Friday, August 24, 2012

Yes, everything is economic!!

Yes, everything is economic. Watch this clip and let me know if you agree.


  1. Mehak Kapoor (Mili) Period 7September 7, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    This video was very crazy and bizarre because of what people would actually buy, and even for a lot of money! Just the idea of wearing a perfume made of "whale barf" is extremely gross and strange to me. I have not ever smelled this Ambergris, but no matter how good it smelled, I would not put that on myself. This video recognizes how rare specimens of nature can become so profitable. For example, like this Ambergris, truffles, which are such an expensive delicacy, and yet few know that it is a mushroom (fungus) found deep in mud and dirt. It is just weird to me that individuals would buy things that are so disgusting in their origin. The way the woman said "marinated" and "cured" made me want to vomit, almost!

  2. Wow... I thought this video was a joke when she said "whale barf." After some legitimate Google research, now I know how popular and expensive ambergris (aka whale barf) is.
    I suppose it IS all economic in how such perfumes/fragrances are created.
    This was a very interesting video, and I'm so curious of what this 'Eau de Merveilles' smells like. :)

  3. I think the review in this video is a perfect example of how there are some people that just happen to luck upon discovering ways to capitalize off creating uses for products that the general public wouldn't think twice about. I'm not exactly sure how the video is related to economics directly. I think it does, however, show how companies market their products to seem like they are more than what they really are. The perfume is inspired by the smell of whale vomit yet the entire video is spent glamorizing the fragrance and using words such as "fresh, misty, orangey" and highlighting how diverse the ambergris can smell ("oceanic, tobacco, salty, sweet, leathery") to undermine the fact that the perfume is basically inspired by the smell of a whale. The name of the fragrance is also clearly changed into something that sounds more sophisticated to market it to the masses. No one will buy a perfume called "ambergris" or "whale vomit" so they rename it "Eau de Merveilles" by Hermes instead.

  4. It's pretty disgusting that this perfume comes from whale throw up. I don't understand how something so gross can actually smell good. I've never actually heard of this perfume, so I'm going to have to go check it out so see what whale barf smells like... I bet it's really expensive though, because she metioned how it's rare. Everything rare is expensive.

    xoxo gossip girl <3

  5. After i viewed this video, the only way i can describe it is a little wierd. The main reason why is the thought that whale vomit is used in fragrences to improve the smell of people. I also found it shocking that whale vomit is potentailly worth a lot of money. One question i have is, why cant they somehow feed squid to some different kinds of fish(not whales becuase they are too hard to capture and maintain), induce them to regurgitate the squid and recreate the very expensive perfume ingrediant?
    Dan prd. 7

  6. Monica Period 7

    Katie Puckrik's review goes into great detail about the perfume. She discusses how it was made and specific details about what makes the perfume special and appealing. The video becomes a sales pitch for the fragrance and she has information on her site where the fragrance and she has information on her site where the fragrances she reviews can be purchased. This video relates to the basic concepts of economics by the advertisement of buying and selling of the product. She is very informative what she does and seems like she knows her business well. The more knowledgeable someone is about a product, the better they can sell it.

  7. I think that sounds disgusting. How can whale barf be such a valuable scarcity resource? That just goes to show you how lack of supply makes the demand for something high even something as repulsive as whale barf. Its upsetting to think that whale barf has become such a commodity.I feel this whale barf craze should come to an end and something more sanitary should be put in perfume.

    - Taylor B

  8. At first I seemed to be a bit confused with the video, but as it went on I started to notice something. What came to my mind is how these perfume makers get the ambergris by finding it from sperm whales. Even though Katie explained ambergris, I still had to do some research of my own. I realized that this does seem like an interesting item to get a hold of, especially in the fragrance market. That is why I could see some perfume makers going after the solid waxy material just to make some money off of it in their perfumes. I can see how this relates to economics seeing how these perfume makers are getting the ambergris by buying it. You could say that there is a limited quantity to ambergris because as Katie stated it is "rare" this again relates to economics because perfume companies would pay a fortune to have it in their perfumes...
    -Luis G. Period 7

  9. I was very surprised to have learned that a common ingredient in perfumes is whale vomit, or ambergris. I would never guessed. It kind of makes me a little grossed to use perfume anymore. Ambergris is very rare and its amount is very scarce. It is very expensive and people could make a lot of money off of it. Since the study of economics has to do with scarcity and shortages of goods, I think Ambergris would be in the shortages category because it can be available, but since it is very rare, it is not easy to obtain. However according to the video, the use of Ambergris in perfumes is discontinued because it is almost impossible to find. It is now very scarce and this leads to choice. Instead of trying to find Ambergris, there is a trade off to try to imitate the scent or odor. This video surprised me in telling me that whale vomit used to be used in perfumes..
    -Alyssa :: Pd. 7

  10. This video shows how almost anything is profitable even though how useless and disgusting it may be. Once people are informed that this 'scent' is very rare, people will pay the price just to feel like they are unique. People can easily be tricked into being told that this is the rare 'whale barf' when there is no real scientific process that creates this scent. The way she described how it gets to be made was very sketchy and just a way to make easy money off people. This video is crazy because it shows how almost anything in our society can be made to become profitable even though how useless and stupid the idea may be.

    -Rohan Shah Period 7

  11. What really surprised me the most is when she started talking about all of the different types of smells this perfume can have. It can even smell like fecal matter which is kinda strange considering the fact that im not sure many people want to smell like fecal. Its also kinda strange how this perfume can be for both men and women cause im not sure I have seen to many of those. But its cool how it adapts to your own smell even though a good amount of perfumes do that too.

    Tim Chan

  12. This just shows how little we know about what goes into our colognes and perfumes. Who would think that whale vomit could ever be valuable. This just shows how creative people are and how a creative and innovative ideas can bring anyone to the millionaire spotlight. Although I don't know what it actually smells like I think she gave a very descriptive answer to what it actually does smell like. She makes it sound better than whale vomit, but knowing that whale vomit is in my cologne I would think twice about wearing it.
    Ian period 7

  13. I think it's really strange how people can become millionaires, or at least extremely wealthy. The thought of whale throw up being infused into perfume is just so outlandish. I guess it sort of shows that the right place and the right time fused with creativity could potentially be worth lots of money.

    Period 7

  14. I did not know that the whale's content could be used as an ingredient to create a variety of different smelling perfumes. The process of how Amergris is created is extremely odd and that is why it is so rare to find. She said that if you find an Ambergris you could become very rich because it is scarce. This shows that if you find something that is valuable and is scarce people are willing to pay a lot of money for it. People may be lucky enough to just stumble across an Ambergris and make a lot of money on it.
    Krutee Pd. 7

  15. I thought this was a different kind of video. it was broadcasting/promoting Perfume/Fragrance by telling us where these ingredients come from and how they are rare and why it is so valuable to her. Its trying to promote a product by advertising positive aspects that many people don't consider.

    Mike tennis

  16. It is amazing how certain few get the opportunity to make product of rare materials such as squid. Specifically for this colon/perfume, the man who discovered this scent became rich because of usefulness and variety of the smell. This one business along with the oil industry supports the supply side economics. If there is a product that individuals want, they will pay for it. the individual behind the supply of the product becomes wealthy. This is why only a certain percentage of Americans are wealthy.
    Joel Pd 7

  17. Everything is economic; even this video about whale vomit. Katie Puckrik begins by explaining how this perfume is made. She tells about the whales and squids involved, which both are resources that are certainly not unlimited. There is a process to making the ingredients for the perfume which consists of marinating the whale contents in the water, and soaking it in the sun, and anticipating it washing up on the beach of a middle eastern country. Puckrik mentions that this item is considered very rare, and therefore has the potential to have a shortage, or even a scarcity. This advertisement is trying to promote the product to as many people as possible, which will increase their profit, and the chance of a scarcity as well.
    -Kara, period 7

  18. I think that it was interesting to learn a little about a couple perfumes because it shows that you that the average person really has no idea what is in the perfume, and most the time just use it cause it smells good. I think that if some people new about these two perfumes and where they really came from they would have doubts about spraying it all over themselves.
    -Spartan pd.7

  19. Fragrances are examples of how Economics works. Making products that the people like is a big part of the reason a business sells things. When someone finds something new like whale barf and makes a good use for it, they will gain money off of it. People will then waste there money on these products for there own wants to benefit a business. When the people are pleased with the goods they buy they will spread the word to others. The more the merrier.
    by Erica Diaz

  20. Well this was pretty interesting, never knew they used whale barf in perfume. It's rare and a light fragrance so it sells well and makes people rich. It can be a fragrance for men and women so they'll sell more and make more money. You can make so much money off of selling the perfume because of how rare it is.

    Pd. 7

  21. It really is amazing how you put a designer name on whale vomit and you can get rich off of it. Sure, there may be a limited amount of whale vomit in the world, and the process of curing it might take a little while, but who wants to smell like vomit? In my opinion, this just shows how the non-educated consumer can be deceived into buying anything as long as it has a brand name on it. Just because it is made by Hermes, people are willing to pay top dollar for whale vomit.

    Alvin Tse
    Period 7

  22. This was gross and makes me not want to ever wear perfume again. THe classiest of fragrances use then and its unbelievable to think how natural something like this is to obtain and how much the price is to sell. It is profitable but it is also crazy to think that the government would have no warning about this but practically everthing else in the country sells with a warning label for it. I guess its a way to harmlessly make money and government usually gets taxes so why would they stop it. Unbelievable

  23. After watching this video, I’m kind of grossed out. I actually googled what she was talking about (ambergris). Its crazy to think that people would pay so much money for something so disgusting. I’m actually curious to see what it smells like. Everything that is rare, is usually very expensive. Its really weird how the perfume is a ‘good’ smell even though they don’t show what it is really made from. They change the name of it to make it sound so classy.


  24. I found this video to be quite interesting. I think it’s disgusting that "whale barf" is said to smell good. That is something I wouldn't have thought of in a million years to be true. This made me think about all the unknown ingredients in the products we use or eat everyday. I think if there was a video made on all the ingredients on these products we use everyday, people would be shocked and disgusted. I ended up Googling this topic after the video, and found that makeup could be made from whale barf too. It says that whale barf can only be legally used if it's “taken humanely.” This means that you can’t kill the whale in order to use this. If the whale were to wash up on the shore then it would be fine.
    Michelle Romano p.6

  25. I think this is a funny video because of her tone and the way the women talks about the Ambergris. Also, I think it is an interesting but gross information about how perfumes are made from wale barf. I am surprised that people would pay a lot of money to smell like it. It's kind of unfair that people become rich from something simple or weird.
    - Samantha C.

  26. This talks about different types of perfumes and it was so nasty. I think that this will make money and government will use taxes

    N Bh - Period 5

  27. I never knew they used whale throwup in perfume and sell it to the people. thats just wrong and a bad way to make money. most people dont know about this and will continue to buy these products. thats the whole game of economics where you sell products and if people like your product, it will be a better money making for that person making the product.
    Nick Brucculeri period 5

  28. This video is a great example of how anything sells. If you put a ring to it and make it sound fancy, people will buy it thinking that they will get this image. Its amazing how everything really is economic today. Who would ever think to sell whale vomit as a perfume? Its actually gross..

    Daniella C pd. 5

  29. This conveys how economics works in the world. You can make a product made out of literally anything, no matter what it is and there will always be people who want to try it. All you have to do is sell the product in an appealing way and trick people into thinking its something worth buying. This is so weird.

    Jake K. pd. 5

  30. I thought this was hilarious because it's true. If the media or someone else influeneces to buy some outrageous because it's the "new" thing or "everyone has it", most people will go along with it. No one has a clue where their money is going towards and how much it is really worth in reality. As a society, we need to be much smarter and wiser in how we spend our money.

    Melissa R pd. 5

  31. With the scarcity that makes up the foundation of economics, it's well understood that majority of the products that consumers purchase are made of standard ingredients. Katie Puckrik, was describing in the video that Eua De Merveilles was made of ambergris or in her words, "whale puke." I honestly wasn't surprised that one of the primary ingredients of the fragrance is assembled by a squalid-like resource such as ambergris. Many costly perfumes that are ranked high quality obtain natural ingredients that require a very small bit of complexity to make. The literal meaning of Eau Des Merveilles is water wonderland. The components that make up the perfume and specific aroma intertwine with the name, which made it not so much of a surprise that the ingredients and name were connected with one another. A similar example of an expensive fragrance made of natural ingredients is Annick Goutal's Petite Cherie. The ingredients of this fragrance is freshly cut grass, musky rose, peach, and vanilla. Freshly cut grass is in fact the most common component you can find in order to make a fragrance. Freshly cut grass is something that almost every person and animal walk on and is usually derived from cow manure. Thus, proves that majority of ingredients are organic and in most forms considered to be unpleasant.
    -I.G. Period 5

  32. Lauren Webster
    I was rather shocked to find out that Hermes, one of the most expensive French leather good companies, is trying to imitate or use traces of ambergris. One would have that such a luxurious brand would use ingredients such as precious rose petals and not whale vomit. Whats sad is that the smallest bottle of this perfume is 90 dollars. 90 dollars..for whale vomit.
    Lauren Webster Period 1

  33. its funny that something so gross is so expensive just because its rare. but i can see why it would make so much money because of the many various ways it can smell and because its a rare thing to come by.

    A.S Period 1

  34. I know that it is her job to be honest and to give her opinion, but I felt as if she contradicted herself. She mentioned how the fragrance has whale sperm in it, and it was like she was talking badly about that but then towards the end of the clip she mentioned how its a "light scent and isn't as great as it is in the beginning," and also she gives this product a "thumbs up"...but does she really think that? Does she really like the scent or is she just doing her job and telling America and society to buy this "fabulous" product, and simply waste our money on some unnecessary, repulisve product.

    Katie Rahill pd5

  35. This video is very gross, yet economic in a couple of ways. It surprised me that there is whale vomit in perfume because you would never expect that. Im surprised perfume doesn't cost thousands of dollars because according to the video, if you find whale vomit you can sell it for a lot of money. It's shocking how the use of vomit can contribute to the people in our economy today.

    -Dom Period 1

  36. This video was kind of gross and interesting at the same time. It was gross because perfume was from whale barf and it was interesting because people actually buy weird things like this. It shows how anything can have an economical value really. This video showed me that people need to be more aware of how they spend their money.
    PN Pd 1

  37. I'm confused on why anyone would decide "Hey I just found whale barf and I think I'm gonna go make it into a perfume and sell it." I knew people go crazy and do anything they can to make money but it's still weird hearing that people actually use "whale barf" in their perfume and sell it for tons of money. I doubt people would still buy the perfume if they knew what was in it.
    Julia M. Period 6

  38. This video was pretty interesting. As a consumer, you usually don't think about what your product is made or or where it comes from. The fact that someone would be so willing to buy whale vomit shows how our society today is warped. We can put a value on anything and, no matter how useless or gross it is, we can profit off of it.
    Marissa Pd 6

  39. To think that something this repulsive is actually marketable is unbelievable in itself. What's even more unbelievable is that people are actually purchasing such an item. To be honest, I thought this video was actually making fun of marketing and/or the idea of supply and demand in modern day society. Then I did a little further research that confirmed that ambergris does, in fact, exist and it is currently a rare item. I think it's interesting that once a product is labeled as "rare" or not easy to find, it immediately becomes a highly demanded economic item. If it's scarce, we place a value on it. If it has value, it's automatically considered economic. Who would have thought that whale barf could be considered economic...
    Michelle A. Period 6

  40. It is definitely a shock to learn that whale vomit is so highly valued. Then again I know there are many things that people would be disgusted to know are included in their products. For example, there is a flavoring called castoreum that is collected from anal glands of beavers! They use the castor oils to make this flavoring. The government actually lists this as a "natural flavoring" so many people may not know they are eating it. It is still a shock, however, that whale vomit after being cured by ocean water and the sun could be so highly sought. It just shows that trash to one person could be another persons treasure.

    -Robert Masci period 6

  41. This video was somewhat eye opening because you see what perfumes are actually made of. I'm glad that perfumes are rarely made of whale barf anymore, because that's disgusting. I love how she starts off explaining how this is formed and where you can find it, and then basically finishes off by saying "this perfume is good! so go buy it!" Another thing that's crazy is how someone who just happens to casually find some whale barf on the beach can become a millionaire. I want to see how this perfume smells because i'm interested now!

    NC Pd 6

  42. Okay, wow. That was disgusting and sort of disturbing. I honestly cannot believe that people would actually wear a perfume let alone buy one made of whale barf. Just hearing "whale barf" made me want to puke a little bit. It's amazing how society will begin to buy anything especially if others are buying it or if it's rare. If it's rare then, people could say they are rich and special because they could afford to buy something that's rare. I just find this "whale barf" perfume thing really weird and gross.
    - C.D. Period 6

  43. I think this is absolutely ridiculous. The fact that they take whale barf and find a way to make a profit off it kind of shows what our world is about. My thought process would never be "oh hey, there's some barf let me make money off of it." Also just the idea that people would wear it knowing whats inside of it disgusts me.
    -CN prd 6

  44. I think this video is very accurate to our economy and society today. Consumers will by almost anything just because we live in a capatalist society. At first i did not know if Amber was being serious about the whalebarf, but i would not doubt that many people would still probably buy this perfume. They probably think that this salty, sweet, oceany smell is elegant rather than repulsive and disgusting because thats the way capatalism portrays it. The satire that Amber uses during the video enables us to realize how capatalism fools consumers in a very comical way.
    Sammy Aziz Pd 6

  45. Economics is apart of everything. When Katie Puckrik stated that Eau des Merveilles Hermes perfume was made from whale barf (ambergris) I was very suprised. The Company will tell you that the perfume smells good but not state how it is really made. The company also hires people to advertise their product so people will buy it and they will sell more products resulting in a bigger profit. Rare items like this are more expensive for people to buy because it is more likely to have a shortage of this item. This shows how most of the time people dont really know what they are buying.
    K.B PD 6

  46. I find this video to be quite absurd! I cannot believe that people in modern society would purchase perfume that is created after the scent of "whale barf" or "ambergris". This situation just goes to show how any object in the world can have economic value. The video mentioned that the smell can relate to anything from the ocean breeze to fecal. Since this scent is so rare, the perfume is expensive. It was shocking to me that people would actually buy this product because it is simply bizarre and gross. I believe that people should be investing in more important resources for society. People are literally paying money for the scent of whale barf...
    -VM Period 6

  47. This really ties into to the idea of scarcity and how it plays with the value of a certain limited resource. It's amazing that Ambergris is used by whale vomit, and it does make you wonder how excatly do they attain the whale vomit and keep it preserved. Ideas and the perception of value is what really sparks economic interest. I just really hope sperm whales or whales in general aren't being abused for such a substance.
    PM Pd 5

  48. Everything is economic. That is a 100% true statement. While the concept of supply and demand plays a part in why Eua De Merveilles is so expensive, considering that whale vomit is pretty rare, the other aspect of why this perfume is so expensive is because the manufacture, Hermés, knows how to appeal to people. Hermés knows that if they take a 'exclusive' ingredient, no matter how repulsive it is, such as whale vomit, an 'exclusive' crowd is going to buy it; all that they have to do is slap on a trendy sounding name to make the product seem even more desirable to the consumers, and boom. Hermés has a bunch of people smelling like whale vomit.

    Linda Mulé

  49. I agree that everything can be related to economics. I thought the idea of whale barf being a fragrance would definitely not relate to economics but I realized that it was referring to the idea that scarcity is the central idea of behind economics. The video said that the whale barf is a very rare resource. Therefore the fragrance is expensive because it takes a lot to make.

  50. After watching the video, I do agree that everything is economic. At first I didn't believe that whale vomit being used as a fragrance could be related to economic. However, this idea of whale barf proves that scarcity is the central idea behind economics. In the video it says that the whale barf is very rare. Because the it is rare, the perfume is sold for a lot of money

    S.C. Per. 6

  51. I think that the product is kind of weird and neat at the same. The weird aspect is that part of it is made by collecting rare whale barf from the ocean. The neat aspect is that we have come as far to somehow take items such as whale barf and turn it into a beauty product. It's interesting how people pay a lot for top of the line products that contain ingredients such as whale barf but in the end customers only see the final product. The question is do people know that there is whale barf in the product that they are using and if so, would they continue to use it?

    K.F. period 6

  52. To start off, I thought this video was a joke at first. After watching it, I do see how it is economic. Economics is about scarcity, and the "whale barf" or ambergris is a limited source. It is a physical limited source, and since it is from Hermes and is limited, it must be very expensive. I asked my mom about whether or not ambergris is truly in perfume, and she said that it is in a lot of perfumes. Now I know why perfumes are so expensive. The less you have of something in our capitalist economy, the more expensive it is. People also "need" perfume in their lives, and this is why this video is relevant to economics. It is like supply and demand.

    Period 6 D.L.

  53. This video was pretty interesting for me because it shows that people don't really know what they are buying. As long as it looks presentable on the outside (smelling nice, in the sense of perfume) people will buy it. Most people do not look at the contents like many other things in society. On the other hand, the producer side, it is absolutely amazing how they can make something made out of whale barf so desired and that they actually make money off of it. KT - pd 6

  54. It seems nowadays that everything is marketable if made by the right people. Personally i think this fragrance is only popular because Hermes says it is. Yes whale barf may be extremly rare but, only a company like hermes can use that in a fragrance and make it popular.
    JM PD 6

  55. I have to admit that the second she mentioned what the perfume fragrance was of, I burst out laughing. I guess everything has a market. If one person is interested you make make a whole industry of it. This video is also a perfect example of how the economic principle of scarcity works in everyday life. The scent of "whale barf" is apparently rare, which makes it valuable. Just because not everyone can get to whale barf conveniently, it is instantly expensive and also marketed as a luxury. Even the lady in the video said that one reason to buy it is because nobody else would have it because it's rare and not sold at mall kiosks.

    -Kristen period 6

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. This video is gross, her descriptions of the varying scent of whale barf was not exactly nice to listen to. I've no idea how she described it with a straight face, or who in their right mind goes out to purchase these perfumes.

    P.V per. 6

  58. This video takes an interesting look at marketing in our society. It shows how much companies would do to drive home some exaggerated aspects of their products (in the case of the perfume, its subtelty and appeal to both genders for casual, modest use.) I also find it intriguing how the video shows that today companies are trying even harder to produce things and sell them with a greater appeal to flattery.

    I agree that everything is economics because nowadays, companies more than ever before, want to sell anything they can, even if it involves maniuplating how the public might think of a certain product (like the "whale barf" in this video.)
    Neil Nizambad, Period 6

  59. After watching the video I found it very interesting how the perfume was made of whale barf. It was totally out of the ordinary. I understand how things that are scarce or rare are more valuable and priced higher , for example, rare diamonds. However, there has to be some kind of boundary, like just because its rare doesnt mean it should be valuable, at least for certain instances. Mark Ginter pd.6 kramer
