Sunday, November 28, 2010

Class Wars

This editorial gives you an updated view of our discussion on industrialization and the pressures on society.


  1. I think it's not fair that billionaires are making so much money while everyone else is poor. They also get tax cuts which no one else gets, and if they're that rich they don't need them. Many people are out of work and it's not fair that they are so rich and everyone else is not.

  2. I find it very surprising that people continue to spend in such a bad economy with high unwmployment rate. After all, isnt how we got into a bad economy in the first place? Because we kept spending and spending? The bad economy will happen again, as it appeared no one learned their lesson. The next revolution is upon us.

  3. I think its suprising how people live on there low wadges and even immagrants try to settle down with barley any money.

  4. I think its suprising how people live on on such low wedges and they stilll try to be a happy family.
