Thursday, November 21, 2013

Follow up to David Graeber (Read him First)

This is the follow up to David Graeber' s "BS Jobs"  This is a little more technical but read it through, the ending makes it worthwhile.


  1. This article refutes Graeber's article abouy BS jobs. The author of this article explains how the advancement in technology is not putting people out of jobs but into new and different types of jobs that help to make the new technology in the factories.
    BR pd1

  2. This article made a few interesting points that built off of David Graebers' article about BS jobs. The end of this article talked about how the BS jobs that Graeber acknowledged are actually the in between of having a job and no job at all. I think that was a great point, because for some people those jobs can make a difference while others it's as if they do nothing important. Another point that he kept bringing up was about how technology is growing and could sooner or later take over all jobs, including BS jobs, without complaining about the tedious work and low pay. I think it was an interesting point to talk about how technology will one day soon be able to do every thing we do. It shows how the economy and life in general will be changed because there will be no need for humans to do a job in many fields. Then, the economy will be really hurt because there will be no circulation of money since the robots won't be paid, many humans won't be paid, and then nothing will be purchased.

    D. Lieb per.1

  3. This is not a very inspirational article. Pretty much, all the jobs that are available are not desirable and interesting. A lot of the jobs have changed from manuel labor to technological labor. We have a choice to make: have a job that we do not like, or do not have a job at all. Clearly Americans would rather have a job than be unemployed. Although all the jobs that are available are not good ones, there must be a way to try and make these jobs fun. In school everyday we are told to study a major that interests us, even if it is not the best paying job. Therefore, if all the jobs out there are "not good," we might as well study something that interests us in college. All in all, a job is a job, so even if they are not desirable, we need to make the most of it. ze econ pd. 1

  4. This article is almost the same as the other article. This article is saying that the technology that is suppose to reduce work hours, has actually increased labor and work hours. This article also says that we ARE being paid for the work we do because a century ago they weren't doing as much work as we are today with technology. - Kenneth Ni

  5. David Graeber does have a point in why are people being hired to do useless tasks, but I think it's fine because you are giving more people jobs and they are making a good amount of money. It's scary to read that as technology advances robots will be able to take over the work of humans and leave us with less jobs. I think jobs should be meant for humans and that robots should not be a factor.
    -LM Pd 1

  6. I think that they David have a good point that there are many unnecessary jobs. However, if we didn't have all these useless jobs, will there be enough useful jobs for everyone? We already have an unemployment issue and taking away all the useless job will cause a bigger problem.
    -BS (Period 1)

  7. People are being hired to perform meaning less tasks. All the productive jobs are being taken essentially by 'robots.' As technology progresses, more jobs are being put out. I think there should be more of a choice than not having a job and performing a 'bullshit" job. If technology keeps progressing at this rate, we need to find another alternative for employment. -DS Pd 1

  8. In this article, the David Graeber stated that a manufacturer's wage is far high than a worker from a century ago. This may be true but a dollar from a century ago bought a lot more than a dollar can buy today. The amount we need to survive increased as wage increased.
    JK pd.1

  9. Being very similar to the other article, my view on "BS" jobs remains the same. If your job is on an assembly line making Ford cars. Your only task may be to put Tab A to Frame B, and it may seem like the most pointless and tedious task in the world and complete and total "BS" but without that one person putting Tab A to Frame B, their would be no Ford Mustang and that person would be out of a job. So these"BS" jobs are important to the person making a living from the job and the company who needs that person.
    Sam R pd.1

  10. I agree with this article in that most Jon's aren't BS, they are just tedious and unpleasant to do. If it was entertaining or engaging, then it wouldn't be called work. The article also talks about how thebmachines are being used because they perform seemingly BS jobs without complaint. I hope to get a job in the future where I don't feel like I'm working and I am making money doing something that I really love.
    Period 1: Bernard Lee


  11. This article talks about how most of the jobs have changed from manuel labor to technological labor. This article basically says there is two choices, either have a job that you do not like, or do not have a job at all. This is pretty sad that most people live this way because it does not make the future seem very bright for me as a senior in high school. However, the article also makes me happy that I have found a major that I want to study that I know I enjoy and that I have some experience in because I am currently working at a physical therapy office, which is what i want to do in the future.

  12. This article qualifies the argument made in the BS jobs article.
    This article disagrees with the opinion that BS jobs are there because the ruling class needs them in order to keep the people happy. BS office jobs are just part of the evolution of supply an demand because the global economy -created by better technology that also kicked out the factory workers- requires more organization. The automated parts of the economy seem like worthless jobs but as a whole they are needed.

    The article agrees with the BS jobs article that people aren't getting enough free time considering the advances in technology. It also also argues that maybe it's just machines taking jobs we won't. Or that technology will open a new sector of jobs we don't even know yet. (I keep hearing this prediction all the time.)

    Both articles ask why don't we have more free time, but only this one offers a solution. This one says that we can have more free time if the income levels are redistributed, and I partially agree. Income levels should be distributed so that there's still motivation to move up to a highe rclass, but the higher classes don't have a gross amount of money compared to the middle class.

    ...The end argument that technology will eventually surpass all jobs (so don't complain about tue current Bs jobs) was a luttle depressing. why are a lot of economics articles depressing?
    Anyways, I hope that when the time comes, that humans will evolve a new economy and continue to thrive.
    -Shiana M. Pd1

  13. I feel like this article is very similar to the last BS job article. This article basically says that manual jobs are being taken away and given to robots. While I think that this is true, I also think that a lot of the jobs we have now require people to think instead of just repeat a process over and over again. We have jobs now that require people to think and make wise choices, something a robot, in the near future, will never be able to do. While I do agree that some jobs are BS jobs, I think that many jobs that require a person to sit at a desk do have a purpose to coordinate people or machines to make them more efficient.
    -Michael Reynarowych Per 1

  14. David said that people are getting paid more for doing more work compared to a century ago but now money is basically worth less and you need more money to buy more so i still do think that people don't get paid enough for working hard.
    Adel Elkosh

  15. This was basically an article about technological advancements in our world today. I feel like our world has been replacing labor with technology too much. This is the cause for people being unemployed because technology is virtually replacing them. If technology keeps replacing workers, nobody will have a job. We'll be watching technology do them for us. This is a sad phenomenon and I think personally that people should have jobs, not robots (technology).
    DS Pd. 1

  16. This is an interesting article because I believe every word that they say about how advanced we are all around the globe. However it's ironic that instead of making everyone's lives easier, it's done some damage. I haven't been working long so I can't exactly relate but I can understand a person feeling worthless in a situation like this. Every single day they go do something that they know has no importance in the world.

  17. Yes, BS jobs are not actually BS but are indeed useless when it comes to the greater good of society, but repetitive jobs are now being taken over by machines? Well I can somewhat see that. At Home Depot and Walmart there are self-check out registers. In the subways a machine gives you metro cards. But a new era always brings new jobs around that are needed. Tech support wasn't a thing until computers came around, so with new machines being added someone in the world should be coming up with new jobs to fill those new needs, right?
    KA Pd.1

  18. This article basically said the opposite of what David Graeber about jobs in our society. While Graeber said that we are creating bs, useless jobs, this article says that technology is gradually taking away our jobs, even the bs ones. I think they're both true because as technology evolves, more and more jobs done by people are being replaced with computers and robots, and so to keep people in the work field so that they will have money to spend, keeping the economy moving, bs jobs are created.

    NS pd. 1
