Sunday, March 17, 2013

Living With Less

Here is an alternative to minimalist. Function over stuff! Read the article and then be sure to watch the video about his apartment.


  1. Richard period 6

    I was really impressed with the minimal design especially the moving wall which leads to a second room. I thought that was the coolest part especially after seeing what a big contrast it has on the room. Also the large amount of hidden technology really surprised me like the built in speakers/projector and solar charger.

    I wouldn't mind living in a place like this alone but I think it would be too cramped with another person.

  2. I think it was really neat and efficient how he used the space he had so nicely. He was creative and that allowed him to put everything he needed in a small apartment. Made it look really spacious and big too. I think its great how it also is environmentally efficient. I think mr. cloud would love this house.
    -vihar p 6

  3. AP Micro - PD 6 - MTC

    The question I have is whether the apartment can be installed in other buildings. That way we could sell it to other similar environmentalist. Some people will pay more in the name of helping the environment. This could make a nice niche market. This type of home is even space efficient and promotes conservation in energy use. New York City has very little room for new people to actually live. Companies are now trying to build these types of very small apartments. There is a huge demand to live in New York City, and its a struggle to create enough apartments to meet it. Perhaps this apartment can serve as a model for what a high-class, elitist version of the new wave of smaller appartments could be like.

    I could appreciate the efficiency in this home. It shows how creativity can lead to amazing results.

  4. Crammed. Squished. Annoying. That is what comes to mind when I traditionally think of a 350 square foot apartment in Manhattan. However, after seeing this video, I was opened up to how Graham's transformed such a small space to an aura that feels clean, spacious, and relaxing. I agree with his simplistic idea because it makes the room seem more open and is easier to clean. Also, I love the sliding wall, which opens up to the guest bedroom, which is very convenient because space is not wasted when there are no guests present. The dining room table that pulls out from under the sink is astonishing because it is adequate for dinner for 10, unimaginable in a 350 square foot apartment. Thus, I feel that his Treehugger idea will be very lucrative and loved. -Sahil Parikh, AP Micro, Period 6

  5. Aditya Lakhani

    I thought that this video was really cool and demonstrated the need for architecture in the future of the world, because this can be very useful in the future of the world, because it has many modern aspects and it seems very big despite the small apartment size.

  6. Matt G. (Period 5)

    Okay, I admit, that was really awesome, but it was also completely unnecessary. It was cool, but I'm probably never going to be doing anything like it.

  7. I think that Graham is very smart for doing this in his apartment. It just goes to show how you CAN actually take control of your lifestyle, in the best way possible of course. He's saving a vast amount of space, it's organized, and seems to be helpful. Therefore, it was a systematic and clever idea!
    ~Britt B. (Period: 7)

  8. I really like this room and the idea to save spaces. Although the room was only 8 functional spaces, it got everything a person need inside. I think it'll be very comfortable and warm to live inside. Actually there are many of these kind of ideas in Japan because of their small land. Maybe I should go visit some days. Emily

  9. I thought this video was very interesting because Graham Hill disproves the idea that by living in a small New York City apartment you must give up a lot of things. An apartment like this is perfect for the average middle class person who can only afford a cramped, cluttered apartment. Although simple, I thought everything in his apartment was very crafty and innovative; thus, proving that one can manipulate the scarce space to create a modern, spacious living area. Ultimately, having an apartment as efficient as his is would be very beneficial and economical in the long run. Modern, space-saving apartments like this one will definitely be utilized and become more popular in the near future.

    -Victoria Poulakis (Period 6-Micro)

  10. i thought it was really cool how i looked at what he really needed and made sure that it was able to be collapsible so that it could be stored in minimal space like his table
    KH Pd.7

  11. David Pd. 6

    I feel that this is the ideal apartment I would want to live in because of the living space's ability to accommodate many of my everyday needs with the smallest area possible. I will always prefer efficiency over extravagance when it comes to a place to live and to have an apartment that includes a bedroom, dining room, living room, etc. all within 420 square foot of space is extremely efficient to me. When looking for a house in the future, my goal would be to accomplish what this video demonstrated, to have everything I want and need in the smallest volume of housing possible to live comfortably.

  12. I thought the design was really cool. I really like how the walls were separated and knocked down into another year. I feel like living in an apartment like that would be super easy because there is so much empty space around you. However, it would be really hard if you shared an apartment with someone. The way they explain this apartment makes them sound really creative.

    Rachael pd 7

  13. Armando Per. 7

    I now realize that my lack of utilization skills is shared by many. The creativity of one individual really astounded me. It shows the average person that living in an urban area in a smmall living space that with the correct methods, massive space can me included. If i could incorporate some of the same ideas into my living space, the possibilites are endless!

  14. Gabby pd. 7

    This blew me away. I can't believe how much stuff is squeezed into such a small living space. It's brilliant to say the least. I used to always want a huge house when I was a kid but seeing this opened my eyes to different possibilities that make living just as easy in a small space.

  15. Jeff C Per 6

    As I was watching this video, I kept visualizing the future with millions of these TreeHugger apartments lined up. It is really unbelievable how much use he got out of such small space but I did have a few issues. The bathroom was so narrow that I feel like it would be awful having to navigate around in there. The kitchen was another section of the apartment I had a problem with. It was just another room with counters and everytime you'd want to cook, you would be taking out the burner which is really not a kitchen. Besides these few annoyances, I feel that the apartment was very resourceful of the space and I am pretty sure the future will bring more homes like this as space becomes less available. We should not look at this article and only imagine how cool it would be to live in a place like that but also think about what we can do to live more efficiently in our own homes.

  16. I think that this is another example of how the development of technology sheds a positive light for the future of the world. The apartment is truly ideal and really is an apartment I would want to live in myself. The architecture and engineering makes it so small yet have enough space for multiple rooms, appliances and even a big living room.

    Peter M
    AP Micro p.6

  17. MB pd 7

    I thought it was really interesting that such a small amount of space can surfice for a grown man or woman living in the 21st century. My favorite part of the room would deffinitely be the sliding wall. A person can use this as an advantage for storage and keeping other personal items. I really like how madernized this appartment is and i think it will be very useful in the future.

  18. Michaela pd 7

    I thought it was really interesting that such a small amount of space can surfice for a grown man living in the 21 century. My favorite part of the room would deffinitely be the sliding door

  19. Mark pd. 7

    I was impressed with how minimalistic that guys' apartment is, and yet, it still had all those "secret compartments". Though it's still a small apartment to live in, he made good use of every square foot he had in the apartment. Sometimes it can be really easy to live in a small apartment if you're organized and neat, or it can be really hard if your disorganized.

  20. I feel like this is a great invention beacuse it keeps everything organized. Its easier to store items that would just be laying outside. I would love to have this in my room.

    js pd.7

  21. I want that apartment now. its was honestly the coolest thing seeing him have everything in the wall. He had so much but in such a small area it was crazy. People should really start doing this a lot mofe often.

  22. Isaac P.6

    Wow, it thought that video was really cool. I think that this shows how efficient you can use any space. The way everything was set up in that apartment was so well thought out, that everything just worked. I would love to do this when i get a place of my own, but i wonder how much it would cost. A lot of the features in this apartment seemed very expensive, so i wonder if it would cost more than just getting a bigger apartment. Anyways, this could be the start of a new mindset for people on how to use space efficiently and live comfortably in a small space. This is ideal for living in the city in a good location.

  23. I felt that the apartment was an ingenious idea. It's economical in that it saves so much space yet also holds all the furniture and appliances needed. I believe that as the world becomes more and more populated, living quarters will gradually resemble layouts like this. This just shows that although we may feel apartments are lacking space there are ways to accommodate.

    Period 6 Micro
