Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Anti-industrial Place to Live!

Since we were just discussing the advantages and disadvantages of an industrial lifestyle, I thought this would be interesting.


  1. Krish Shethia- This article reminds me of a chapter form The Outliers, a summer reading book that many of us read. The chapter in the book talked about an Italian community filled with immigrants form the same city in Italy, had a low mortality rate and low rate of heart disease in seniors. The surrounding towns, all had high heart disease rates, but something set this town apart. After researching it throughly, doctors discovered that their food habits were terrible, and they didn't exercise. What was different about them, was the community. Every one knew everyone, and they were all very friendly and social. This phenomenon was very curious and resulted in many studies on how social behavior affects health. This idea may also be a factor in the island, and i think we should study it further and learn something form it

  2. I think that this was pretty cool. Honestly cancer just going away from a healthy lifestyle, compared to doctors dieing before the cancer patient does, it's a different story.

  3. SK pd. 9 I was shocked when I read this story. I couldn't believe after being diagnosed with lung cancer, Stamatis Moraitis was still alive three and a half decades later. I really wondered how could someone survive without treatment. I think that when Moraitis reconnected with his faith, it gave him hope. I also think that being with his family and friends from his childhood helped him emotionally. In Ikaria they have a very different diet from the U.S. It's a more natural way to eat. The article said that no one wears a watch and that they drink wine and take naps each day. I think that reduces stress. But, the thing I was most impressed with was reading that the social structure in Greece kept the elderly active and involved and that may be why there is less disease and longer life spans.

  4. I think that this really is a very interesting article. What surprised me the most was the fact that Moraitis was diagnosed with cancer, yet it went away when he moved to Ikaria. To me, the disappearance of cancer after it has been diagnosed is unheard of. I guess this definitely contributes to the advantages of not living an industrial lifestyle: the gift of longevity. To me, this island seems so surreal. There are no rules and everything is laid back, whereas in comparison urban lifestyle is very fast-paced.
    - tiff k, period 9

  5. Ikaria is where my aunt is from I visited over the summer. It is not modern there. I remember we got everything from my aunts farm. IF we needed something from the super market it was about a half hour away.

  6. The idea that an island called Ikaria, is a place where people don't die, is pretty amazing and yet very interesting. The man who went to live there is a very lucky person. The fact that he had cancer, and was told that he was going to die but yet he decided to go to this little greek island, and be saved is quiet fascinating! All this man did was start gardening and eating healthy food. This just shows that without pollution and living a healthy lifestyle and save your life. In this little island, there is no factories whatsoever. It is a place where a person can breath clean air and live a non-pollutant life.

    ~Maria U.

  7. This is really cool! It really shows how industrial life has tooken a toll on us greatly. People arent supposed to get cancer that eaisly. Thats why in the past there are very little (to my knowlage) writings about cancer because there inst anything really unatural to cause it! I would not live there because I cant survive an hour without wifi

  8. tristen c pd3
    its kind of wierd how he didnt die even after 9 doctors told him he would.i guess being in a rural place in the middle of npwhere helps because its peaceful. its also kind of amazing thatr he i s stll around. i think i know where im going to go if i get sick or when im realy old

  9. Wow reading this article is so inspiring to always stay strong and never give up. Moraitis went through so many challanges he had to face including cancer and got a 9 month warning of his death and thats around when he was claims he is 102 thats 40years! and hes done so much its so inspiring what obstalces you can go through and still make it.

    PERIOD 3

  10. i think that the reason he lived longer in Ikaria is because its not industrialized like the US and its more intouch with nature. he has a laid back lifestyle which relieves alot of stress so i think that helped him live longer and could have gotten the cancer to go away. - vc period 3

  11. I found this to be really sad since he survived a gun shot but then was kind of punished by being diagnosed with lung cancer. He worked so hard! But the good part is that it went away. SO in the end its kind of like a happy ever after story!
    -Emily Cross per. 3

  12. This is amazing. sadly ive had family and friends that have passed away of cancers or have been recently diagnosed and it feels good to know even without medical treatment there is hope for people. its amazing that this man was told he was gunna die and he kicked cancers ass by just doing what he did everyday. this is an amazing story and it shows how crazyour socitey is. he lived in N.Y one of the citys with the most polution and after moving to greece near the ocean he healed this is great. this is so insperational

    SRA PER 2 DP

  13. I think this article shows to never ever give up. If he gave up he probably wouldnt be alive right now. I also think drinking wine made him healthier in a way considering he drank alot per day. But, its a miracle how his cancer went away by just lying in bed, drinking, and sleeping. Gardening etc. also helped too because he was getting stronger and more active

