Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's a Poor French Noble to Do Without a King to Call His Own?

Who knew the Second Estate still lives? See here what life is like for modern day nobility in France.


  1. From reading this, I think that these people who still go around calling themselves “nobility” are just plain stupid (no offense to them). First of all it sort of seemed like they were acting all high and mighty about how they have a program where the nobles and non-nobles can associate with one another. Really, this is the 21st century and to have such a thing is really just irritating. The economy is not in a great standing around the world and here there are people going around saying how tough it is to be a noble because they have to stay in their castle and take care of whatever needs they have. These people seem like phonies to me because we are in a modern society, and so yeah it’s okay if you are from a noble lineage and all but you don’t have to go around flaunting it about. Since this is a modern society and we have seen what has happened when nobles and the church had gotten more power and rights from the French Revolution, these nobles should know better than to do this. It seems more sophisticated of them if they just respected their noble status but continued on to daily life like the rest of the world. In all honesty these people are just full of themselves, it is cool that they are nobles but they are making a bigger deal out of it than they should. The kings had so many children and those children had even more children so technically anyone could be a noble and they just are not aware of it. ~Hannah Lee♥

  2. Around the year 1870 no official nobles have been created because simply put there was no need for them. Since there is no longer a king in power there is no one to declare that anyone is a noble or not. The issue here is that since there are no uses for nobles why is it necessary to state you are one? It has been quiet a lot of years since nobles have been declared and in present day no one is addressed as a noble so why people say they are one is unclear. Financially, if people of noble decent is not doing so well what is stopping them from getting a job and moving forward with their lives? Nothing. So when Count de Raffin says "We need to help these people climb back up the social ladder and join us," what is stopping the people of noble decent from climbing the "social ladder?" I believe that the organization ANF is meaningless. There are many people in the world who are suffering from starvation and such so there is no need to discriminate people by only offering help to people who are of noble decent. This organization is discriminating against anyone who isn't of noble blood. What is to say that someone creates a fake letter from the king of France stating that he is a noble? Then that person is gaining relief even though he isn't a noble decedent. The organization of ANF, is discriminative and is unfair to all others who are not of noble blood.
    ~A.Z. Period 9

  3. I don't agree with Count de Raffin. He says that France needs a king, but a monarchy would totally reversed what happened. With a king back in power, some people would lose their freedom - rather EVERYONE would lose their freedom by submitting to a higher power - and unhappiness would spread. --Pearl Lee

  4. First of all, I'm sort of surprised that people still would consider themselves and call themselves nobles in this day in age. I thought that title had essentially not been used anymore. Anyway I think that these "nobles" should stop using their name and family history to relive the glory days when they were real nobles and there was a king. These "nobles" should just try to be successful in today's society. Also I don't think it really matters that someone changed their name to make it sound more noble. In my opinion, no one should be called a noble. That's like saying someone that is a farmer is a peasant. This terminology is way out of date. We should just use terms like upper class, middle class, lower class, etc.

    Evan S. Period 9

  5. The article states that there are still nobles in France as of today. But it seems like these nobles do not pertain to the same job as they did before the time of the French Revolution. These nobles help the lower classes to rise higher even possibly to their level. This is unlike the old days where they didnt pay any taxes and enjoyed the luxuries they had while the commoners lived a no so simple life, supporting France to their best ability. They are well known and a apart of what they call the ANF, or the Association for the Mutual Assistance. When the king was still in power, he appointed families as nobility families and today these families must prove that their ancestors were nobles. This article is full of information on the ANF and how they choose to progress and expand. This is a new point that we all had thought didn't exist after the revolution so it was interesting to see just how this was still at hand. -krupa patel pd. 9

  6. I feel like the nobles are covering up what they really want from the people which is more money. Like what the article stated, " Around 55% of ANF members find it difficult to be a noble in modern society, he said, quoting a recent poll called ANF 2020." In modern society, the nobles are struggling because there is no established king that manages society. Why should the other people of society help out the nobles? It's unfair because the nobles have many more things than the people lower than them. "'A noble can live in a house with no great historical or aesthetic value,' he said...'My great-grandfather built mine. It has 20 bedrooms and looks like a train station.'" The houses of a noble are huge and they still want more. But just like the kings/higher people, once they have the power they keep wanting more & more. Since the "Friends of ANF" didn't work out, they decided to concentrate on raising its ties with foreign noble associations and local French families.

  7. I don't get why everyone wants to be nobles now. I get it if they wanted to be nobles in the past when social class matter but now i don't see the point to it. Doesn't it take a lot of time to be a noble since you have to find evidence to prove that their family was noble

  8. The problem with modern day nobles is that there aren't any more Kings in France. Nobles in the past served the king, and didn't really have any other jobs besides that. They still stick to this principle of not having a job unless it is related to serving the king, and so they are just wasting their time, looking after a castle. Half the nobles that are claiming that they are, are fakes, so that they don't have to work and they can just collect money from people. These nobles that are just sitting around in castles all day aren't being productive at all, and they aren't helping the french government in any way. They need to be incorporated into the society in a much more influential way if they still want to serve a purpose to France. - N

  9. This article is about the Association for the Mutual Assistance of the French Nobility, or the "ANF". The association aims to gain about six new families a year to their "club" and wish to uphold the prestige of a noble name. They attack those who try to steal a noble name, support noble families with promising youth, and etc. Though my opinion is biased, since I was born and raised in America, I see no need for any "nobility". Every person is created equal, and even the French people had gone through revolution because of inequality, and they still have people who want to say that they're better than other families because their ancestors did something special. However, may this nobility issue be a cultural standing, then I cannot really reject it. Otherwise, I do not really see any need for nobles. Especially since nobles find it wrong to have a job, or in other words, find it wrong to have to work for their own lives, instead of leisurely getting whatever they want because of their last name. This article was informing, I just don't agree with most of it's points. ,Daniel Lang Pd. 9

  10. If I was in a situation like the nobles in present day France I would feel the same way to. Long ago when all the nobles were high in power and rich, owning massive amount of property with its modern world today it is reasonable that they are left behind and frequently forgotten. However since there is no more monarchy in France, shouldn't nobles take care of their own situation? I understand and it is very generous of the ANF to help them out but since it is present day and people do have freedom they should be able to support themselves. I think they should be treated like an other people in France and anywhere else. If they can't afford their lifestyle then you need to readjust your circumstances. So my feelings about this article is very neutral. I find I could make two opposing arguments with this topic.
    E. Park period 9

  11. In my opinion, I feel that this article sounds ridiculous. The author of this article makes the nobles seem so innocent and helpless. Nobles happen to come from very wealthy families and did not even have to pay a dime of taxes during the Three Estates Era. The line "We have to carry the values of the nobility, set an example and prove [to be] irreproachable" is so sickening, as it makes it sound as if the nobles have such a hard job to do. Living a privileged life, where as there are millions of other people in this world that struggle to do much more difficult tasks then these French nobles. Additionally, the line "Every year the association doles out around €200,000 (around $270,000) to noble families, mostly in scholarships, and offers moral support to those feeling the pinch" is outrageous, as it makes them sound dirt poor. They are receiving $270,00 from associations, on top of whatever money they have. A real tough life? Yeah, right. -Daniel Sang

  12. this article did not spark my interest but i think the reason the nobles are saying this is because they once again want a king. JL

  13. Compared to the time period during the French Revolution, the nobles are leading a not so luxourious life. This article tells us that it is not easy to be a noble in modern france becuae there is no king and they're liiving in poverty. People, such as the ANF are trying too help these nobles climb up the social ladder again. I think that the ANF is doing a good thing for the nobles but a part of me feels that we should just let them be sort of like the "third estate" during the French Revolution as a sort of payback ...
    -Shobha Tewani World Hisotry 10 Pd.9

  14. the author of the article says that it is hard to be a noble in france. there is a lot of responsablitlies as a noble. people look up to them for mutual assistance. they also have a king that doesnt know what he is doing. -samir licul

  15. This is not at all related to the the past during the french revolution, yes it may resemble it but it is nowhere close to being like it. The article says that the people that are in the highest class now are trying t help the people that are in the lower classes and are trying to do everything in their power to help. They say they need a king but they do not know what it would be like under a king and that is why it is so easy for them to say we need this. With a king they would all loose their rights to be free and with out the rights they wouldn't be able to do all the good they are doing now.
    S.N. prd 9

  16. Nobles who once ruled over France have now assimilated into the working class French society. The reason behind this degeneration of the noble family is simple: they are no longer needed in French society. Historically it was considered, as the author mentioned, “un-noble” to work (any kind of work) in a French society, so nobles, wanting to maintain their status, felt there was absolutely no need to be trained in useful skills that are needed for a society to function. Their role was merely to sit back and make sure all the other workers in the society functioned accordingly. During the age when Nobility thrived, nobles could live a very comfortable, affluent life, despite the fact that they were absolutely useless figureheads to the society. Then, the king was overthrown. Nobles who once need not lift a finger to get by, were now harshly tossed into the cruel world of the “commoners”—a world where luck was not something one was born with; it was something one had to earn. Being so accustomed to their nonchalant, lazy lifestyles though, the Nobles were unable to adapt to the new ways of life and there for, generation after generation they have degenerated to middle class, sometimes even lower middle class. The problem with this is that the government is still trying to help the “nobles” by creating these social programs dedicated to getting the nobles back on their feet. All this money is wasted in trying to help a group of lazy, unproductive, useless people regain their high status, or at least reach the upper middle class. They haven’t benefited the society in anyway shape or form for quite a while, so why should the society try to help them? They are a burden to the society, and if I were a noble, I would disclaim my nobility and try to make my own luck, instead of waiting around for the government to give me handouts.

    Merilyn Chang
    Pd. 9

  17. Nobles please who uses that ridiculous term nowadays, i mean its horrendous and way out of its date. Yeah i'm a noble customer because i go to burger king alot. You should earn the status of being a noble ( a rich/high classed person)You should be willing to work for it and climb the rugged ladder of life. Instead of inheriting nobility, you as a normal citizen, should try to become a noble who is a giving and selfless person. If these nobles can afford to live in a grandoise/ luxorious castle than move into a house that you can afford! That house will still probably be as big as 5 houses combined! like seriously, you don't have to take on a load of dirt upon your back. You don't need an organization paying you money for doing nothing, like 270k. get out of here. This is a form of tyranny- the intellect

  18. Nobles are a thing of the past. There life is worse than what it was back then for a reason. Thats because the world had changed. Things are different now that Monarchy doesnt have a strong grip as it used to. Now its all about democracy and Republics and abolishing Dictatorship. If you want to be a noble in today's world, being rich would be a good place to start instead of using your family tree as a way to be treated better. Kevin An- period 9

  19. After reading this article I was very suprised to know the first estate still existed. I dont think nobles still exist or can even be called nobles since there is no king above them so technically there is no one to ordain them as nobles. I think that some nobles arent even considered nobles in society and they need to take up the responsibilities of a noble or they cannot call themselves nobles -PC pd.9

  20. this article is talking about the remaints of the nobility in France. Since there is no king, it is hard to keep regulated the actual nobles and the fake ones and it is hard to know what new nobles are next in line. Some nobles live in poverty, unaware of their noble ties.
    -Danielle C, period 9

  21. This article is ridiculous. Actually, this entire idea is ridiculous. The nobles want to help working nobles stop working? There is no logic in that. The nobles with money should be helping out the poor people. They should help out the people that are suffering instead of the people that can support there family. America has no nobility system, (or one like France's) but people that have less money than French "Nobles" donate to poor people. This article depicts the French nobles as spoiled, segregated, and one minded. They want to help there fellow nobles, but it might not be the right thing.
    -Russell Hu pd 9

  22. The role of a noble, and even a current noble, in france is quite stuck up. Count Dominique de Causans says that the nobles must be irreproachable. He is saying that the nobles are impeccable, but we all know that nobody is perfect. Also, further contributing to why I say that the nobles are stuck up is that the nobles believe that they should not have to work. Many nobles have struggled because they would rather be jobless and keep their pride then work and live good lives.
    Although I have criticized the current nobles a good deal, I want to compliment them for staying in the race. It must have been hard for them to be nobles with no king around, but they wanted to keep France's old way of life around. Without them, the only way to see France's old way of life is through the textbooks.

    -Joe T.

  23. I don't really understand why they want to keep their title alive when their job is pointless and unable to be fulfilled. Nobility were usually there to serve the king and being rich was the perk. Now there is no king, so there should be nobility and I don't understand why it isn't just that simple. Of course they are going to be on hard times when they try to avoid working and have to try and afford a castle on a salary, if they just sell the stupid estates they could afford to live pretty nicely for quite awhile.
    -Zeeshan Lakhaney

  24. After reading this article it is clear to me that that Count de Rafdin's statement "The problem with France is that there is no king" is completely correct. Without having a king, France has fallen off the social ladder and is in desperate need to climb back on. None of the nobles of France are interested in stepping up to the plate and taking care of France since 1870. Therefore it will remain the way it is now. Though today these nobles "as they call themselves" have witnessed the tax increases, financial crises, and farming revenues that have struck France yet the people of this country still don not have anyone at their head of power. While as many as 600 of these noble families have disappeared, some are still carrying a financial burden of old castles from their ancestors. Attempts to fix this problem have been made but under the strict restrictions of the king only certain people of great nobility are allowed to join the ANF. The many problems of France are tilting back and forth of the middle of the social ladder either France will completely fall of and will continue to have such problems or people need to step up and fix them to stay on. - Nikita farhadi
