Friday, September 24, 2010

Political Dollars Flow...

There is an old saying, to find the truth follow the money. Read on for an interesting peak into how money is used to buy votes.


  1. This article talks about AJS spending too much money to advertise bad things about democratic canidads and what happened. This was important to read because it shows how the money that comes can be tracked.

    -Yoon Han-

  2. I dont think they should be able to influence elections with money, regardless which election it is, its pretty much whose willing to spend the most money.

    - cona

  3. People think that the Americans for Job Security is good and everything, it is like a private party because they donate money. People don't know where the money is comming from. They give money in big amounts and they use that to do ADS to make the other person look bad. They do not need to put their name on it, the companys does that.


  4. The American for Job Security should not be able to influence because nowadays, elections are based on who is willing to spend the most on campaigns and etc. People think the American for Job Security is good because they donate, but people don't know the real truth.

    Period 9
    Ted Oh
