Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's All About Demand for Stuff... Or Is It?

It's All About Demand for Stuff... Or Is It?
Check out this couple's vision of their dream home. What do you think?


  1. We live in a world where we are consumed by the idea of obtaining titles and wanting the most recent fashion and toys. Kawabata's idea is unique, and places he and his family's home in a different light in comparison to other traditional American families--where kids receive the latest toys, newest clothes, and nicest rooms. What I think is the best about Kawabata's idea is that there are no walls, hence the family communicates with each other much more often than most others do. This creates clarity between the family members, and creates an unbreakable bond and trust between all four individuals of the family. I say this because a lot of kids refuse to properly communicate with their parents since they want to be left alone and want to perform tasks independently.

    Despite Kawabata's different idea, I do not agree with brainwashing his children. Although it may have worked for Mr. Kawabata while growing up with his father, his children are growing up and living in an American generation where they need to assimilate with the kid culture. Even though Kawabata's kids are receiving toys, they also need to learn themselves how to limit their playtime and how to manage their own belongings themselves.

    - Ravina

  2. I think that in a way these parents are smart, being minimalists and all they save money. However, I think if a child is able to grow up the same way most children do they should have that ability.
    -em pd 8

  3. I actually think that this is extremely cheap and insensitive of the parents. This is a family that is well off and can afford some more luxuries. If you can afford it, and the child already has little and has done nothing wrong, there is no reason not to get it. I could understand if they were donating it to a charity to teach the children about the value of giving, but for all we know, their extra savings are just accumulating in their bank accounts. Furthermore it is, like he said, "brainwashing" the children. The children will definitely have a harder time becoming accustomed to how most of us live once they grow older. The opportunity cost of remaining this parsimonious is a stranger childhood.
    - Ankoor Talwar, pd. 5 Micro

  4. yes this can be more help to modern day, because everyone is so envolved with technolegy. but its still a little weird and uncomfortabe. their is no privacy at all and arguments can be even worse. just think about when the kids hit their teen ears, they rebel, things will probably get a lot worse. thinking about the future is good and everything, but i think they are thinking a little too far ahead.

    CR. SRA PD8

  5. Living in a small spaceand only occupying one room for a house can be cluttering but i'm shocked they made it happen. lt saves money and its fascinating to see that they could live a lifestyle like this. The couple said they didn't need half of their stuff and that speaks big volume for the saying "small houses are cozier"

    Sanil D

  6. I think its a good idea but i believe they are implying it to the extreme. A normal kid should have his own bedroom and not lied to by his father or even brainwashed for that matter. I would like to see the results on other families though.

    Sean m sra

  7. I don't think it's right for the parents to make their children live this way. They will realize how they don't have a fun childhood when they see all their friends living properly. However, I find it interesting that they choose to live this way.
    R.H Period 3

  8. the Kawabata family had reduced their demand for living so they don't need much money or supply as much as other people do. most people would think that such life (no toys for children and stuff) is not a good way of saving money or living a quality life, but it's just the way they live a life and they are satisfied with what they possess. just like the title of this current event, their lifestyle shows that its all about demand and whether you choose to increase or decrease your demand.
    pd. 3 Hoonmo K

  9. This is article is interesting because not many people in America live like this and not many American have house designed stylish. Mr. Kawabata had a dream of family living in one room house because that's what he used to live when he was young. His family has reduced demand by not having empty room and empty furniture but I don't think this is going to work out later in the future because his children would argue and complain about their house. PK period3

  10. I think that house is just a house. It takes family and people you love to make a house a home.
    -tb pd2

  11. I think the idea is very smart and will definitely have its economic benefits. But i dont really think thats the best way to raise kids. Also i think its pretty messed up how the mother considers it brainwashing. I would never do this personally because i like haveing time to myself.
    Pauric Coyle Period 3

  12. It's the way you raise your kids that make them who they are. Not all kids are messy and not capable of living in a large area with adults. The way their parents made them to be is really impressive only because kids who are 6 or 3 are not always neat and organized.
    -Daniella Canel

  13. Having a house like this is not practical. The children are like little adults. They don't have a lot of toy which is fine but the need an area for their stuff. They need to see colors and shapes to learn and stimulate their minds. They need a childhood. I am in Child Study everyday 4th period, and they are the same age as the youngest child in the article, but they are very different.

    Shawna Weiss pd 3

  14. I think that it is a cool thing that this family tried but having your child grow up without toys, not thats a little harsh. The child is not being allowed to be raised as other kids are and i don't think that it is worth it.

    -Aleem Sutar

  15. I think the parents have a good idea on a way to raise the children and their idea is smart but i don't think it is healthy for the children. The way the parents want to use their money, is up to them and again its a smart way by saving especially for the future for their children, just find a barrier. Maybe they could use what they want to use and their tactics on how they want to raise their children but they should also give the children freedom and do what children should be doing.
    cn period 4.

  16. This couple's intentions are good but I don't agree that they should have no private rooms! There's no privacy. They think that they will be closer and more intimate when in my opinion, i think that they will easily get annoyed at each other because they are around each other so often.
    Nadia P.

  17. Although I think there parenting is extremely smart and clever how they dealt with their kids and this situation I still feel bad for the kid. From a child perspective its kind of hard to live in a very confined area. And that fact that they had a lot more than they lead on to believe for the kid is a bit sad. Over all it is a win in the long run. The parents managed to complete a hard task some parents can't do and that is raising obedient kids. Although I am against this, it was a smart idea.
    -ZJ pd 4

  18. These kids have a very different life them most other kids. They live under a house where the parents are very strict and discipline them well. The rules of the parents are in my eyes good because it teaches the kids good manors and makes sure they always have respect.
    FD period 4

  19. I find it amazing how this family lived with minimal stuff they need. I think this would make this family save alot of money, making them able to use the money somewhere else when they need stuff.
    Ryuma Sakakibara

  20. I believe that this is wrong because parents always want what is best for the kids but at times it shows that kids are not themselves. It shows that the kids might become what the parents strive to become. They demand for their kids to be disciplined in their ways, but kids are innocent and should be able to explore many things in their little world to help them grow. They follow the rules because the demand for the toys is there. If for some reason they lose the desire/demand to play with the toys then they will end up not listening to what their parents want. I disagree with this method because it chains down the kids.
    -Muhammad Yousuf Period 4

  21. Living with a family in a small place seems to me, very unrealistic and not something i would choose. Personally in my family, being stuck in one room with them all the time, doesn't seem enjoyable. I do see the parents point of view on the situation but i also think they are very strict and unrealistic about not having toys in the house.

  22. Living with a family in a small place seems to me, very unrealistic and not something i would choose. Personally in my family, being stuck in one room with them all the time, doesn't seem enjoyable. I do see the parents point of view on the situation but i also think they are very strict and unrealistic about not having toys in the house.

  23. This is going to be a very different environment that the children are going to have to live in. I find it really harsh that the kids have to grow up without any toys. They don't have much to do in the house. Also with the house being totally opened it leaves no privacy for anyone. Any private talks or fights are going to be in front of everyone to see.

    PW pd 4

  24. It's the way you raise your kids that make them who they are. The way their parents made them to be is really impressive only because kids who are 6 or 3 are not always neat and organized. Children are always influenced by there parents and what they do. If there dad curses all the time most likely there child will all the time too because they think its okay. Living in a confined area would be very hard to live in, it will make there child obedient but maybe at the same time alil crazy.
    (k.k. period 4)

  25. I don't think it's right for the parents to make their children live this way. They will realize how they don't have a fun childhood when they see all their friends living properly.
    Jonathan Chennakattu
    Period 4

  26. I would not be able to live like this. I could never spend most of my time in the same room as everyone in my family. When they said "no walls means constant communication" I decided that it would be impossible for me to live like them. Also when the dad admits to brainwashing his kids I thought that was very weird because he was so okay with brainwashing his children.

  27. Having a stable and fun environment for children is the way families should be. Having an overly mature and not fun environment for young kids doesn't seem right. I don't agree with how this family raises their kids and how they sleep and play in the same area and that's their only area. I don't like that they are saying they are brainwashing their 6 year old either. toys are made for kids they don't need one they should have it all while they are young. Francesca per 3

  28. I think this will economically benefit the economy. However, personally I think that this is not a good idea because i would like to have time for myself. I really have a hard time why the mother think that kids should live this way. I find it really mean and harsh that the kids have to grow without any toys because when I was young, half of my life as a child was to play with dolls and board games.

  29. The way you treat your kids while they're growing up will shape their personalities and what they will do when they grow up. The children will mirror what their parents do because they think it's the right thing to do even though it might not be the smartest idea.
    -Nishika Vanam

  30. Growing your kids up that way does provide a good structure and ethic to them but i feel that you have to let kids be kids. It probaly is nice though to have them clean up there stuff and have them actually be responsible at such a young age, i think those parents are lucky.
    Alex Lopez
    period 3

  31. This is a very interesting concept. I think that it could really bring people together but also tear people apart! I don’t know if I would be able to live like that. As much as I love my family, I think that living in this close of quarters would not be the best for our relationships. I like how Mr.Kawabata connected this living space to how he lived at home in japan. I find it interesting how he brought back this piece of japan with him with his new family. I like how the children have to clean up their toys inorder to bring out their beds. I think that shows true discipline for the children for such a young age.

    Jennifer Carmody pd2

  32. These parents are on some level geniuses. I love stuff. Human do. it's in our nature. I have way too much of everything and anything, and yet I still want more. Why? Am I greedy? We all are, unless you learn not to be, a very rare trait that these children seem to be developing early.
    -JH period 3
