Sunday, November 11, 2012

Storms - The New Normal

A "hundred year storm" is a storm that is so severe it is only supposed to happen once every hundred years...or so.  Clearly, this is not a reliable description anymore. Read this to see what the government says about how it may affect our country.


  1. PD 2 Z.M.
    this article sticks out to me becasue many people are in very poor and sad conditions and the goverment is complaining about how they cant afford this if it happens very often also when they treyed to pass a law so that when this kind of stuff happens that we could get help money wise and the republicand denyed it that kinda suprised me that they would deny something like that. also i think if the goverment knows that stroms are going to be more often now then they should get supplies ready such as oil food water and everything else.

  2. Ever since Hurricane Sandy, Research has been done about the frequencies of the storms hitting the east coast that would be worse than Sandy. Global warming contributes to that storm which would contribute into other storms in the future, which they must reesearch this for a couple more months then report a direct link to the climate change or national security.

  3. I think that this is a huge deal. I really hope that people wake up and realise how important this is, and demand changes. The fact that this isn't front page news would only mean that its not certain. But considerring its from goverment findings, it could very well be accurate and needs to be known by everyone. The goverment needs to do something, and they need to do it soon.

  4. this is really crazy. but also the truth. ive always heard people say long island is a safe place to live there is never and big storms or hurricanes . but when the government tells us that sandy was considered small compared to what were going to get in the future it kind of scares me the fact that i grew up on this wonderful island that was so safe and now in my lifetime it has to change and become less safe. we suffered for about 2 weeks with sandy and we recovered pretty fast. it was a storm that brought our community back togther and made us work together just like 911 did. there were good things and bad but our community as a whole is going to have to start working together more and more to over come these big storm to come.

    SRA PER 2 DP

  5. I find this to be really scary. Especially the last two recent storms that have occurred. I mean what's gonna be next? It's crazy how we've had two storms in a row! Like what's going on?

    -Emily Cross per. 3

  6. tristen c pd3
    its kind of scary to think taht there will be more storms like sandy, that can come more ferequently and could possibly be worse . this is a big issue and we need to start doing things to try and reverse global warming and this that are causing stroms like sandy

  7. This article scares me because if storms like this are supposed to be every 100 years apparently and they are happening on a frequent basis isnt good. So since there is major flooding and everything like global warming causing the shore lines to increase isnt good. soon coastal areas like long island and parts of florida might be covered up by flooding or melting of the polar caps. This scares me mainly because i thought long island was safe, but from hearing what the government is saying, it isnt going to be as safe from now on...


  8. This is really scary. The title is even enough to send chills down my spine. I don't think we have to worry to much though, we did get through sandy. Although, I think people should learn to take more precaution so nothing gets ruined like before. Prior to the storm, we should all go out and get prepared. I'm mainly just mad that we'll lose power again

  9. After we had a little sneak peak of what can be expected in the near future, I am not looking forward to the next big climate change. I wasn't expecting much damage because of the pervious impact of the Hurricane with out any help from Hurricane, "Hurricane Irene." But I was wrong, Hurricane Sandy made the tri-sate area look deserted. It was very devastating to observe the the federal government.
    Although, I am relieved to hear that the Defense Department spent billions of dollar for fuel-efficient vehicles and that United States is very well prepared.
    -Rika Shirasuna

  10. This article no lie creeped me out saying that the warm climate will eventually create more crises with the food markets, energy supply chains and public health systems this will become chaos. It kept repeating that this will happen alot more often and it does scare me and im sure everyone because not everyone is aware what damage can occur.

  11. This article really explains what could happen in the future. It has already been proven that that as the climate gets warmer, there will be more probelems. That involves food prices rising because of droughts. What happened with hurricane Sandy is now going to be very common. Once a hurricane hits land and moves around, it makes it's path. That path opens the opportunities for other hurricanes, tornadoes, etc, to go in and cause distruction.
    ~ Maria U
