Thursday, November 3, 2011

Does information technology create or destroy jobs? Or is this even the right question?

Here is an article that tackles the question if technology is replacing humans in the workforce. Take it slow and come to class with questions, I'm sure you will have a bunch.


  1. Although information technology is taking over human jobs, other jobs are being created. Many people look at the short term consequences, but in reality, jobs are needed to develop the machines/robots. If businesses are relying more on machines/robots, the demand for the items will increase. Thinking about the future, if people want a job out of college, a good field to go into is engineering.

    Alex K. period 7. Economics

  2. It seems that although technology may have its advantages such as convinience, ease, and efficiency, it also has some disadvantages as well. A disadvantage, shown in this article, is that the more that machines take over jobs that have traditionally been performed by people, the more people become unemployed. Automation, at first, seems like it can be nothing but a postively effective to the workforce and productivity, but in the long run, it makes the unemployment rate increase dramatically.
    Kara period 7

  3. Technology really is bittersweet. Depending on how you see it, either technology can be the source of increasing unemployment, or the source of new opportunities and prosperity. In my opinion, technology is an amazing aspect of our innovations, and it really should be appreciated. However, I do understand that it is replacing jobs, and so I feel torn between which is more important.
    I find it amazing that technology has come to the point of doing even the most difficult jobs, such as it can carry out “document examination once done by armies of lawyers competently by scanning technologies and software”. It seems like almost any job can be done by robots and machines, which is kind of scary. If we keep on advancing in innovations, will everyone be out of work? This does look great in some ways because everybody can sit home and relax… but where will the money come from? And so technology is a confusing topic.
    Once I read that factory workers in China may be replaced by a million new robots, I was shocked. This could leave one million people unemployed and out to search for the limited amount of jobs available. The competition in the labor market is thus increasing exponentially, and complicating the lives of so many.
    Then again, companies still need people to supervise machines, and so their jobs are becoming simpler and facilitated with technology. So when you really think about it, technology is not completely destructive. Half of the jobs today require technology, which makes it easier and more efficient for people to work. Without technology, we would not be at the high level of business and production stand at today.

  4. This is a very interesting article because it shows two opposing views of a popular argument. Technology is something everyone is fascinated with, but is also what people fear. Technology can transform the world, but it can also put millions of people out of work. I never really thought about an argument that claimed technology will not take away jobs. MIT'S Rodney Brooks said that technology just transforms the way we do things. Instead of people doing a task they can supervise a machine doing that task. I have never thought about it like that before. We will have to see what kind of impact, good or bad, technology will have on the world.
    -Krutee pd.7

  5. "The PC didn’t get rid of office workers; it made them do things differently." Essentially, I kept on hearing this argument being made, although it is true, in my opinion, I think there should be a limit as to how far we are changing the work experience. Some jobs of the past have been removed because of machines, but that does not mean we should replace all the jobs that we do not need people doing with machines.
    We argue that everything done by workers will "be done better by machines". This is an example of how we are going to far into convincing ourselves machines will be better then we are, and they will work more efficiently. But what they do not see is the negatives that will come out from this. Jobs will be lost all because we found hiring machines more profitable, which in return will not only effect companies for which the machines are working for, it will effect the nation as a whole sooner or later.
    Luis G
    Period 7

  6. Prior to reading this article I personally was a fan of increasing technology in society because I generally saw it as something that helps to enhance society and that make our lives easier. But, after reading it I asked myself is an increase in technology really worth it if it’s at the expense of people becoming unemployed just because researchers have discovered technology that can do humans former jobs more accurately and instead of them. It a bitter sweet situation because it is impressive that over time researchers have developed technology that machines can do instead on humans manually but, at the same token if there are less and less jobs to be done and over time technology continues to increase how will the average American ever be able to make a living. It might just be that employment has dropped 1% in the past decade but, what happens in years to come when that number grows and with the price of living in our world increasing it makes you think it will just lead to more and more people falling below the poverty line.
    -Taylor B

  7. It is interesting because technology has rapidly placed itself into the daily functions of life. The positive argument would be that technology could improve the standard life. A classic example would be computers, cell phones, and computer chips. The negative side would be the impact on the workforce because owners are utilizing technology to save money. In addition, technology can work 24/7 and more accurately than humans can. This is amazing but shocking because I never thought that owners would resort to machines instead of old fashion hard work.

    Technology can be like sweat and sour chicken because technology improves our lives by allowing us to connect and attain more information. But, technology can put millions out of work.
    Joel Thomas Period 7

  8. As the unemployment rate and technology both increase, eventually there will be a limit, restriction, a certain Extent of jobs left. How will people be able to survive? If the technology rapidly increases sooner than later our economy will become so bad and the cost of living will almost be impossible...something you would never want to happen.

    Katie Rahill
    Period 5

    Katie Rahill
    Period 5

  9. I think technology is a great invention! It gives us so much information instantly and makes everything a lot easier and quicker. But I agree, technology is also eliminating jobs for our economy, which is very much needed at this time. Everything that workers used to do by hand is now easily done with a click of a button or robot as a matter of fact. Of course it makes the labor force quicker and more efficient, but it is taking away someone's paycheck that used to support a family. For example, now with the invention of the iphone, we don't even need friends. The iphone had a GPS, which can track us. The iphone can send emails automatically with just your voice commanding it to. Technology is taking over the world one step at a time and I fear that we are all going to be burried in our phones or computers with no friends banging into each other while we try to walk. Technology is good, but there comes a point where enough is enough.

    -Melissa R pd. 5

  10. I have found technology to be extremely bittersweet. It’s great in the way that it gives us so much information instantly. On the other hand, it isn't right that technology is starting to replace people in jobs. It is shown that a company that has advanced technology needs fewer people working for them. This is because the more advanced technology becomes, it requires less people to help operate it. Its terrible that such great technology is beginning to hurt the economy. The new technology is definitely faster and easier, but it’s bad how jobs are replaced with it. It’s terrible that as technology increases, unemployment does as well.
    - Michelle R pd. 5

  11. Since technology is accelerating faster than ever, there is a good point that it is taking jobs over facotry workers with technology run robots in our lifetime. Sure people will lose their jobs but the world would progress better without so much human labor needed. Maybe with technology in our lives 24/7 it will lead to people becoming more inspired to create the next "big" thing. However the downside of technology is it's very expensive and if the company isnt doing so well it look lose a lot ot money for the technical costs of producing their products. It all works depending how the company is doing. Overall people should sway away from manufacturing business because technology is going to take over them.

    -E. Park PD 10 World

  12. Technology has its pros and cons but it all depends on your perspective. Everyone and everything has bias. In my opinion I think technology is benefical to a certain point making the labor force easier since using technology rather than human hands is more time efficent and convenient .However, if machines take over the place of workers it is not only going to destroy jobs, but it will ultimately destroy the economy in the end

    -Priya C pd.9

  13. I belive that machines could actually let people keep their jobs but also help us. If we can find that borderline where machines help us but don't harm humans jobs, then that's where there will be huge growth in the economy. What the economy should do is try to find that borderline and push or pull the economy towards it.
    M.Y Period 9

  14. Technology is important for society to advance, but there is a problem with too much technology. Technology is erasing more and more jobs every year. There is a possibility that jobs are created from discovering new technology but more likely, there will be a loss of jobs. Robots that work an assembly line make human assembly lines obsolete. Humans can only do a limited amount, while robots and newer technology can last a longer time. Technology may be harming us more than helping us.

    -Russell H pd 9

  15. The fact is, technology exists to make tasks easier. No matter how simple or tedious the task may be that is technology's purpose. This article discussed various opinions and views on how the rapid advancement of technology. Many people worry that machines will completely take over their jobs and leave them jobless with no way to survive. I believe this opinion to be a little silly, honestly. Technology will continue to evolve as much as change is always present in our everyday lives. Nothing lasts forever but there are certain aspects of everyday that will always stand true. For example, before the Industrial Revolution, did anyone ever imagine that people would work side by side in a giant factory? Unlikely. There WILL be new jobs in the future, jobs that may require a little more skill level than ones that exist today. My point is, we're unable to predict exactly what the tasks that those jobs will demand but there will always be tasks and jobs that will need to be done. ,Daniel Lang Pd. 9 World

  16. Technology was always a big help in society. it made life easier and allow products to be cheaper since it takes less time to make it. however, as technology is growing, the need of new jobs is rising. i think it's kind of scary because in the future when it really is all about technology, what will people do for a living. how will they ever support their family? how ill they provide shelter?
    -brandi period 9

  17. I find that we as a society are in a very odd position because as we continue to progress in technology, there will be less jobs for people have. However I think it would be wrong to slow our progress down in order to maintain jobs for people. Hopefully the more progress we have, jobs will open up in order to make these machines. Also for people to have these jobs they need to be very skilled workers.
    Evan S. Period 9

  18. This is a very interesting topic in my opinion as technology is a major part of life today. Everyday we use technology whether it is cell phones, TV, computers etc. It goes to show that technology is taking over our lives as it is even replaces people. Sure, technology would be cheaper then paying millions of workers and sure it will be much more rapid and efficient rate. However, with automation, it would be putting millions and millions of people at of work, which this country cannot afford to do right now given the very high unemployment rate.

    Bottom line: Technology is great in our lives, but not to the extent where it is replacing us.

    Daniel Sang
    Period 9

  19. I feel the real question the article should be asking is, "Is technology requiring more skillful people?" Because it states that though the machines are capable of doing what a regular worker could do, maybe even better, they need more skillful & experienced worker to know how to handle the machine. Yes, I agree it's taking away jobs, BUT it's taking away jobs that don't require that much skill & experience because a machine/robot could do that instead (which is more sufficient to many). "But, 'effectively, most of what the CFO, CEO and managers do today will be done better by machines,' he says." This just proves that workers aren't even really necessary at all because machines could do better, so more advanced people are needed for the machines to be controlled. And not every regular worker is capable of it, which has their job lost.

    -SUAH KIM (World History,Period 9)

  20. Is it worth it was what first thought. after reading it I asked myself is an increase in technology really worth it if it’s at the expense of people becoming unemployed just because researchers have discovered technology that can do humans former jobs more accurately and instead of them. But what would society be without it. the increase in tech. takes jobs away from the people (limiting jobs) will soon the world unemployed because soon machines will be living our lives. kinda weird to think of it like that

    Mike tennis

  21. The fact that automation affects the job market is a little obvious in just that the reason we innovate is to make life easier. At first it made more jobs but now it is doing most of the work for you and that is just how it had to go. I dont believe that a CEO will be unneeded because that position is one of the most important ones in the comapany. I dont think anyone or anything can make the decisions of a CEO.
    -Zeeshan Lakhaney

  22. Sooner or later our economy is going to the type where the majority of people are no longer going to have jobs. Technology has made humans more efficient and new jobs and industries always sprang up to fill in the jobs technology removed from us. I think technology is a beautiful thing but it must be treated with caution. We shouldn't have to depend on it so much that it takes over our entire lives, which its in the process of doing right. However in the upcoming years, the unemployment rate will be decreasing becuase technology can do it all!
    -shobha tewani pd. 9 world history

  23. I don’t believe entirely that technology is replacing the jobs of people. Yes, many positions aren’t needed to be filled by people because a machine does the job better and cheaper. But other jobs can only by completed by humans. Technology has its defects and can’t be as perfect as a skilled worker. The machine can’t have as much dedication to work harder. It can be programmed to but it could break down. At the end of the day, a person will be extremely tired but their work would have paid off because they added a little more to their jar of savings for their child to attend college. If jobs are being replaced, other jobs could open up. For example, jobs could be looking after that technology to make sure its working right, or in manufacturing those machines. As if right now many jobs aren’t being replaced, so I believe that right now all that matters is the technological advancement in about eleven years.
    -krupa patel pd.9 world

  24. It is painfully obvious that machines and technology have replaces workers and how they are performed. Technology has advanced so much that it has become time consuming to use the methods that were once used at the start of the industrial revolution. Because of these machines, workers that were once needed are not as important and crucial. For instance, at factories rather than having a worker package and assemble everything, it would be much more efficient for a machine to take over. A machine does not need breaks, can work without stop and does not need an annual wage. In an economy such as ours, I think it is upsetting how people cannot find jobs as easily because machines have taken over. Like it was stated in the article, soon any job performed by an actual person will not be as efficient as letting a piece of technology do the work. What I fear is that society will become so reliant on the efficiency and work of technology and machines that we forget how to perform basic tasks without them. I can already see this happening with students. We rely so much on the internet we never even think to read books for research. Searching information on the internet is much faster and easier so many students don’t even know that you can find helpful information at libraries and books. Another possibility is that these machines will perform jobs better than we may be able to. If this were to happen and a machine were to be running large enterprises, what will happen when these machines cannot make good decisions on other factors besides statistics. It may sound crazy, but what were to happen if they became so intelligent that they overthrew humans?
    ~ Hannah Lee Pd 09 World History

  25. From this article, I can see why people are concerned with new technologies emerging. Yes, many jobs will be lost but at the same time new ones will be created. For example someone could operate the machines used to do the jobs that were once done by people. Also new technology won't take away everyone's job. There will still be need for factory workers. New technology is invented to make tasks easier to fulfill but it's also expensive. Not every, single company in the world will be operating with advanced technology. The new tools like Siri for the iPhone was designed to make life easier, not harder. Plus as a race, humans would like to move forward and evolve from the past such as by creating new things, and building off of the old things. So trying to stop new technology from being invented is impossible. I personally love technology; having new tools in the palm of your hand is new and exciting. Seeing how many people will become jobless is sad but that doesn't mean that they won't get another job. Technology will always advanced to the next level so new jobs will always be created and old jobs will always become unnecessary.
    -Ami Z.
    World Period 9

  26. To start off I think that technology is an amazing invention that has helped our society advance and become where it is today. Technology has made our studies of science, math and all subjects more detailed and complex while informing us with new things every day. Yet sometimes these technological advancements are a negative aspect when they are causing jobs to be destroyed. I agree with this article because since we are so advanced and skilled with technology we have created robots and machines to do the work that humans used to as jobs. Since this is happening many jobs are being neglected and people are becoming jobless. This craze over new technology is hinting that in our future, daily activities and routines will be at the tip of our fingers where only a press of a button will accomplish so much. Between macbooks, iphones, kindles, and much more our society has relied on electronics to do the work that the people ten decades ago did as a living. Yes technology is a great thing in our lives and its abilities has made tasks almost ten times easier than they used to be but sometimes it also has negative effects that can be dangerous to the functioning of a society. - Nikita Farhadi pd.9 world.

  27. technology is destroying jobs without a doubt. obviously the owner would chose a machine over a human for the fact that the machine would work long hours without complaints and also the machine would not be needed to get paid. technology would also do the job flawlessly.
    Jason L
    Period 9

  28. People are saying that it is a horrible thing that their jobs are being replaced by machines. And they are partly correct, in the current moment it isn't such a good thing, but further on down the road, jobs will still be needed to upkeep the machines.
    Danielle Calleo, Period 9

  29. The sudden technological advances can be both beneficial and detrimental toward our society. Having technology replace simple daily occupations can limit the amount of error that goes into production, or manufacturing etc. It can create a more efficient society—there would be no more human error. A negative to this though, is that as machines and robots start to take over the jobs that were once done by a human, the jobs available would be limited. Soon factory workers, office workers, accountants and such could all be replaced by a robot, so what would these people be left to do? The only way to insure your future job is to get a quality education. In the future, scientists and engineers will be in great demand in order to create, develop and maintain these robots. During this point in time, ones who don’t have an education may be left jobless. And therefore, the gap between rich and poor would widen even more than it has already. That may have an extremely detrimental impact on our society. The Protest on Wall Street would only be the beginning, and the economically unstable ones would stop at nothing to achieve the “equality” they think they deserve.

    Merilyn Chang
    Pd 9

  30. It seems that although technology may have its advantages and, it also has some disadvantages as well. Someone of the good things is that you could keep up with all th news right at the palm of your hands. Some of the down falls are that you really don’t have any privacy anymore. Technology is feared by many people because of this. For example face book is perfect way to give away everything about you. Another thing is that people can now work 24/7 from home and make more money. Samir licul

  31. i agree that technology is eliminating jobs for our economy, which is very much needed at this time. everthing that use to do by hand is now done with a click of a button. they dont understand that the computers and robots are takeing average working peoples paycheck away. technology is good and makes life better but soon their are going to be nothing amde by hand.

    justin f period 9

  32. I think though technology has made it harder to find simple jobs it's also made a great difference. IT has helped create so many jobs, and though more jobs were lost than created you have to look at the broader perspective. If there were people, instead of machines, working on manufacturing there would bound to be hard labor and our "technological era" wouldn't come. You cannot stop technology in it's tracks. You cannot tell it to stop developing, once something gets going it doesn't stop . Yes, it's bad for the economy in some ways, but it's also amazing for the economy in many other ways. I support the growth of technology, and feel that America is over reacting over something they caused themselves...
    - Nia R. Pd 9 .

  33. Kevin An Period 9

    Technology is a great thing that we can use. It's just that Managers and CEO's have found an even better use for it. Why use workers that you have to pay everyday when you can just spend money on a machine that will end up saving you money as more time passes? But I think this article is being a little overdramatic. Sure, technology can replace the average person making pen parts, but I believe that jobs pertaining to technology and fixing it will become popular. In addition, not every company can buy machines for every single job. People will still be needed. People need to relax a bit. Articles like this can start to get on peoples nerve when they have proof of a greater %rate in job replacement by machines.
