Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gas at $5 a gallon?

A follow up to Syria, Iran, and Economics!


  1. I think it it agreeable to say that $5.00 for a gallon of gas is a lot. With people out of jobs and not able to afford gas as the prices go higher, I don't see how this can positively affect gas companies. Lowering the gas price and having a bigger quantity of gas being sold, in my opinion, is the right approach. It is difficult to lower the prices, however, being that the demand for gas will be higher in the summer coming up, as well as the trouble it is to actually get the gas. This is a sticky situation, clearly.

    Daniella C. pd. 5

  2. Katie Rahill pd5

    As a new driver, and especially a teen even with a job on the side, yes I'm grateful for my parents to have given me one of their older cars to use, I have to put my own gas in. As I began driving I would cringe at the fact that gas was 3.80+ per gallon. Now imagine $5!? Especially with the trouble that America is in right now, what would happen to us if gas price increased that much? Most definitely during the warmer months, not as many people will be driving. It's just too expensive!

  3. I think it is a difficult to deal with because some people cannot afford this price for gasoline. In today's world, people are living off the bare minimum and can barely put food on the table. Now to add on to their every day lives is that Iran is threatening Europe to raise the price. Of course we need to manage ourselves and figure out different alternatives to this situation, but it's going to be a hard adjustment to some people. We need to find a solution fast because especially where we live, it is difficult to get to place to place without a car.

    Melissa Reime
    period 5

  4. I think that more attention and effort should be brought to the environmentally friendly ways we can make cars run and such. I know there are things like electric cars now but, to really end the gas price issue we should look into any other sources of gas we may have or can create thats eco friendly. This way, we won't have other problems in the future that we will have to spend money on thats caused by the fuels given off by cars.

    -Julie S. S period 4

  5. A few days ago it was announced on the radio that gas prices has raised. My mother and father groaned at this announcement. As an upcoming driver this angers me as well, however, I finally realize why gas prices are raising. It is due to our rocky relations with Syria and Iran, especially Iran. If tensions even worsen, our gas prices can raise up to 50 cents higher a gallon. Perhaps if Hiliary and Obama can work things out with the stubborn Middle East, gas prices can lower or stay the same!!
    Lauren Webster

  6. gas five dollars per gallon. THat is insane. With the economy already hurt, how much fire can we add to the coal. The best way to decrease our gas prices is increase supply. But how can we do that since we sanctioned iran. our country needs to help ease tensions in iran and the middle east ( corruption, government killing people,violent riots, total chaos) We need to stop that plaque so we can atleast have gas at a lower cost. If we help ease tensions in the middle east, our price per gallon will decrease. Since us and some other European have placed a sanction on iran, and iran is not exporting oil to any of us why don't we attack them. There is so much oil there and especially there building a nuclear bomb? crazy we should tell our pentagon defense strategists to write up a plan and attack iran. How long will this continue? People live with fear while Iran is creating a nuclear bomb. Iran is doing pretty bad from being sanctioned. They lose money because they lose clients who they can export their oil too. Less business for them. So we should attack or convince other countries to sanction them too.


  7. These oil producing Middle Eastern countries have cornered America into some really hard decisions. We want to be tough on these countries and yet we still rely on them to keep our economy on the right track of recovery. Oil seems to be the leading resource in the world—needed by every country. So if that is true, then why shouldn’t a country take advantage of their own resources when needed? I think America should invest more in producing our own oil rather than bargaining with unfair salespeople in countries that despise us the most.
    Merilyn pd 9

  8. I think that it is a bit ridiculous to have so much of the power of the worlds oil (and energy) be in the hands of such a small part of the world. I also believe that it is especially dangerous because nations in the middle east that have this power are very unstable, leading to the issues that the world is currently facing. Investing in different sources of energy is probably the best way to limit the power the middle east has on the rest of the world. Although this point of view may be extremely biased, it seems to me to be the only way to avoid future situations like this.
    Evan Siegel Per. 9

  9. Everyone has always been talking about the rise of gas prices. But no one really knows how bad the state of the world is in that causes the rise in gas prices. Iran and Syria are threatening to cut the U.S. and European countries off. By not selling any oil or gas to these countries, the world would be at a standstill. There also, has been signs that Iran will be less willing to negotiate with the U.S. and European because of sanctions on its critical oil exports. This would mean an increase in oil and gas prices or even Iran putting a halt on selling oil and gas. By doing this basically, the world can't function. Oil is used for things such as heat. To risk the status of heat for your country is not an option so leaders have to choice but to pay the high price of gas and oil. Even if the amount of the exports were decreased, countries would still be paying high prices. So no matter what, countries other than Iran, Syria and other oil/gas exporting countries, are at a disadvantage.
    Ami Z.
    World History 10
    Period 9

  10. $5 a gallon is ridiculous. and if the prices were to continuously increase i wouldn't be surprised if it was at $6 when i start to drive. it is outrageous and unfair that iran charges more for gas and oil because we have tension between each other
    -Jason L. Period 9

  11. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't see why we are constantly at war with ourselves. We're all humans, we all live in the same world, and so we should PUT UP with each other. Brothers and sisters aren't pitted against each other with guns and swords and deadly poisons even if they hate each other. When we should be a united world, we stand alone and fight. All we seem to do is fight and destroy. Even those who don't want any part in the war are affected by it! This is how much our world is messed up.
    ~Pearl L. pd9

  12. I found it very interesting that Iran and Syria has so much influence in the world. Because of the increasing tension in both countries, a barrel of oil costs more than $100. Analysts say that the price of a barrel of oil would fall to $80 a gallon if the tensions eased, however. This is really interesting because it shows how much influence a country with raw materials can be, no matter how large or small it is.

    - C.N. World History 10 Period 9

  13. What are sanctions? I looked up the definition and it said, an authoritative permission or approval, as for an action. But what does that have to do with Iran? I understand that the tensions between Iran and Syria may cause the gas prices to increase by another 50 cents or more and that this is very serious for our slowly rising economy. How does China, India and Turkey come into the story? And also, why is Iran doing all of this?
    pd. 9 JessLi

  14. Gas at $5 a gallon is OUTRAGEOUS but is expected since prices have been rising up. The cause of higher gas prices in this article is inflation. In fact, oil prices are only increasing due to the the value of the dollar.
    People will trip over themselves to pay $100 a month for an iPhone data plan. I understand that its a large amount of money for only one gallon but a point I'd like to make is people gladly pay for expenisve shoes etc. that they can make do without but when gas prices increase its sabatoge.
    -Shobha Tewani Pd. 9 World History

  15. After reading this article I wasnt shocked at all. The gas price has been rising all along, and will continue to rise. It may not be to our benefit to spend 5 dollars on gas but people can spare 5 dollars for anything else except when it comes to gas. I hope that Syria and Iran's conflicts dont lead to a downfall in our economy however it looks that way so the government should be finding alternate ways to address this problem. Finding new ways to save energy may be a start.
    -Priya C pd.9

  16. This article is very shocking. Ones country can really affect another. Without the oil from Iran, how will countries such as France or Spain run. And with oil prices getting higher and higher, people are having a really hard time managing their life now.
    -Brandi Sze (Period 9, World History 10)

  17. With much tension between Iran and Syria, as well as the rising demand of oil from countries such as China, gas prices may be skyrocketing to up to $5 per gallon. If gas were at $5 a gallon, it would be very hard to afford to drive. I think many people should look to walk or find some other means of transportation, simply because $5 a gallon is ridiculous. If tensions were to cool down, barrels could drop to $80. But “How do you get tough on Iran without getting tough on American wallets?” Any threat towards Iran could mean risking many consequences.

    Daniel Sang
    Period 9

  18. One day the gas price is at $3 per gallon. The next day it'll cost $5 per ounce. overexaggeration, I know. I never knew Iran could be such a threat though. If the world goes into another War, the U.S, Most of Europe, and probably some parts of Asia are definitely going to feel a major economy crisis, especially with the debts in Europe and the Recession here. The sky is the limit to how Iran can wreck the stability of many countries.

    Kevin An- period 9

  19. This article is about the growing and continuing tensions of Iran and Syria, that lead to increasingly dramatic uprisings in the price for a gallon of oil.
    Seeing that I don't actually drive, and probably won't be able to own a car until college, the mere +50 cents on a gallon of gas doesn't really affect me until I stop and think that that's +50 per gallon. People fill up dozens of gallons each fill. The total monthly expenses, as said in the article, add to about an extra $30 a month, so $360 in a year, and that's on top of what's already paid.
    In a world where almost everyone's careers are dependent on early morning transportation, the economic use of strange-looking electronic cars seem to become slightly more appealing, if anything.
    ,Daniel Lang pd. 9 World

  20. This article was really interesting in how it shows how different out society is today. Iran can threaten us without even mobilizing an attack. Just by controlling something that is important to our society they have an upper hand. This intent on making the gas prices high may be an ulterior move on Iran’s behalf. Since we are such a technology based country, when we have to pay high prices for gas used to fuel our main source of transportation, we get angry with government. With the pressures from the Republicans and the people Obama has many problems to deal with. These many problems may be a ploy to keep us temporarily occupied while they prepare to go to war with us. Although it is farfetched, politics is extremely complex and maybe Iran is telling us everything about what they are doing. Hannah pd 9

  21. I understand why there is still tension with Iran and Syria. It makes sense as to why we wouldn’t want them having possession of nuclear weapons. The problem is that this is our big resource with gasoline. I don’t understand why we haven’t created a sufficient alternative energy by now. No matter what, the US will have problems with everyone else so they might as well start making gas and oil by themselves. If the gas prices jump as high as they say, people are going to go crazy. We are finally starting to get out of the recession we were in. I pray this doesn’t pull us back into it.
    Michelle Romano p.5

  22. There is no question that gas prices around the world have raised to unimaginable amounts but the fact that we are so on the edge of increasing this drastic price due to any source of attack towards our countries is crazy! Ever since Iran's threats to cut off oil imports has forced the Union to place an embargo on the oil. Because of these tensions between the countries prices have raise yet again and have formed unfriendly ties. I find it ridiculous how our economy has become so difficult for so many people to face. Something as simple as pumping gas has become an activity that is causing people worry everyday. With unstable gas prices constantly rising transportation is becoming more and more difficult day after day. I truly hope that our ties with countries will be resolved and prices for gasoline will return to steady and reasonable amounts. - Nikita F.

  23. The part in the article that captured my attention the most was the mentioning of a possible 50-cent increase in the price of gas. This will ultimately make a huge difference in expenses and cause Americans to stress about gas prices even more than they already do. The expenses for gas will be more than $30 a month placing Americans in a difficult situation. The conflict in the Middle East is controlling the price of gases causing them to soar. If gas prices are able to decrease to less than 50-cents than majority of people would have less distress.

    Period 5

  24. Apparently, there will always be this power struggle for weaker nations to procure themselves nuclear weapons. I do not think Iran should receive nuclear weapons. Wielding a weapon of mass destruction is dangerous, but in the wrong hands, it can be disastrous. Americans and the rest of the world should find alternative means to power vehicles. Oil is a non-renewable resource and we should stop using it immediately. We need to fund more money on technology research for improving life instead of war technology.

    -Russell Hu 9

  25. Wow, the price of a gallon of gasoline increased alot since 2008, and it is gonna be depressing if it continues to increase in the future. Since the American sailors saved Iranians from Pirates the Iranians should ease the tension, instead of threatening to increase the oil price. If the tensions between the US and Iran eased then prices would fall.
    ~Samantha C


    I am really shocked that gas is going up so much in such a short matter of time. People will soon start to buy cars that are hybrid. The SUV I drive takes about 66 dollars to fill up a full tank which lasts about a week and a half to two weeks. If gas goes up even more, I will be paying much more than I used to be. “For the typical driver who pumps 60 gallons a month of regular unleaded gasoline, a 50-cent increase in price means an extra expense of $30 a month.” When I read this, I was shocked because thirty dollars isn’t a big difference. I really hope the gas prices don’t go up that much, or don’t go up at all.

  27. I thought this article was really interesting. It explains the issue with current and future gas prices and ultimately manifests how bad this would be for people and the economy. The economy is already not doing well, so if gas prices increase even more, this would be terrible. Gas is a necessity and people wouldn't really be able to afford it. Also, the article spoke about the political issues involving Syria and Iran. The tension with these countries can increase susceptibility to more expensive gas prices, which obviously isn't good at all either. Jake, period 5

  28. To some people it's quite a shock that gas prices go up this high, but I kind of suspected it. As the years go on and progress and gets more advanced, the gas price will eventually get more pricier. It might decrease for a little bit, but eventually people will have to face these pricier gas prices. Maybe people should just start use their money wisley. Instead of spending $5 for coffee, they should save it for gas money.
    -elizabeth period 9

  29. It's rediculous how gas is 5 dollars a gallon now. In my opinion it is scary because you never know when prices will raise 50 cents higher than it normally was. With the critical conditions we already have in our economy, 50 cents is a MASSIVE increase in price. I'm not sure how we are going to afford gas in the future if prices keep increasing how they are today.

  30. The economy is going in the wrong direction and i think its time to mass produce a car that doesnt use gas espicially when its so outdated and expensive. For five dollars a gallon you could be getting so much more. I also thinik we should be trying to find a different source of fuel if we cant get new types of cars. Eventually all the oil and gas will run out anyway so you might as well find a new transportation now instead of later. sean

  31. ITs crazy how high the gas prices are going. The tensions between the US, Syria and Iran have to stop in order for us to have gas. If gas was cut off to the US I dont know what would happen because we rely on gas a lot. So much would be stopped if our country doesnt have any gas. Transportation and everything else that requires gas will have to stop. Our economy will become even worse than it already is.
    PN Pd 1

  32. Control the resources and you can control the world. Wow, what a perfect example of how Iran and Syria are in control here, for the most part anyways. Iran and Syria have both put most of the world questioning what to do. On one side we can put even more sanctions on them, but in return the economy might fail. It's just a battle of who can last longer now, but in the end one group is going to get hurt. Either we can secure access to the oil or today's gas price can be equal to tommorows pay check.

    Kevin An Period 9

  33. Basically this article is showing that the economy is still weak and we are in a total stalemate with Iran. Obama is desperately struggling to control Iran but knows that by pressuring them them to isolation, the effect will just bite back.
    -Muhammad Period 9

  34. 5 dollars a gallon is ridiculous. The price for gas today is pretty bad, and its not 5 dollars yet. Iran and the Us have to have peace, so we can get our gas prices lowered again. People will still have to be paying 5 dollars per gallon because they have to get wherever they have to get everyday. People will be switching over to hybrids to save their money and gas so they don't have to pay so much for a full tank that will not even last a week.

    Jon Pd 5

  35. You don't realize how expensive gas really is until you start to drive everywhere. It's crazy that i can imagine soon that gas will be 5 dollars a gallon. the sad part of it is that the people who are paying for the most of the gas has no choice because its very difficult to live outside of your community without a car. Gas prices can continue to increase and the consumers will just lose more money. Our economy is already suffering and people are barely able to afford everything that is essential for a comfortable life.

  36. gas going to five dollars is honestly ridiculous because it is something most americans need because they need their transportation for earning money.. gas going to five dollars for new drivers (kids) is bad to because its like getting a gallon of gas for one hours worth of working. its a rip off! our economy is not doing well already and now they raise it... ridiculous
    N.B. p5

  37. Personally I think high gas prices are actually be a good thing for our society; it will finally show all of us the TRUE costs of oil. For too long we have been addicted to deceptively cheap oil. Europe realized a long time ago that oil is yesterday's energy and have adapted much better as a result, with more fuel-efficient cars and more clean energy (gas prices there, by the way, are currently around $7-9/gallon). It is time the United States seriously moves towards alternatives as well, and high gasoline prices will encourage that (by making clean energy more economically viable). Yes, this will also be painful for many Americans at first, but it won't be catastrophic if we adjust our fuel consumption accordingly, and it will pay enormous dividends for generations to come.

    -Vance, period 8

  38. It's true that Iran loves to saber rattle, threatening other countries but only increasing oil prices. However, if the American government had put itself on the side of the consumer during the late 20th century, we likely wouldn't be worrying about oil at this point.

    During the oil shocks of the 1970s, the government worked with the public and with auto manufacturers to decrease energy consumption through higher efficiency engines and smart use of fossil fuels. However, once the shocks ended, auto and energy companies realized that they no longer needed to increase auto efficiency (which would drive down corporate profits since people would fill up their tanks less) and started lobbying to keep regulations low. Since then, the average MPG of cars has actually fallen!

    Our current technology is capable of supporting cars with >100 or even 200 MPG (which would eventually lower gas costs since demand for gas will decrease), but since our country has a corporate bias, we consumers will keep seeing the short end of the stick.
    -Brian W P.8

  39. Gas at $5/gal is going to cause serious problems for many Americans. Unemployment is still high and people can't afford to spend more on gas to drive to their minimum-wage jobs which don't pay enough for them to afford their mortgages, among other things. Unfortunately, there's not much the US can do about it because OPEC nations are continuing to artificially limit supply. As gas prices continue to rise, it will become more and more important for us to develop viable alternates to petroleum for fuel.

    Ben Carleton
    AP Micro Period 8

  40. If gas prices reach $5 a gallon, our country may be in serious trouble. Unemployment is still high and people without jobs cant afford to pay for gas at such a high price. I dont even know how I will afford to drive with gas costing that much. It will be interesting to see how this plays out throughout the election because most of the time when gas prices are out of control the current president gets voted out of office. If Obama doesnt find a way to help the prices go down, he could be in serious trouble.

    Mike D. Period 8

  41. America’s dependency on the unstable Middle East for oil is, to say the least, scary. The fact that we would have to think twice about taking action in countries like Iran if we absolutely needed to in fear of gas prices is ridiculous. When the embargo hit us last time, our entire economy started declining. The world’s biggest economy is dependent on one natural resource. Also, the fact that turmoil in Iran’s allies could also damage our economy and increase price volatility is scary. Paying $5 for a gallon of gas would be too expensive for most Americans.

  42. Gasoline has always been expensive; my grandfather actually says, the cliche line "I remember when a gallon of gas was 25 cents!" All Americans do is boast about the amazing technology that we have and how advanced we are, if we're as advanced as we like to believe we are, why haven't we found an alternative to gas? The price for a gallon of gasoline is unbelievably high as it is, and it's only going to get worse, especially with refineries closing.
    Sam H period 8

  43. The price of gas has recently once again creeped up. It is extremely interesting how interconnected the international politics among the US, Iran, Syria, the European countries, and China/India is with the gas prices that we pay at the pump. A slight change in the sanctions on Iran or a change in gasoline usage by China and India can change gas prices by a few cents, changing the consumer purchasing power by over $1 billion, which is very significant especially in the current post recessionary period. The most interesting part of this article though is that the politics of sanctions and other techniques to limit Iran's trade with the other Western countries that have been employed by all of these Western countries and how these international relations can effect people who are in no way directly related to the situation. It goes to show how connected the world economy has become.

    Arvind Viswanathan - Period 8

  44. OPEC Nations have been in turmoil for many years now. It seems that their is always a new conflict that has oil producers worried. I believe that western nations would not allow any country to do anything too destructive to the flow of oil, yet companies like Sunoco and Shell have every reason to raise their prices in order to protect themselves from the 'what if' situtaiton. As expensive as gas is, U.S. citizens should be more greatful that our government does not tax gas nearly as much as other countries. Gas prices are going to stay high and prices will continue to go up in the long run, which should put creating efficient cars high on our country's agenda.

    David V.

  45. The reason why this article is frightening is because there is no doubt that gas prices will continue to increase until maybe even higher than five dollars a gallon. Even though fifty cents a gallon doesn't sound like much, an little price increase adds up and right now, our economy can't afford that at all. It's frustrating how the Middle East controls most of the oil in the world and how dependent everyone is on oil because it causes more tension and more issues. Hopefully soon in the future, alternative fuel sources will be the majority part of America's fuel consumption. Currently our world cannot function without oil and that is the main problem, becoming too dependent on something that won't last is detrimental.

    N.Q. pd 8

  46. It would be insane if gas prices actually do rise to $5.00 a gallon. As gas prices are already on the move, I have been taking much fewer frivolous trips and driving less just because the rising prices are difficult to cope with. As Bernanke said, the increase in gas prices can lead to higher inflation, so this would be another thing that is not under Obama's control, yet he would be blamed for by the Republicans. I'm anxiously waiting for gas prices to drop again. Until then, I won't be on the road too often.
    Jack McGuire
    AP Micro Period 8

  47. As long as gas prices don't hit the 5 dollar mark, I don't think that high gas prices will hamper consumer confidence. Historically, at our currently high gas prices, we would see a big drop in consumer confidence. But, consumer confidence hasn't really dropped too much compared to other times when high gas prices (like the prices we are experiencing now) really took a toll on consumer confidence. Calvin T. Period 8

  48. This article was interesting because it shows us how much Iran and the Middle East can cause problems for us living in the US. Because of the tensions in the Middle East the price for oil has been increasing and could still be increasing if the tensions do not ease down. Because there is a potential for five dollars for a gallon of gas there will be more emphasis on the auto motive industry to produce even more fuel efficient cars. Because demand in China and India has increased the price of oil will eventually increase, which means that we might have to pay $5 a gallon. The only solution for us to spend less is for our cars to be electric, or even more fuel efficient.

  49. As much as we'd like to not believe it, our own needs highly influence and determine our actions in all of these global issues, be them moral or not, to act in our own rational self-interest. It's a little unfair how we cannot fully act on what we believe in regard to Iran due to the fact that we are dependent on something which they very readily have a threatening grip on. This dependence produces extraneous tension that we can avoid if we only put a little more focus and attention on alternative fuel. It's interesting to see how much of a role psychology plans in the marketplace and in the global economy, though, as fear of spiking gas and oil prices is only eased by optimism - everything is subjective and unpredictable.

    - Yoni, Micro Pd. 8

  50. Although it is scary to think that gas will go up to 5 dollars a gallon when it was barely 2 dollars when we were younger, it is also extremely plausible given the current gas prices. Even though this is bad for our, and the rest of the world's, struggling economy, I think there is a silver lining to it. It will finally show people how expensive it is and more or less force us to look into alternate forms of energy. This might just be the push for new energy resources to start playing a bigger role. However, even after this, it is frightening to think that if we cannot solve this in a few years, we will all be stuck paying higher prices for gas.

    -M. Choe Period 8
