Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What is a poor noble to do?

Who knew the Second Estate still lives? See here what life is like for modern day nobility in France.


  1. I am very surprised to learn that Nobles still exist in France. When I think of Nobles, I imagine the rich from the past, not modern times. But, the whole concept of the modern Nobles bothers me. Just because their ancestors were bestowed the owner of a Noble, means that these modern day Nobles don't have to work. They are offered an education, scholarship, etc. This is unfair to commoners who work very hard for what they have. But, many of these Nobles are no longer flourishing with a lack of King. Without a King, there is no work for these Nobles because they cannot serve under anybody. It seems as if many Nobles are "dropping out" and removing this title. I think Nobility in France is coming to an end because their middle class is catching up to what the Nobles are. Also, these Nobles who would have been in the second estate, do not have much of a say in government than they would have many years ago.

    -Rahul Shah Pd. 9

  2. I understand the seeming importance of nobles due to their blood relationship to the king in the past, however having no king in today's world makes me question the importance and role of nobles in today's society. If they believe that they are far more superior than the common people to do common jobs, it isn't surprising to me to read about poor and needy nobles. I understand the role of the ANF in aiding these floundering nobles, however I do not think it is necessary to have this organization and to try and preserve the nobility of the past. Also, the fact that some people have jobs where they have to track down the real and phony nobles seemed interesting and a little amusing to me.

  3. JW-
    I would find that a fundraising organization to support nobles is a rather pointless venture. Sure, if it is what the members would like to spend their time doing and they can find donations, then why not, but to really donate or put in much effort seems rather pointless. Besides, a noble in modern society is a pointless title and might as well get a job like everybody else. This is not a world where a person should expect to not work and still be benefited as royalty did.

  4. SK period 9 In my opinion, there isn’t any reason to continue the French Nobility. Modern France does not need to separate the rich from the poor and go back in time. What’s wrong with getting a job? Pride should not stop you from earning an income. It’s great that the nobles are proud of their heritage, but nobles haven’t been created since 1870 and we are in the 21st. century. Today, all nobles need to consider getting even un-noble like jobs if they want to keep the castle in the family.

  5. It kind of shocks me that there are nobles who are in need of help today. When I think of a noble, I think of someone who is wealthy and has high status in society, not someone who has to take on odd jobs or help others. I feel that knowing how a noble's status in society has changed, I feel like it shows how society has changed, and how much power and status, such as being considered a noble, depended on the king and how societies are much different when run by kings.

  6. J.F. period 9
    After reading the article, I was shocked. I didn't know that the modern day nobles were in financial trouble because there isn't a king anymore. One would think that nobles would be doing fine currently because of the fact that nobles in the past used to live the nice life. I thought that since you had a nice life then that it would carry on to the next generation. It was surprising to hear that they had the financial burden of caring for old castles sometimes. One part that I found interesting was when it said that some less fortunate nobles who were selling vegetables wouldn't initially want help from the ANF because of pride. You would think that they’d want help, but I found it interesting that they didn't want it at first. It shows you just how important the pride of being a noble was to them.

  7. SP p9
    I think that the French nobles are just a bunch of stuck up brats. They need this big and lavish lifestyle and for what really? To be comfortable? It's just wrong.

  8. Caitlin McTiernan period 9

    I feel that the nobles are to France as the Amish are to America. Obviously they both live very outdated lifestyles, which few choose to take. In this article, Count de Raffin states that “The problem with France is that there is no king.” This exactly shows how outdated this lifestyle is, considering there hasn’t been a king in France since the late 1700’s. Similarly, in America the Amish don’t use electricity although it has been around since the 1880’s. It’s almost as if both these small groups of people are still living in the past, and don’t want to live in the present because it goes against their beliefs.

  9. I feel that that Dominique De Causans view of trying to restore nobility in modern day France is very unrealistic and seems a bit irrelevant. Since France has no king and that is the only real way to prove these people are part of French nobility - then there is no point in pursuing his cause. It is nice that Dominique De Causans is trying to help people regain their family heritage title but it seems very useless. Maybe he should focus his ideas and his passion for supporting nobility into an educational cause.

    Samantha H.

  10. I think that it is good that the noble families want to keep the tradition going but the houses are old and they dont have any kings to bring new members in. So the ANF has to fund it but that is just in my opioion wasting money because all the people owning the house are old. Most people are modernerised so soon they will not be able to fund the houses at all. Maybe they should turn them into a college and then the family could get a profit from it.

  11. Period 9: Monica P.
    I agree that it is hard to be a noble in modern France because the article states that it is "considered un-noble to have a job—unless it was to serve the king," but France does not have a king. It was a good idea to help these nobles because their lives were worsening. even though most of the ANFs didn't like this idea, I though it it was also a good thing that "Friends of the ANF" was created because that allowed non-nobles communicant with real nobles

  12. It surprised me that modern France still held a second estate at all. The irony of it all is that in the late 1700's, the second estate was powerful, where as in modern day the second estate is struggling. Now the nobles are your average middle to low class people who deal with everyday problems and sometimes rely on financial support in order to keep up with society. It really turns the tables in perspective. When i hear noble, i think of a high class person who holds power and respect. In reality, modern society nobles are not close to that interpretation.
    ~Tiff K. period 9

  13. Without the King, the nobles lose almost all of their formal power so having the title of "nobility" is useless. I think that this is just and should be the case all around the world.
    E.S. Kramer 9th

  14. i think this article was interesting because it analyzes the background and history of French politics and social classes and how they were treated and respected then to now. i thought it was interesting that even to this day, the common people, not nobles or upper class wants to be like the nobles, changing their last names to be a more "nobel" name. But the fact that their were such unequal treatments based on class whether its about taxes or human rights, that the people are still hesitant or have a grudge against these high classes or nobility.

  15. Ansh Hirani. Prd. 9 - World

    I think that the concept of creating a group of only nobles is stupid. Life isn't going to change for them because the government isn't going to change to the way it was before. The whole point of changing the government was so that the peasants could get more power and equality. Now that government has been reformed, it won't change back just to favor a few 'noble' families. These people need to get over the fact that they aren't as powerful as before and should make the best of what they have.

  16. I was some what shocked when I read this article. Who knew that nobles would have such difficulties in the modern world? In fact, we, the bourgoiese, have it easier than they do, for they're nobles that now need to earn for a living in order to survive. This idea of getting a job is highly uncommon with nobles, for is wasn't a sign of power, however, they need the money to survive. In order for nobles to each other out, they have created an organization where people can help the nobles out and donate money to them so that they can retain they're pride of being nobility. Nobles are losing power and significance in today's world, and eventually, they might not even have any significance at all.- Maisha Savani

  17. Chirag Soni- World History 10 : I support the fact that there is no King and the second nobles should struggle because it is bringing on a fair change. The fact that there is no king allows there to be a chance for the lower class citizens to gain more power and give them a chance to get equality. With the kings the nobles had a certain level of power which was unfair to the 3rd estates. The fact that there is no King will help balance the power, and I support this.

  18. I think that ANF is a really useless organization. It might be useful that they can say who is of noble decadency and who isn't, and clear up any problems you have regarding your ancestors. Besides that I don't see the point of nobles helping each other and thinking they deserve a role in government. You don't help people just because they are also noble. Help them because they desperately need it. AA per 9

  19. I think that ANF is a really useless organization. It might be useful that they can say who is of noble decadency and who isn't, and clear up any problems you have regarding your ancestors. Besides that I don't see the point of nobles helping each other and thinking they deserve a role in government. You don't help people just because they are also noble. Help them because they desperately need it. AA per 9

  20. When I read this article, I thought it was completely ridiculous. In this day and age, most people around the world share equality with the men, women, and people of different races around them. For people in France to believe that they are better than everyone else when granted or born into the title "noble" is very unreasonable, and the fact that they are asking for more makes it worse. It is the 2012. The human race should be advanced enough to realize that we are all worthy of doing what we want,we all have the same rights, liberty, and given respect. There is nothing wrong with working at a supermarket, or being a luggage carrier; whether your a "noble" or not! The word means nothing unless you worked for it or earned it. The author of the article said it himself that your are either born into the name or granted the title by the king simply to be named a "noble" and for the rest of society to look up to you for an action you never even did. -Maytal

  21. I don't see why being a noble is so important in today's society. The nobility is no longer relevant now that France no longer has a king. Without monarchy, there is no "noble" men, nor any man of power. Besides, with republic governments today, all men should be the same. I find it ridiculous that noble people are trying to be treated differently, or as they were treated back in the times when monarchy was around. Their actions contradict "equality for everyone" and they are quite the opposite of the French Revolution, except not as widespread and influencial. While the lower class people and the peasants seeked power and equality among men during the French Revolution, now the nobles are seeking to be above others. I think that they should try to blend in with others rather than try to return to nobility not only because it contradicts equality, but also because it is a futile effort that will not achieve anything.
    -raphael kim

  22. I don't think nobles really have any power with out the king. And if there is not king there is no point of nobles because there is no ruler for the nobles. There is no one to take the important decision. And no one can take the place of the king. Just like there is no point of the nobles with out the king, there is no point of the king without the nobles. But today somehow the noble are surviving.
    Pd 9- IP

  23. this artical is literally all over the place and to be completly honest i do not understand what is even going on. But, from what I know nobles are being fired. I think that is unfair because there is really no reason for them to actually lose their job. Everybody needs money and just to drop them lke that is just plain bad. I think that they should offer them new jobs in replacement so they arent stressed out looking for them.

  24. i find it very interesting that there is still nobilty in france but i dont think its a good idea since there is no longer a monarchy. - Vadim Castro

  25. TC period 3
    from what i understand the nobles are being "fired" because they sre no longer needed with there government. so the government are paying the families and setting up supprot groups for them so the dont take the lack of money to harshluy. other than that i have no idea what i read and i was confused throughout the whole thing.

  26. I find the ideology of the nobles, like many others, to be odd and somewhat ignorant. It seems that the nobles consider themselves tobe high and mighty because of birthright, and idea that is ridiculed today. i aso understand however, that they are taught that they are powerful an higher than others, this ego is carried down form past generations. I aslo think, that today we try too hard to eliminate birth right and classes in society, why should one man have more money than another when the second man works much harder. Although we like to think that we can make it a fair race, some people are just born with a head start, and thats just luck.

  27. The idea that there are still nobles around is pretty interesting. I understand that they have gotten used to the way of living like a noble. Which meant they really didn't need to do any work. But the fact is, that they are living in a different time period. They still feel as if they don't have to do anything. For example, they have inherited beautiful, big houses. Normally back then, there would be pride in having a house like that. But now, it's viewed as something else. Nobles now are finding it hard to pay for their houses. That is why people are helping them look for jobs and learn to adapt to the modern world.
    ~Maria u.

  28. It's really strange how there are still nobles in today's society. and I do agree that it is not easy in today's world for them. The middle class, the majority of todays world,have it a lot easier even though we think life is tough for the middle class. And when you think "noble" you think high ranking and upper class, but it is totally different now. You would think that nobles are living the lives they used to in history but thats not true anymore. The article suggests that because there is not king in France now, the nobles have no place to go and they are confused on what to do with their lives. And that just shows how strange it is to still have nobles around.
    Monica Patel - Period 9

  29. After reading this article, i find the french nobles annoying because they think they have they deserve a high life , they arent as important/powerful as they were once before.

    Sofia POnce
