Monday, October 25, 2010

Running Shoes, It's Fit First and Price Last

Interesting reading before you invest in a pair of shoes.


  1. Johnathan Pinkhasov Period 7

    I recently bought a pair of $100 nike running shoes, but i am now skeptical of whether i should return them or not. After reading this article, i am highly convinced to search for better cushioned (and cheaper) shoes, and save much more rather than following the common saying: "if i pay more, then it has to be better". I learned that money cannot always buy better quality.

  2. for most high school students fashion is a big part in their lives. children spend hundreds of dollars each year on the so called "latest" styles. although some things such as shoes may look amazing, the fit and shaping of the sole can actually ruin the feet of some children. better the quality usually means higher the price, which makes sense but denies children to healthy lifestyles.
