Monday, September 9, 2013

Stop, Its Against the Law!

Government is supposed to help give structure for the society "we" would like to live in. The only problem is "we" have a lot of ideas about how "we" should live. Analyzing this competition of ideas or interests is the core of this course. Read this article. Are we closer to a clear definition of what "we" want society to look like or is it something else?


  1. There is a fine line to what people can ban and what can't be banned. You can't change the minds of teenagers to weather they want to like girls of boys, but you can ban plastic bags. I agree with it because it is killing to planet however, you cant expect people to pay 10 cents per plastic bag because some people cant afford it. Banning plastic bags would mean that banning water bottles are okay. If you look at the picture in the article, it has water bottles in the background. The picture is contradicting the idea of banning plastic bags therefore plastic bags should not be banned.

    -Shawna Weiss

  2. Although some bans are there to protect us, I believe that these bans are taking our freedom from us, ban by ban. For example, I think that the plastic carry out ban makes sense and would be able to help the environment. However, banning open fires and fire pits due to health hazards is unfair. We should have the right choose and evaluate what is hazardous to our health and act on it- as individuals. Especially while diesel yachts are perfectly fine.

    Pd 3- Joslyn T.

  3. Im grateful that New York doesn't have as many bans on things as LA

    Amir Dhirani pd4

  4. While reading the article, I agreed with a lot of the regulations that were made in California. However, some regulations such as banning plastic foam trays, restricting use of perfume or fragrance that interferes with librarians, and requiring grocery shoppers to bring their own reusable bag or pay 10 cents for each, seemed a bit unreasonable. It is understandable that California is regulating plastic in an attempt to be more environmentally friendly, but I feel that it is first important to deal with some of the bigger issues presented in the article such as banning fire pits, regulating smoking, and outlawing lane-splitting. Then, legislatures should come to some of the other issues. People will definitely not like it if they are asked to pay money for bags or bring their own bags. Rather, I feel that issues that directly benefit the people should be taken care of first. Smoking and fire pits are important issues because it deteriorates people’s health. Lane-splitting is also important because it puts others in danger. Even though protecting animals and keeping our environment clean is important, the majority of people would not try and understand this because it would cause them inconvenience. However, if legislatures first try and ban laws that are detrimental for the people, they may understand. Of course people who enjoy bonfires and smoke will be upset, but they will at least understand that this is being done for their own benefit. Outlawing the practice of lane-splitting will also probably upset motorcyclists, but it will at least not put other drivers in danger. Consequently, I feel that if steps are taken to benefit the people first, they may understand that it is also important to protect our environment.

  5. This article explains the importance of banning laws that will hurt the United States and the public in a negative way. It's trying to tell the public that the United States is changing and becoming a better place. This article was a bit confusing though.

  6. I really can't believe how many things can be banned. I feel like our freedom as Americans is slowly being taken away. I think that the government should think about more important things to ban rather then banning people for sleeping in the library. I feel like the government is taking these banning very far and yet some people may want these bans it is not important and necessary.
    -Aleem Sutar/period 3

  7. We want our society to BE perfect we want outsiders to come and think that our society and the people in it are perfect and that we ha be no flaws and this is how everyone should be


  8. This is very bizarre. I have never heard about some of these bans, most of them are familiar and I think are still done now, but some of them are very unusual. I think we are closer to a clear definition of what we want society to look like because, even when there were so many bans set up to keep things limited, the people had a say in what they wanted. There were uproars which caused many of the bans to be banned themselves. So yes, i think we are closer to a clear definition of what we want society to look like.

  9. I think that we are closer to what society wants us to look like because our rules and regulations have become more strict and serious. America is trying to clean up their act and show how organized, safe, and well put off we are as a country.
    Ashwin Mattam/ pd. 4

  10. I do not think we will ever be close to a clear definition of what we want society to look like. We will always want something better in society or a change. Although there are a lot of bans going on we will still want more bans to happen to make our society better. As the article states, "But that beach town really earned its bones in the ban business with smoking, which is outlawed almost everywhere, including the beach and at A.T.M.’s." That is a good thing however I feel like we should focus more on illegal drug use and how kids get them.
    -Asma I.

  11. Kan Period 1
    We aren't anywhere close to what we want. Actually, if the people really got what they wanted, the world would be a mess. People would drive past the speed limit, the value of money would degrade to a whole new level, and huge fights on what people want for the world would erupt. That said, I think that the government deserves some credit. It is trying to fit the people's needs like the ban on ban of circumcision. It can't be perfect. The government might do something dumb at times and say "lets ban fireplaces on the beach because people might burn themselves", but it does smart things that I agree with like banning smoking in public areas and psychotherapy for gays. Are we closer to a clear definition of what "we" want socity to look like? Hopefully we are getting there even though there are a lot of different opinions on that subject. As long as change is taking place, there is progress taking place.

  12. i think that we are getting closer to deciding what "we" as a society want the world we live in to be like. i think that we want freedom to do whatever it is that we want but in reason. for example we want to be able to have fires on newport beach, or any beach for that matter, but within reason, so no huge or dangerous fires. so i think that we want our society to actually be free, we want the government to step off a little to keep our country based on freedon actually free.

    -Andrew Lynch

  13. I feel like they're slowly taking away our rights.

  14. We are no where close to what we want the society to look like
    Like in the article, California is making rules that are limiting people's rights.
    Rights they original had, but was hated by only few individuals. Resulting on banning them. which isn't fair to all the other states.

  15. People are banning whatever they dislike. However, a thousand people can have a thousand different appreciations. Different ideas cause conflicts if people don't try to negotiate when executing those "bans." This is the core of this course.

  16. Nothing is outlawed without a reason. Voting and practical thinking must take place. Therefore, is it really a negative aspect of society to loose some freedom if it's for the common good? Rules are put in place to control what needs order. Without the structure of society that creates, establishes, and enforces these rules, the human race wouldn't have survived to this day. Life would be chaotic and full of what we consider crimes. This means robbery, murder, torture, rape, and more would be common practice until everyone suffers to death. Each additional law or outlaw is put in place to better our society, meaning our freedom can take a hit for the bettering of society.

  17. I think we are getting closer to what we want society to be. We're trying to shape society into what we want not what is should maybe be. Although what we think might be right we're not always right and we shouldn't try to shape things into things we want. We should let society take it's own shape instead of trying to mold it ourselves because we are forcing people into being things they maybe don't want to be. I don't think that we should form our own definition of what society is because we're not even exactly sure ourselves so why try to make it into something we're not sure is going to work. We should just leave it alone and let it get into shape by itself.
    -Nishika Vanam Period 3

  18. I don't get why the California government is trying to change everything? The once "happy go lucky" California is now full of bans. I understand banning puppy mills and extra large sugar drinks but why are they making marijuana legal? It's like they are making it so much easier to be a drug addict! Sean m

  19. Charlie Randazzo:

    Personally reading this artical has made me realize what has our country come to sometime. Banning perfume in libaries, banning the use of wearing fur clothing. it pathetic on some of the things they come up with laws that ban stuff that wouldn't affect anothers personal life in any way. but to read about the stop of trying to make homosexual children turn straight was a relief. the fact that some people would try to change anothers thougt of mind is just wrong. best quote "Once you start reaching inside people's living rooms, it's a little too close for comfort", because it is very true. what one does inside their house should be their privcy unless it is basicaly terrorism, their is nothing directly wrong then.

  20. I feel like some of the bans are ridiculous. Bans such as the fur ban and the tall hedge shouldn't be banned because someone could like the tall hedges to go with the garden, and why would anyone ban what you choose to wear. The ATM fee ban and the law to use reusable shopping bags are acceptable. Those two are acceptable due to how reusable bags helps the environment and ATM with no fee's allows more people to use ATM's when they need to. Those are my opinions on the article.-J

  21. one person asked "how about outlawing the wearing of ugly clothes?" The state legisltation of california is banning something i found absurd from parents not being allowed to send their "gay" child to a pyschotherapist whose aim is to convert them to turn straight. I find this overly progressive law absurd because its oppressing one's right for their child to become straight however i do think children should not be forced to try to change their sexual preferences through pychotherapy.Overall, i feel as if the state of california is banning the outlaw of things that are absurd and shouldn't be banned because it causes no harm to anyone. I mean, male genital circumsion is a parents choice for their newborn son and definetly, the state of california should have no legitamite reason to outlaw certain things that include people's everyday life choices like having perfume scents in a library.

  22. I believe that society is transforming into more what the governments wants us to live like rather than what the people want to live like. I feel that many of the laws being passed in California are unreasonable and unfair. For example, the law banning circumcisions isn't fair, it is a choice of the parents of the newborn, it should not be a choice of the government.
    -Ryan H.

  23. I don't believe that we are close at all to finding the "perfect" society. Honestly i think that we will never be able to have or even find a society were everyone gets what they want. Especially because we live in America, a country built off of immigration. There are so many people that have so many different beliefs that it's basically impossible to please everybody. Some people might already think we live in a "perfect" society but others might hate every single law passed in the U.s..

    Pauric Coyle Period 3

  24. I think we are getting closer to what "we" want society to look like because they have banned and removed several things for the concern of the people. The fire pits found at California's beach are being removed for the concern of the people. Instead of removing it they can keep the pits there ,but not be able to be used by people. Also the ban on therapy to turn homosexuals to being straight is something that is beneficial to the people. This shows how the government cares about everyone in our country. With the concern with smoking in public areas such as businesses, the government banned businesses that allowed smoking. The government is seeing that people are dying from second hand smoke, and this is a very smart way to save lives. With these examples i feel that we are getting closer to how "we" want society to look like. - Preston Wong Pd. 4

  25. A.H.
    Period 3

    I think the society in California is losing there rights. The past is repeating it self with strict laws that limits the people rights. I find this shocking California has many things getting banned, even with the most ridiculous reason. I know the government is trying to keep society more safe and secured, but they are put to much pressure on society.

  26. LA has banned to many pointless things for no reason

    Jonnathan Santos Period 4

  27. I think its ridiculous how the government decidea to makr random rules to limit a persons rights. I think thats really unfair. I dont think its right how the governement can control on what we do because we have the right according to the Constitution. If they limit those rights, might as well take our freedom away.
    CH period 3

  28. I think this article shows that the government is becoming careless about their actions that limit individuals freedom and rights. laws should be the last action to keep the society in order not just to deny different values thats different individuals have.

  29. After reading this article I had the impression of Mayor P. as someone who abuses his power as a major. From the beginning of the article to the end I felt as if it was a laundry list of the things the major is banning and with each banned there was not a strong enough reason to ban the activity. The banning the bonfire on the beach was a little rediculous because out of no where it is a health issue? All the things this major had banned I found rediculous but the one that really stood out was having gays talk to a psychotherapist and having the therapist saying there not really gay.
    Caroline Nickels

  30. no the society that we live in is not what we wanted. I don't understand why the government is trying to change things that we didn't even ask for. I mean its us that pays taxes so we have a right to ask them. We need a country where we can shape our own society and have the government follows us. PK period3

  31. This article made me laugh. The author wrote in humor. California does have alot of bans but while some are crazy some make sense. Even though people might like the idea of banning bon fires the smoke is bad for the environment, which can lead to serious health problems. Using recyclable bags, makes sense too because it will be better for our environment . I guess when u think about it most of the bans have a positive outcome.
    Kara K

  32. This article can go back to our argument about how the government should work and how it shouldn't. Obviously this is a point when rules become so overbearingly controlling (i.e. no sprays in a library because it distracts librarians?) and annoyingly strict that it doesn't help anyone, even those in governmental power.


  33. Jonathan Moreira PD3
    I don’t believe we are closer to a clear definition of what we want society to look like. I think all this banning business is just for politicians to gain attention. Most bans do not benefit society. Instead they just create more headaches and more worries for people. I am sure people would like to enjoy their lives and the majority of these bans just make this difficult. I am also sure that there are more Californians living a more stressful life now than ever before.

  34. People should be greatful of what they have and count their blessings. T.B

  35. There are restrictions on many things in California. Starting from making gay teenagers straight to banning fire pits on the beach. Although many of the restrictions sound ridiculous, they all have a reason. Either for our health or to protect the community. These aggressive bans are trying to protect the people even if no body agrees. I think that many of these bans don't benefit people but others can be helpful to a better society. I also think that in the future we will look at these some of these restrictions the way we look at some of the ridiculous ones from the past.

  36. Interesting article. Some of the bans sound outrageous, but come to think of it, they can benefit the people. As outrageous it can be to some people, banning fire pits isn't that bad of an idea, given that California produces an abundant of smog, especially in the L.A area. At least the mayor is taking initiative, rather than leaving California out alone to dry. The people should be happy that they have a mayor that cares about what goes on.
