people are able to do all the things mentioned in the article.
    Ryan H. Period 3

  6. I think this article offers an excellent understanding of what it takes to be a mentally strong person. I never actually thought about this topic too much and after reading this article I understand what it takes to become mentally stable and think it would be interesting to try and comit to trying all of the examples that were provided. The only thing that i dont like is that part about worrying about pleasing others. I think that this could make a person become very selfish very quickly, but i guess thats what it takes to become mentally stable. Something i like about this is that its pretty much saying don't live in the past, if you want to be mentally stable you have to continue to keep trying new things and not be afraid to try new things.
    -Pauric Coyle
    -Period 3
    -Government and Economics

  7. I enjoyed reading this article because I never thought about being mentally strong to be successful. I know to be successful you have to handle events and be able to take on responsibility, but I never thought what it takes to be mentally strong. When I was reading each number, I would think of myself, "Is that me?" or "Do i do that?" I think every point that was brought up is very valid to be strong mentally. I also found it interesting because some of the points I would have never thought of to be mentally strong. For example, the one about forgetting about the past and moving on. When I first read it, it caught me off guard, but continuing reading on it made more sense.
    c.n period 4

  8. I really enjoyed reading this article the things that intrested me. It made me think back to what you wrote up top that we arent taught this and lectured. instead we learn and teach ourselves how to make us stronger and we learn how to deal with problems we face as we grow up. This atricle also influences me to chabge the way i handle things to become more stronger with the situation i am delt with. ( Kara Kalabacas)

  9. This article shows the way that mentally strong people stay mentally stable. I think the most important thing this articles says is that they don't waste time with things that aren't important to their lives. A mentally stable person looks to improve from mistakes but to also not fear to make mistakes. I liked this article because it shows how you can really be successful by thinking clear but also not thinking about things too much.

  10. l think that this article is very interesting. I never knew that there were ways to becoming a mentally strong person. I thought you were either born with it or you never knew how to be mentally strong. However, after I read this, I related this article to other successful figures and other people i know and now realize that they were just like the people the author depicted. This article taught me a lot.
    -CH Pd03

  11. this was an interesting article! I felt as if i was reading an article about how to go through life properly not necessarily as a CEO or from a high up job. I think that all of these should be read by students because it shows a good work ethic and that progress and rewards are not necessarily an immediate response. Also, it shows people that once you get to the position you wanted, your work doesn't end there. You must constantly realize changes that are made and how they will effect you.

    d.lieb per.1

  12. The idea of mentally strong people is basically how they have to be optimistic. so if you're true to yourself and don't let others effect you then you are mentally strong. in my opinion you can have a strong mind and not have to think you're better than others. Mentally strong people have open minds and aren't easily persuaded but can listen to what others have to say and not have their chin up all the time. Period 3 Francesca B

  13. If someone is seeking to become a little stronger mentally, they should consider taking some of these tips into account.


  14. I think that being mentally strong is a very important topic in today's world. I feel like i avoid some of these 13 points but i wish i would be able to avoid all of them. I believe that if people would avoid these 13 points the world be a better place and it would also be much better for the people themselves.
    -Aleem Sutar

  15. I'm surprised that no teacher has actually given or said something similar to this article. I think that its interesting to compare your life to the lives of "mentally strong people", to see where your at. i found that i connected to somethings but not others, and that could help me to improve on myself. I guess that this article is better read than told thought, when you read it you have all the time you want to stop and think.

    Andrew Lynch

  16. I love this article. It teaches us lessons that we need in real life. No one wants to work with someone that's pessimistic or weak. We want leaders. We want to work with people that are positive, strong, hardworking people who can learn from their mistakes.
    JT- Period 3

  17. All the things to staying a postivly strong person are true. The advice on this website is good to read. Worry about pleasing other people can cause alot of stress to yourself and always getting anxiety and stessing over worthless things can cause a person to be unhappy


  18. I believe that you can control your actions and emotions in any situation as long as you are confident in your self


  19. I think that some people are mentally strong and others are not. I believe that all of these traits come naturally to the people who are mentally strong. Although it may be possible to develop some of these traits, i think that it is very hard to especially later in life. People who have these traits were born with them and will have them for the rest of their lives.
    Period 4 M.G.

  20. I think this is very helpful because some people dont know that doing well and getting a good education does not require taking care of anyone else, it is based on you and the teacher. - noah aizer SRA global period 7

  21. I agree with most of this article and think that the points discussed in it apply to almost everything in life, not just economics and entrepreneurs. All kids entering high school should have to read this article and then have to read it again before they head off to college to reassess themselves. Especially seniors in high school, a lot these points can be covered up by the stress of applying and getting into college. However, it is important to try and live our lives as close to being mentally strong as possible. If we stop with all the excuses and jealousy, we are already that much closer to having a more successful future. ze pd.1

  22. as i read this article. I found few facts to overlap with what I do as my habit. But i don't personally think these would be proofs for one to be mentally strong.

  23. mental stability is the only way to live your life happily and be as stress free as possible. I liked this article being posted because it gave readers tips on how to be better at life (because being mentally stable helps you a whole lot) and sometimes people just need to sit down and read these articles if they're feeling incapable or crazy and let the tips written sink in and help them have a happier and healthier life

  24. People who are mentally strong are usually successful. These people never let anything "weigh them down" and that is part of what makes them successful. Many people underestimate the mind and people who have a "mind over matter" attitude never let anything get in the way of their success. -Matt Capilupi SRA 7

  25. Mental strength is sometimes more important or even necessary to achieve success. Because it is one's choice that really show who he is, rather than his ability.

  26. I find this article very interesting. Personally I found it quite inspiring. I believe we're all mentally strong in some ways but we just all overlook it. This could be very helpful for someone who feel like they're not mentally stong at all. This article could help a little. I even found it relatable.
    DaniellaC. pd.4

  27. This article is really interesting because it shows how much a mentally strong person can control. Successful people have made it to the top because they never gave up, were always optimistic and faced real life. This article teaches people that they should stay confident in themselves and follow these steps in order to succeed in life. Jonathan Moreira

  28. I like this article because it contained a lot of useful and helpful tips in order to obtain a healthy and strong mind. The most useful tips for me would be to not give away my power and be able to control myself. Also I will learn to embrace change because sometimes it’s for the best. I also want to please others so this has taught me to be able to please others but also myself. Also It has taught me to be able to be patient when waiting for results for something.
    Jennifer Carmody

  29. This article was very interesting. When reading this I felt like it made me think of becoming a better person than I already am. For example the #9 "Resent Other People’s Success" which basically meant that we should be happy for other people when they achieve something good in their life and not be jealous of them. Reading this article made me think to become a better person and that the little changes do matter.

    -Asma I.

  30. This arcticle was very amusing. As I was reading it i kept trying to connect with each tip about the mentally strong CEO's. This seems like a good checklist to follow if you want to be just as mentally strong as everyone else in this world.
    Sean m

  31. I was very surprised to hear about some of the things that were listed here. But at the same time I was a little shocked to see that some of the things listed were hints that I often do. I hope that I can take thisband help to learn how to make myself more mentally strong. I hope to improve some of my habits after read this, particularly about giving up immediately after failure. I see that I have to keep on trying even after I fail and to keep this list in mind when going on with life.
    Period 1: Bernard Lee

  32. I really liked this article because I know personally that I lack in the mental toughness area and while reading it and going down the list I kept saying to myself "yep I do that". I think that mental strength is very important and comes first and before any other strength that you need in life. Without mental toughness you can not be the best you can and be successful in life.
    Sam R. pd.1

  33. I found this article interesting. It made you think about different situations you've been in where you may have acted without a strong mind. The article helps you to realize that you can make the best of every situation. I thought #4 was funny because my dad and I are those people to get extremely mad about traffic which is so out of our control
    BR pd. 1

  34. I feel as though this article would be so helpful to a lot of people. So many people who are not mentally strong should really read this, it can make them change certain things about the way they thing to make them becomse stronger.
    -em period 8

  35. C. C. Period 8
    This article has taught me to be more resiliant and hard headed when it comes to dealing with anything from school to home life and not to take anything to heart. Instead only hold onto what you believe in and think is valuable to you and you will go farther in life that you could have imagined.

  36. I think this article is very interesting to read. I feel like I agree with some things while disagreeing with others. I don't agree with the writer when it said that successful people don't complain that much. I've seen people who are not as successful and have a very optimistic mood. I think this article is just a fun read but it's not really a guide line to being success. There is no "real" way.
    -BS (period 1)


  37. This article shows a good work ethic and that progress and rewards are not necessarily an immediate response. Also, it shows students that once you get to the position you wanted, your work doesn't end there because changes in your occupation can happen at any time, which is why people who are strong minded are more likely to be able to tay employed. Strong minded employees can adapt because they know they are average people and they dont think they are better than everyone else. Also, I like how the article shows that you do not have to be a CEO or have a high paying corporate job to be sucessful and happy with your job.

  38. It is easy to get held back by past experiences or ill feelings towards the tasks in front of you. In order to move forward you must be open minded, willing to make change, and confident in your in actions in addition to yourself. Mentally strong people are mentally independent. They don't let others opinions effect their own ability to succeed. This article offers some pretty solid insight on how you should go about being a mentally strong and successful person.
    -HS Pd.1

  39. I feel as if the article claims that one must have all of the factors to be mentally strong, and i disagree. I think there is no true recipe to be mentally strong. It just grows on to someone, and if people have trouble with it can see what factors that a mentally strong person may have.

  40. I think that this article really helps the people that worry about themselves and those that are not as mentally strong as others. I think it is helpful to those people because it pretty much states the simple steps of what a strong person would do in different situations. Dominik H. - SRA Global 7

  41. A.H.

    period 3

    This is a great article for many people, like teenagers and people who are part of a business or sometimes in their own jobs, this article help them to be more successful through life. This articles show how determined people becomes huge in life or the future. This article can be used as a guide for the future generation. In #7. "Dwell in the Past", i agree that thinking about the pass can leave anyone behind, if they are keep reminding them self about the pass. They would never be able to move on.

  42. SRA CR PD:8

    what i like about this article is that it shows anyone can be successful in their own life. they just have to be more mentally stronger. this article shows how you can improve your mental strength by following these steps. i know many people who do the complete opposite of pretty much every one, i wont lie i do the opposite of some myself. but reading this makes me realize what i do wrong, and hopefully i realize it when the time comes and my mental strength is needed.

  43. I actually saw this earlier this month!
    Most of the items listed in the article are common sense, but it takes a strong personality to actually follow the advice...I find this the case with most self-help articles and books.

    The most interesting entry was that mentally strong people don't feel that "the World Owes Them Anything." This reminds me of many articles I've read that my generation is spoiled and feels entitled. However, this article says that we should feel that the world doesn't owe us anything "regardless of...preparation and schooling." I don't quite get this item, because if we work/study hard, we should have rewards.
    -Shiana M Pd. 1

  44. Although I agree with a lot of what was said in this article I think that sometimes mentally strong people still make some of these mistakes, knowing that they're doing the wrong thing but can't help themselves. I also think that kissing up to people is a smart choice, especially if you need to get on their good side.
    -Michael Reynarowych Period 1

  45. I see that I am personally not a mentally strong person and i need to follow these tips to help myself. I'm pretty sure that I do the opposite of what I need to do so I need to start working on that. I have been over the past year but this article really shows me how much further I need to go
    Adel Elkosh

  46. I thought that this article was really intriguing and uplifting. Mentally strong people I guess are mentally strong. I’m glad mentally strong people don’t feel sorry for their circumstances. They get back on their feet, and look towards the future. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves so instead they are strong and move on with their lives to become more successful and stronger. This is so uplifting and hopefully provides the necessary encouragement for the people who are not mentally strong to find themselves and to get back on their feet.
    DS Pd.1

  47. This article was really motivating and it gave a refreshing point of view. Most article would write about what "mentally strong" people do while this article wrote about what they don't do. These tips the article gave me really motivated me to become a better person and to start working on my new years resolutions.
    J.Kim pd. 1

  48. I think that this article is good for people to learn not to become successful but more or so relaxed so that they can deal with the stress of being a working hard class citizen
    SRA Noah A.

  49. This is by far my absolute favorite of any of the other articles we have had to read. Not only did it have an inspirational edge to it but it was also very insightful. At times I found myself thinking, "Oh hey! That's me!", yet, at other moments throughout the list of 13 I thought, "Hmm, maybe i should start trying to do that.." This article was a great confidence booster as well as eye-opener for self improvement and also how to spot those that are mentally strong around us on a daily basis.

  50. This article was very inspiring and true. It gave me another point of view on how excersing has an effect on being mental strong. They dont worry about what the cant do, they worry about what they can do and dont dwell on the past. Overall they live a better and happier life.
    VF pr4

  51. Mentally Strong people are mentally strong. I don't think it takes years of practice to be mentally strong, just the courage to take the first step. To not dwell on the past, to be patient, to be fluid, all of these characteristics of a mentally strong person can get a person far in life. I think that the biggest one that I should come out of this would be making the same mistakes over and over, because that seems to be happening to me so frequently.
    KA Pd. 1

  52. I think this article is referring to business people and entrepreneurs because with that you have to have a strong mind becuase in buissness things are constantly bringing you down and you need to have a strong mind because you cannot get walked on by other people when you are trying to get to your goal. Like number one says, you need to take responsibility for outcomes becuase not all outcomes are good.
    LM Pd 1

  53. It is very interesting how in order to be classified as mentally strong, you need to fill in all these mental trait qualities. I'm sure there is an in between, someone who is mentally strong, but perhaps less so than another. Then again, even the strongest of us I'm sure feel despair, tend to not be happy in bad situations 100% of the time, and never get pangs of jealously. We are all human after all.
    JH Pd. 3
