Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Continuing our conversation on courage, what do you think about this?


  1. I think that what Jason Collins did was the right thing to do but not necessarily courageous. I think that if he was courageous then he wouldn't have waited this long to announce this to the public but he would've done so from the beginning. I am not saying that it didn't take courage to say that he was gay but I think he thought it was the right thing to do and he was feeling bad lying to the public.
    -M Misir Per.9

  2. When talking about courage, i think it is necessary to discuss ones own self esteem and one's own perspective of themselves. I think when you witness a scenario where courage is taking place, you will see that it is only possible when one decides to put himself out there with no regrets and with nothing to lose. I feel like when a person does a courageous deed or act, they are doing it for themselves and to prove something that they truly believe in whether they are supported by everyone or noone. They are basically saying that it doesnt matter whether the you like it or not but i am going to get this done because it is the right thing for me and for the world. When thinking about moments of courageousness you realize that it often has to do with a scenerio where the individual is of or part of a group/belief looked down upon by society or is uncommon. Like Jason Collins, the situation with homosexual to this day is very controversial although as a country we are trying to motivate any sexual orientation including the allowance of gay marriage. I think for him to announce that took great courage but more importantly, i think went through a realization that it really doesnt matter what other people think or judge, it matters about yourself and your happiness.

  3. This was a very interesting article and I agree with all the NBA players and the coach, that Collins action was courageous. It's not easy coming out to be gay. So many homosexuals are ridiculed and discriminated against just for their sexual preference. Why? It's the most stupid thing every. Collins did something brave that will end up helping people who are gay all over the world. Some may say he did it for publicity, I think he did it to help everyone. I believe he did it because he wanted gays to see that anything was possible. Collins is a courageous man.
    -KC Pd.9

  4. I am not sure if Jason Collins had "courage," as Jason Kidd stated, or not. It depends on the background information to me. I agreed with the quote yesterday in that you can only have courage if you are scared. I also believe you cannot say someone else has courage. You can't say, as Kidd did, that Collins had courage. For example your friend may go on every single roller-coaster in the park and you may say he has courage because you are afraid, but if he does not fear the rides I wouldn't say he has courage. Same in this case. If Collins had it bottled it in for months and years and if he was afraid to come out, then I would say he has courage. But if it was just natural, that its not a big deal to just come out and continue with life, then I would not call him courageous.

  5. This article really represents the situation in which the world is at right now. The world, believe it or not, has become more liberal. People aren't afraid to express their feelings or thoughts. With that, also comes the idea of being gay. Back then, the people who were gay would always hide that part of them in public. But today, people are opening up to the world and revealing their true selves. Even famous basketball players could be gay. But in the end, its not that that matters. Its true character and abilities. The basketball player who revealed himself, didn't have a hard time with his team. They accepted him the way he was.
    Maria U.

  6. Caitlin McTiernan pd 9

    Jason Collins displayed courage by coming out with what he believes even if it isn’t of the norm. I feel like gay athletes have always been under scrutiny because there is a certain manly image that most people have about male athletes that they feel gay athletes can’t fulfill. However, Kenyon Martin (a former teammate of Collins) points out that Collins had immense courage because he “was the first to do it, so you have to take off your hat to him”. Paul Pierce (another former teammate) stated that by coming out, Collins opened “the door for a number of athletes who are going to have the courage to come out”. This relates to the Holocaust because if anyone was going to stand up against Hitler, it obviously would have taken a lot of courage due to his great power and harsh laws. Similarly, Jason Collins has courage by being one of the first professional athletes to admit to being gay. However, like Paul Pierce said, by Collins coming out he opened the flood gates for other athletes to come out as well. If a group had tried to defy Hitler they could have paved the way for others to go against Hitler. This potentially could have prevented the loss of many lives during the Holocaust.

  7. To me, courage has less to do with fear and more to do with being in a state of vulnerability and yet pursuing something while being vulnerable. Fear and vulnerability are not the same thing, because you can be vulnerable but fearless of what makes you vulnerable. That being said, I think that Collins was very courageous for sharing his sexual orientation with the world. He put himself in a position of vulnerability: his reputation, support of fans, and relations with family and friends were all on the line. He could be mocked and humiliated because of the truth. Yet despite that, he still chose to be true to himself and shared the news, and that unspoken faith he had against all the things he risked makes him a courageous man.
    -tiff k

  8. I really liked this article. What Jason Collins did was a very brave thing to do because he was a celebraty and people looked over him. Before he could do or say anything he had to think about what the people might think. It was the best decision to make. He not only told the world that he was brave but he also gave other celebratoes a chance to express themselves. He would be an inspiration for people who are scared to accept who they are. He has soon a lot of courage. Happy to know that after he told everyone no one hated him or something, insted people wanted him on their team more and everyone thought he was so courageous. What he did was very important, but necessary because it was something that could change his fans perspective towards him, but now he doesn't have to hide anything from anyone. This is a good article because it shows and encourages people that not always get bad from fighting or facing your fears, you can also get what you want or something better. pd 9 IP

  9. Personally I think that courage has a different meaning for everyone. I think that courage is when you fight for something even if it may be the wrong thing I also think courage is standing by something until the end. What Collins did was very courageous because even though he knew that not everyone was going to accept him he still went out and told everyone that he was gay. I also think that his coaches and teammates are courageous because they accepted Collins and supported him even though not everyone will. I don't think they wanted this to get in the way their friendship and change their view on the guy that they have know for years. I think that many don't know that they have courage which is a bit of a disadvantage because they see how great and humble of a person they are.
    AM prd.9

  10. I did find what Jason Collins did to be courageous. Courage is facing a difficulty that frightens you. Jason did confront a fear. Announcing that he was gay is scary. You aren’t sure how others are going to react and if you’ll be treated differently with such a revelation. Jason was also the first openly gay active player in one of the four major American professional team sports. He did something that no one else ever did. It’s particularly courageous because something like this hasn’t happened regarding active athletes before. It’s one thing to announce you’re gay but another to be the first person to announce it as an active player in a professional sport. I admire his courage. One thing I noticed in the article was how supportive his peers were. His coach and teammates were reassuring to him. They didn’t judge him and said they wouldn’t treat him any different. This goes to show you how open we are becoming to everything around us- probably due to the amount of media around us supporting homosexuals and practically all minorities. Another thing I liked about this story was how his revelation opened the door for others to gain courage and do the same. It was very uplifting.
    Jenna F. prd 9

  11. I think that it is great that Collins was comfortable enough to come out. I would say that this is certainly courageous because he came out as an active player. He is the first openly gay active player in an American team sport. Unfortunately, we live in a country where almost half of the population doesn't support gay rights. But I think that the greatest thing of the story is the overwhelming support that he received and I think that this would make other non-openly gay players more comfortable to come out.
    E.S. World History per 9

  12. SK period 9: I commend Collins for what he did. Doing something courageous is not always something you want to do, but I think that it is something you feel you have to do. In my opinion, Collins set a good example, not just for athletes, but for everyone in the public eye. Some people might say that it's nobody's business, but I think that his honesty reflects his true character. You can tell that his former teammates definitely have a lot of respect for him. He is described as a true professional on and off the court. I think standing alone and speaking out for yourself is the hardest thing to do.

  13. When we discussed this quote in class, "Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared," there were a lot of mixed opinions about it. I agreed with it because to be courageous is to have the ability to do something that frightens you. If you are not scared to do something, why is there any courage needed? I thought it was really brave for Jason Collins to come out and say that he was gay because he was the first athlete to reveal this. Even though in today's modern society, many people are excepting of this concept, but at the same time, many people are against it. I thought it was really great how all of Collin's teammates were so open to the idea that Collins' was gay. They all commended him for having the courage to stand up because it will help other athletes to get the courage to speak up.

    Monica Patel
    prd. 9

  14. SP p9
    Honestly I really don't follow the article to much just because it's part of the sports kind of thing. I think that it is courageous for coming out in some aspect but in others it's just pure willpower to be free and not confined to be yourself in only certain parts of the day.

  15. It is courageous for Collins to come out, but I'm not sure he had much to worry about. Most of his team mates seem to support him. It could be that the players are scared to say their true opinion on Collins coming out. After the 49ers corner-back said he wouldn't welcome a gay teammate he was forced to apologize and change what he said. AAper9

  16. Chirag Soni World History 10: I think that it was very brave, for Jason Collins, to do this. It officaily marks a new time period for the league, being that now more players might announce that they are gay. Also, I agree that it took courage to do something like that because in a explained perspective he stood against the president that society set.

  17. I imagine the day, where this wouldn't be news. We said yesterday it takes fear to be courageous. If that is ture, i don't think this act should require courage, even though it does these days. I don't think people should be scared to amdit who they love, but since our society forces them to be, i commebnd those witht he courage to do very much.

  18. I personally think that this is a perfect example of courage. Collina must have had some fear that the world was not going to accept him. Especially because of the fact that he is a professional athelete, the spotlight on him is extremely bright, which makes anything even more publicized than usual. The fact that he admitted he was gay was courageous because he was scared, but he pushed that thought aside, and allowed himself to really mold into himself, and also maybe lead the footsteps for any other professional atheltes who didn;t have the courage to say how they feel.

    -AB Per. 9

  19. This article made me think about the reflexive question that was discussed in the class. And Collins definitely showed real courage by revealing the secret that he had hidden from the public for years. He must have been truly afraid of doing this, considering the possible consequences and how it may affect his career. I am also confident that his teammates showed similar courage by being supportive.
    -Raphael Kim

  20. Ansh Hirani pd 9

    This goes back to the quote that we talked about in class. Collins, knowing how this could backlash, openly admits that he's gay, accepting whatever would come after that. From knowing the possible backlashes, it would seem that Collins would be scared, but he went through this anyways. He can serve as an inspiration to all athletes out there to come out too if they are homosexual, which can possibly change the way people see things.

  21. It was nice to see players and coaches around the NBA support Collins and his decision to come out. Many of them, including Doc Rivers didn't care that he came and said he was gay. That didn't change the way that they looked at him. They knew who he really was, a hard working, loyal, and influential leader on and off the court. This definetly changes the landscape of not only the NBA, but all professional sports. It will hopefully inspire and offer courage to those that are keeping their sexual preference a secret. It will help them open up and be more comfortable in who they are, for they will no longer have to keep it to themselves and a few select others. Overall, I think this will be great for not only sports, but the world in the long run, as it will show people that sexual preference should not change the way someone is viewed.

    - Rahul Shah

  22. I think it did take courage to come out, especially as a professional athlete where so many eyes are on you and you feel you need to be a role model. Jason Collins was the first basketball player to do so. The facet that this was a secret for so long means he definitely feared the consequences but coming out must have been a huge relief for him. He has set a precedent so to speak when his teammates accepted him making other players comfortable to maybe do the same.
    -Kevin Johnson

  23. In a way, Collins is a courageous man, for he got the initiative to reveal his homosexuality to his entire team, despite what the coach and teammates might think of him in the future. What's more significant is that he's the first athlete to do so, which makes the step forward even that more significant. However, in today's more accepting society, hundreds of homosexuals are coming out, and therefore, in a way, this person isn't as courageous as he is portrayed. The world is much more tolerant to gays now than it was 10 years ago, and several celebrity gay couples were exposed years ago. Plus, dozens of people reveal their homosexuality everyday. So what makes Collins so special for coming out?- Maisha Savani Pd 9

  24. I think that it does take courage for a person to talk about something very deep and personal to them, especially in a society where things are not always thoroughly and openly accepted by all. He knew there were things on the line, but he took a step and kept in mind that he was probably better off talking about something like this and potentially changing viewpoints than keeping it a secret. It isn't easy to openly admit these things, but he did it anyway. It was a combination of the honesty and courage that got him so much respect, and he definitely set a precedent for future players.
    -DS Pd 9
