Sunday, February 24, 2013

What is the Sequester?

This is the hot economic and political news of today. Use this to get up to speed.


  1. The sequester is across the board spending cuts to goverment that will take effect unless republicans and democrats in congress agree to come up with a comprimise on cuts and lowering the debt. We put this into effect to force ourselves to come up with a resolution. I think, like the fiscal cliff, both parties will agree to a comprimise. And what's good is that it isn't as devistation as the media is portraying it to be.

  2. the sequester is pretty much the government trying to save money but stopping short projects like the machine the smokes cigarettes for medical research which is kind of ridiculous to spend money on, also the possibility of letting some criminals go which would be beyond ridiculous if you ask me. also these cuts will accrue over a period of time so we might not even notice them at first.
    -Joe hogan period 2
