Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wired for Distraction

An interesting article that highlights the concerns of your electronic addiction.


  1. The funny thing is while i started to read the begining, i had facebook and youtube minimized. This shows me that technology does distract me from learning and studying when im home. I am really not surprised that students are using technology alot more then the past. I really wonder if technology is going to take a bigger toll on students in the future.

  2. i dont disagree with this article i also think that phones and facebook are corrupting kids and making them spoiled.


  4. Dana S. (pd.7)

    Although technology has dramatically changed the world for the better, technology has also created a new phenomenon that entails distraction and addiction. Personally, I could relate to this article because many times while I am completing my homework assignments, I often am texting, on facebook, etc., but I am still able to complete the task. I do believe that teenagers' brains today have the ability to multi-task and switch tasks often, as stated in the article, because we have grown up in this age that demands us to be able to multi-task and complete many assignments in a specified amount of time. All in all, this article was immensly interesting and I do believe that although technology has allowed the widespread ideas to flourish, it has inhibited us to truly appreciate life, without laptops or cellphones.

  5. First of all i think the principal is too nice to push back the school opening time. We have to wake up at 6:30! The students should not be so immature and stupid and think about their actions that affect their performance in school. I don't think it's a particularly bad thing that Vishal is interested in filmmaking. Not all technology is bad. -Sarah Cho.

  6. i agree with this article completely. I think that the computer or internet is much more appealing to teens rather than school work or a book. Also, I agree with the idea that it makes teens to not be able to pay attention in school or in daily activities and this a a major negative effect.. Clearly, teens get distracted from all these thimgs in our world today and it can be disadvantageous to them.

  7. The first thing I do when I sit down by a computer is to check my Facebook. It's not that I mean to do it half the time, but it is a habit and I admit that it's a terrible one. In addition, the Internet is now accessible through phones as well, which creates an even greater dependence on it. Although I do not know what I would do without Facebook or my Blackberry, it needs to be acknowledged that there is an issue in how dependent we are on technology. The idea of it is great and did help us progress when it was first discovered it, but society is taking advantage of it and turning it into a negative. For one, this generation requires instant gratification more than previous generations, which has led to a decrease in the number of students entering law school and medical school. At the same time though, those that do enter into medical school have unbelievable hand-eye coordination and are extremely successful in minimally invasive surgery, which doctors explained at a medical program I attended over the summer. This is one benefit, but there are many negatives as well. Besides it being a distraction and an increase in the need for instant gratification. There is also the issue that people don't know how to communicate without technology and occasionally confuse reality with a virtual game. Recently, one of my teachers shared with me that her boyfriend was in the army and then another student asked if they ever talk about it. Her response was that they don't because no one can understand what he's truly been through. The student than replied that her boyfriend could talk to him because he plays Call of Duty, so he would understand. This student actually thought that he could relate to someone who had experienced war because he played a video game. This clearly shows a problem. Although there are many issues involved with technology, it is also needed and therefore society needs to learn to create a healthy balance because the thing we created to help us can end up destroying us as well.

  8. Kramar Period 7
    Timothy E.

    This article was very interesting. Although it is true that our age and generation has been consumed and obsessed with technology, I think that the situations were very extreme. Although I do use internet and texting quite often, I am not on it 24/7. More like 23/7. But, despite the great advantages that technology has, we still share the same disadvantages with losing social skills and losing the culture that our parents have taught us to learn and share.

  9. I do believe this generation is "wired" differently and people have different expectations for eachother. In this day and age we live in a world of technology and many people out there take advantage of technology. As a student I believe we get mixed signals because some teachers say that technology is ruining our brains and others take full advantage of our technological skills and use different websites for us to do our homework. For example in one of my classes this year we have a website where our homework is posted and we have to respond on there. Although many people say that technology is ruining our minds as students I believe that it is shaping us into a different day and age that will be beneficial to the next generation to come.

  10. I found this article to be quite interesting and completely true. Teenagers are so easily distracted by technology and it sometimes takes away from their learning experience. I cannot count the amount of times I attempt to do homework but end up on Facebook or YouTube. However, technology is still able to help students learn. For example, why would Herricks invest thousands of dollars on Smartboards if they didn't believe that it would benefit the students, which I believe that it has. Although technology can be detrimental, it can also be beneficial if used in the appropriate manner.
    Danny Mathew (Economics Period 9)

  11. This article is interesting because its true to a degree. Everywhere we go, people are being distracted by technology. People put off homework to surf the net or text to others in class. I find myself going on Facebook at home just because i don't feel like doing my homework. Technology is not all bad however because technology is constantly growing, so students constant use of technology will help them understand and use technology more easily in the future.

  12. I thought this article was really interesting and something that every high school student can relate to. Everyone is so caught up with technology. The article mentioned that the kids at Vishal's school were constantly texting and on facebook which is similar to Herricks and basically every other school. I think technology is something that's really become a big part of our lives and even though kids are glued to their computer screens and living in a "virtual world", when it comes to research and homework, computers and other forms of technology can be really beneficial.

    Alana Shebiro pd. 9

  13. Well, I certainly think this article was a bit over dramatic. Yes, many of us spend extra time on the computer, but the computer is what allows us to do this blog, check our homework on teachers' websites, know immediately if there's a snowday, and allow every one of us to communicate with each other about class government related activities. This article, I think, specifically takes a stereotype away from teenagers. At this point, there's no individuality. Apparently, we're all mindless drones who play videogames, watch youtube, or go on facebook constantly. On the contrary, we keep connected by talking to eachother, we maintain a social life with people who we would otherwise never be able to talk to, we get extra help on homework questions so that we'll understand them going into class, and most importantly, we develop a better understanding of the world around us. I think this addiction shows one or two kids who's GPAs drop dramatically, but the thing you walk away with from the article isn't that we need to bettter ourselves. In fact, it basically says that parents should completely police our lives, which is exactly what will drive MORE GPAs down. The truth is, we should be teaching each other how to use these resources to our advantage, but right now we aren't presenting it very well.

  14. Kristen C (Period 7)

    I found this article to be very accurate and a good description of society right now. I know from personal experience, my phone, the internet, television, and movies become a big distraction for me but I'm starting to realize I have obligations and priorities. I'm not going to delete my Facebook or stop using my phone but I am capable of putting them aside to concenstrate on homework and studying. My brother used to be obsessed with video games and I saw a connection between his grades and how much he played them. Overall, society is attached to electronics and the speedy satisfaction they give us. In the article, a father said we need to understand how to use the internet, and I find some truth in that but I don't completely agree. Society is very different than it was 20, 15 or even 10 years ago. Teenagers have to manage how they use their phones and computers, and parents should too in the household as well. In the job market, computer and electronic jobs are going to become solid income jobs, so understanding the technology can be beneficial but it can't overwhelm a teenager's life

  15. I agree, because it is distracting them from everything else and currupting their minds.
    - Eric K

  16. I agree because having you cell phone can be a massive distraction when your trying to do school work.

  17. Amir P. Shapouri
    per. 9
    I think that in todays society everyones lives have become to revolved around technololgy. Many students including myself have fallen victem to technology causing us not to live up to our potential academically and athletics. I feel that the only way people can stray away from using so much technology is going out more, reading more, limit the use of technology that distracts you.

  18. Shivankar Adhlkaha Per 7

    Technology has become a major influence on the lives of us teenagers. Whether it is the checking your Facebook every five seconds, playing video games for hours and hours a day, or texting twenty people at once, technology is taking over our lives. Although the general and initial purpose of techonology is to increase organization, understanding and efficiency, techonogy in this day and age is serving as a major distraction for adolescents.
    I think the teenager described in the article, Vishal, actually sounds alot like many of the Herricks students, including myself. We all seem to have the ability inside of us to do well, but we are constantly distracted by technology and other things, which come as a higher priority to us than school work.

  19. Melissa Driscoll -period 9
    This article basically explains my life. I have always been a fb addict and always on the computer but ever since i got my blackberry this year I really cannot focus and sit downt to do my homework. I am constanlty bbming my friends and then realize five hours later I havent done my homework. The part where it says how work adn technology is intertwined now is true, I listen to music blasting while bbming friends, or fb chatting them and doing my homework or studying. I dont really find it has had such a negative impact on my grades because ive been doing the same but it has taken a large token on my attention span and sleep.

  20. I think that it was an interesting article and one that is true. It makes a lot of sense. Teenagers love to procrastinate, so why not use technology? There is a balance, one has to know when it's time to do homework and when it's okay to procrastinate. I found it interesting that to battle technology teachers use it in hopes that the students will actually pay attention.

  21. I find it very interesting that technology is having such an impact on students. However, this is not knew to me as i too easily get distracted from doing work with my phone, facebook, and video games. I also think it is a good idea to help technological students get back on track using technology so that "they can relate to them" like fight fire with fire. But what i didnt know and what i was shocked is that our brains could actually function differently or not develup properly if we use technology and switch tasks. This will defenetly impact how much i do of electronics and what i let my children do when i become a father.

  22. As the world kept coming out new technology, human will not using their time on work but using their time on new technology. I think electronics are part of our lives already, if I was walking in the mall, most people will have their phone, ipod, mp3 and other electronics out on their hand playing or using it. Electronics can sometime be a good and bad, when you really want to work will be mostly distracted by them. On the other hand electronics can help out life, we can talk to each other much faster, we don't have to talk to face to face. Hence, electronic is bad and good, it all dependent how you look at it.
    -Ed Wu

  23. I think this article contains a lot of truth in it. we are a generation that is constantly surrounded by phones, the computer, and social networks like facebook. But, as a student it is difficult to balance technology and school at the same time, and most of the time it results in the two overlapping. for example texting while in school or checking facebook in between homework assignments. I think the principal in the article is on to something very crucial. One, by pushing the school day back an hour he is giving his students the chance to get more sleep to make up for late nights on the computer. If the students are ezhausted there is no way they can learn anyway so I think this is very beneficial. And also incorporating technology into school makes it easier for students to pay attention and follow whats going on.

  24. Technology is, based on what I have read, the new drug for kids. For many kids, they can handle it- managing it with their load of work. However for many kids it is causing them to more or less, fail out of school. And I feel that parents or schools like Woodside High School are not helping the cause. Parents should put a certain limit on the amount of time kids can use the computer for fun or timings between which they can text/ call friends. Moreover, schools are not helping becuase they can be seen to promote this behavior as they promote the utilization of their websites, or the usage of books for school purposes, or the availability of different tupes of technology in school. As stated in the article the "overdosing" on technology can have a negative effect on the children (e.g. failing grades). As a result,in my opinion this problem of using technology toomuch should be delt with immediately- before it worsens and cause our next generation to be technologically savvy rather than educated. A middle ground should be reached.

  25. elizabethc.(worldperiod6)
    Many or almost every teenager gets distracted easily because of technology. In school, it is very easy to gain internet access. Many students use their cellular devices or listen to their iPods even when class is in process. From experience, when I am not very interested in the topic, I would text message my friend. Also, when teachers announce tests or homework, majority of the boys would say "I was going to play __ (game)"
    Technological devices prevent teenagers from studying, focusing, etc. but leads to lack of sleep and lower grades.

  26. this article talk's about how the new young generation is in a time where technology makes them not pay attention in certain areas and causes them to not do work and other things when assigned as well as not pay attention. I feel that this article tells the truth because i have seen many kids in school with their phones in their hands 24/7 and i think that modern technology makes kids want the technology over anything else that might be beneficial to them. This article clears up alot and i know see that technology is ruining kids and that kids in this generation should take that into account so nothing bad like they say in the article happens.

  27. I thought that this article was true in a way. In our time, there's lots of technology like computers that distract us from our work. Just like how Vishal constantly gets distracted by Facebook, Youtube, and music, other students are distracted by them too. I think that every student could relate to this in a way. Whenever we do work, we're constantly on Facebook, Youtube, or some other site. It's a cost that comes at a price for students

    Austin Kim
    Period 6

  28. I believe that this article was disturbing in many ways because I myself spend most of my time doing something with electronics. Whether it be watching T.V or listening to music on my iPod. I am using electronics any time I can, sometimes during class. There is hardly any high school students that use the computer for educational purposes only because of the wide varieties of things you can do on the computer.
    ---- Justin Mathew World (Per 6)

  29. As I was reading this article, I thought it was ironic because I was reading this article on the computer, while they were speaking of how kids are using technology too much these day. It's true that kids are on youtube, facebook, and other things everyday for a long period of time. I'm a victim as well. Honestly, it's hard to resist. It's almost as if it were a drug. Everyday I find myself on browsing through facebook, doing the same thing everyday. Sounds boring, but it became a habit. Same goes for Youtube. I would say in some ways it does drop my grades because I have less time to study. However, I don't fully understand the concept of luring children off of technology by using technology. In some ways I guess it can work, but most likely won't.

  30. It's true how always being on your cell phone, or facebook, can be very distracting. It can get you away from your work, and causse you to spend what should have been 20 minutes on an assignment an hour. Grades are going down because they are spending way too much time on facebook, and not enough time studying.

  31. As a student, I find myself agreeing with this article without a doubt. Even when I decide to wait out due dates of projects to the last day, I end up starting at night because of distractions of the websites mentioned in the article such as Youtube. This shows that even when someone clearly knows they shouldn't be wasting time, they are pulled into the new events happening around the world and when it can be made into a short video, it makes it more harder to shut the computer down. Your mind tells you videos are great because you can absorb so much information in the short period of time, but then when you think about it, you most likely won't watch just one video.

  32. I totally agree with this article. I get so distracted from doing my homework with things on the internet. With click of a button I could watch any movie, play any song, talk to anyone, and I’m stuck doing math problems. People always say that schools should try to mix technology with the text books. In reality, how is someone going to include technology in a math lesson? It’s near impossible. There is always going to be distractions in this “high tech era”. I also agree with the principal on his decision to start school at nine AM. That is the best idea ever, why doesn’t Herricks follow Woodside so we can all get a little more sleep and a better education?
    Priya Patel

  33. Karishma Tank
    World History period 6

    This article was one that not only I but I'm sure many other teenagers across the country could relate to. Nowadays, we are using so much technology that although it seems so cool and high-tech at first, there are consequences with teenagers concerning decreased grades. I can relate to this because I haven't had a Facebook since this school year because I knew of the distractions that come with it. However, I got one anyway because it seems like the best way to keep in touch with friends that people have right now or may know from previous times. Although I don't use Facebook nearly as much as some of my friends, it can still be a bad distraction. The article talks about Vishal, whose grades fell steeply because of his computer addiction. I can relate to this because one of my close friends just passed his math class for the first quarter, but I know that this wouldn't have happened before because he was always a smart student. Also, on page 2 of the article, I found it really funny that the author used the words "YouTube potato" to describe a kind of social type on campuses. The term that we always hear is "couch potato", but it just shows that times has changed and people don't nearly watch as much TV as they spend time on the internet.

  34. Elisabeth Lee (PD 6)

    In our world today, the majority of the youth population is distracted with technology, especially the newer ones. These devices are a major distraction considering that they block out school work and much more in taking part of daily activities. One kid was reported to be doing better in film class rather actual studies. Why was this? It was because he was so involved in technology that he isn’t snapping out of the virtual and coming into reality. But the thing is that if you grow up with something, you tend to need it for the rest of your life and it becomes part of your daily life. Vishal, a student in high school is this boy who grew up with computer since of grade seven and hasn’t separated his technology world with the real world. Many people, or as I should young adults, are struggling in managing education with video games, texting, etc. People are also able to connect and socialize with one another though Facebook and on the internet, which needs the computer and technology.

  35. I think that our generation relies too much on technology. Not only is it considered cool, but it is also a way to get through things quickly. I do agree with the fact that because we rely too much on technology that our school work suffers. We don't exercie our brains with reading anymore and we don't even pick up a book that is helpful for a research paper. Barnes and Noble tried to fix this problem by creating the Nook which is an electronic book. But why would someone want ot buy this item for $150 plus paying for the book sthemselves when they can just borrow from the library for free. Either way, because we rely too much on technology our ability to learn and focus has decreased because we have all become lazy technology geeks.

    - Alissa K

  36. Vihar Shah
    I agree with this article and there are many days in the week when i feel like Vishal. I agree that many people get distracted by virtual things. Things that distract me from school work include facebook and texting. I am lucky i dont have video games, because all though i love playing them i would be failing all of my classes if i had video games. I think that parents should put time limits on their childrens computers and on tv. They should also take away their kids' phones after a certain time. Also when a kid says he/she is "studying" they should ask for his/her phone ipod and also computer. However my parents shouldnt do that. I think that their are many smart kids however only some are succeeding in school because they know how to balance the real world and the virtual world. Learning on the computer in school is also a great idea because it connects to the kids more and it fastens the learning. Also facebook and texting and other stuff distracted me throughout the week, so i couldnt do this homework assignment till today.

  37. Tyler Cruz- Even though we think multitasking is easy and that were are capable of doing it we are wrong. Facebook and all the other sites we go on just distract us from doing our work. I've done homework very late into the night because I distracted myself by texting or being on Facebook. Its weird to think that we are setting ourselves up for failure because at a young age we learned how to distract ourselves instead of get our work done.

  38. This article demonstrates how technology is capable of allowing us to recieve the same knowledge in books in an easier and quicker method. Instead of reading a book a student can easily download an audiobook or watch a short video of the book to get the major points of the book. Vishal the 17 year old boy mentioned in the article is very similar to most of the kids at herricks. Like him most of the students in herricks use these methods to get an advantage in their homework, and still be able to complete all their other tasks.--saajan paul

  39. I found this article to be really interesting. At times I definitely find myself distracted from my school work by constantly checking my phone, going on youtube, etc. I did think it was a bit extreme the principal in the article made the start time of school later because so many kids were tired from being up late on the computer. While it's awesome to have all this technology available, in this case it seems to actually be hurting people since it's affecting their work and education.

    Melissa Rubin (Period 9)

  40. Kevin Yu pd. 6 World
    I find this article somewhat true, but not true for all cases. In Vishal's case, he is literally hooked on to the computer--it is a drug for him. However, I believe that digital devices should only be used as a tool for education and quick tasks, not something that would harm and destroy a person's life. It is Vishal's own fault for not being able to limit himself to the best of abilities. Vishal stated when he was younger that he "realized there were choices. Homework wasn't the only option." This article was too extreme and bias, and never even considered the possibility of how technology can prove to be useful.

  41. As unfortunate as it is, what the author tries to explain in this article is true. As time grows, so does the new generation's interest in technology. And technology is only technology because of the fact that it is constantly excelling. I find it a little disappointing to know that I am part of this generation that is "distracted." In all honesty, when I could be putting in more time studying or doing something school-related, I'm usually wasting time on my laptop. As much as I hate to admit it, our attachment to technology is most definitely a problem.

    Maureen Varughese
    pd. 9

  42. Tom Gonzalez

    Although what they this article it right in saying that we are growing up to be dependent to the Internet and other technologies, it dose not have to be a bad thing. Only when you are all about your twitter or your Facebook so much that your real life becomes secondary to your virtual one does it become a problem. To me the constant stream of information that you can get is extremely useful. I probably use YouTube more than then I do Facebook. This is partly because I get most of my news form Youtube. With out youtube I would not have as much of a connection to the world as I do. I would not know half of the current events that go on or just news that is important to me. So yes wile we are becoming more and more dependent on technology it dose not necessarily mean that it is a bad thing.

  43. Although what they this article it right in saying that we are growing up to be dependent to the Internet and other technologies, it dose not have to be a bad thing. Only when you are all about your twitter or your Facebook so much that your real life becomes secondary to your virtual one does it become a problem. To me the constant stream of information that you can get is extremely useful. I probably use YouTube more than then I do Facebook. This is partly because I get most of my news form Youtube. With out youtube I would not have as much of a connection to the world as I do. I would not know half of the current events that go on or just news that is important to me. So yes while we are becoming more and more dependent on technology it dose not necessarily mean that it is a bad thing.

    Tom Gonzalez

  44. Our generation are the ones who perfected 'instant gratification' mainly because of technology. Secondly, we were born in a time where all of this new technology was just starting to branch out, and is now currently expanding very rapidly. In a way, we grew up side by side with all these distractions, and we will continue to do so. Overall, I thought this article was reasonable, unbiased, and well written with plenty of research and outside sources.

    -Dan Grandelli

  45. Valerie Period 6
    I feel like technology is a big impact on kids lives. It can be good and bad. Its a way for kids to connect with other people and you can learn new things but its a way to fail school and let your grades drop because it causes distractions. If you have homework questions you can use a textbook instead of the internet. While doing your homework or work its good to put away your cell phone and stuff to concentrate, music can help though.

  46. Adam Hakimian (period 6)February 3, 2011 at 11:35 PM

    Many people get distracted during the day from even the simplest of technology. For example, my xbox prevents me from doing homework for a good two hours, then my t.v. stops me for another hour. Don't even let me get started with facebook, i can be on it for hours at a time and not even notice how fast time flew by. Many people across America suffer the same setback too, I'm not alone. Our generation was born this way, making technology a way of living. This can be a major setback or a major push forward in the developement of our civilization.
